
Wednesday 17 January 2018

MC1 Robots 05

Last year I backed a Kickstarter ran by Mega Miniatures for a whole load of 28mm scale robot figures. My main reason for getting them was to use in my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. As it happens, I need these figures for another game - my The Ace of Spades Campaign that I'm running on my WOIN blog. These will play a major part in the campaign's second scenario, Alien Base, which I'll be posting soon.
Another reason for backing this Kickstarter, was that Johnny Lauck, who ran Mega Miniatures was closing down the company in late 2017. Whilst he was planning to sell many of his moulds to other companies, I didn't want to miss out on the chance of getting so many great robot figures for a decent price whilst they were on offer. Plus I've always found Johnny to be very friendly to deal with, having made numerous purchases from him in the past.
These six robots were listed as Large Tracked War Bots and they are multi-part kits with each one comprising seven parts - two tracks, lower body, upper body, head and two arms.
All of the lower bodies are identical. The tracks were split into left side and right side. There was an option for buying Bipedal War Bots that came with legs instead of the tracks but I much preferred the tracked versions. The upper bodies came in two versions and there were three types of head.
In addition, this set came with 13 different weapon arms, so you can immediately see there is loads of room for customisation. The weapon that I omitted was a huge cannon, about two inches long that just looked vastly over-sized on these robots. Each one stands roughly 30mm tall.
I painted them in Foundry Storm Green 27 to give them the look of military combat robots. In the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game, they would be classed as Combat Droids. I have covered the stats for them in an earlier post. These figures will fit in perfectly in a Judge Dredd game and should provide very tough opposition for a force of Judges.
In my N.E.W. scenario, Alien Base, I need 24 of these as defenders of the base. However, they are split up onto the four different levels of the base and so six should be sufficient for me to use at one time. If I do need all 24 at once then things have gone catastrophically wrong for my crew!
I end with an overhead group shot of the six robots. I think they are fantastic little models and I look forward to using them. I do hope that some other company acquires the moulds for them and gets them into production once more. This set of six models cost me $50.00.


  1. Excellent collection of war bots, and great choice of colour scheme which REALLY makes them look 'businesslike' :-)
    Their heads make them look very at home in "2000AD" style games, but their overall appearance will still make them fit seamlessly into other genres.
    Great find Bryan!

    1. Very much appreciated, Greg. I can just imagine Carlos Ezquerra drawing them in a Judge Dredd strip. They look like his creations to me.

  2. Those look great Bryan. Like the color.

    1. Many thanks, Major. They certainly suit this colour scheme very well.

  3. Nice robots Bryan, the colour choices and weapon choices all look good

    1. Thank you kindly, Dave. It was fun working out what weapon combos worked best.

  4. Very, very nice indeed, Bryan. Great choice in colour scheme, and they look just the business, very reminiscent of the robots which Dredd encountered in his final push across the Cursed Earth :-)

    Personally though I'm steering clear of Kickstarters these days, having lost the will to live with "Rail Raiders", and think "Resident Evil II" and "Spitfyre" will be my last. Hopefully your "Rail Raiders" has now arrived though?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Yes, I remember the scene with the robots led by General Blood 'n' Guts when Dredd crossed the Cursed Earth many years ago. Classic!

      Kickstarters are usually worth backing, in my opinion. There are more good ones than bad ones but the bad ones probably make a more lasting impression. SPM have lost an awful lot of goodwill with the way it has handled its Kickstarter projects. Sadly, I am still waiting for my copy of "Rail Raiders" to arrive! Don't get me started on "Super Dungeon Explore!" :-( GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. N eat models Bryan! Your green scheme gives them an almost military appearance. Good choice for rogue AIs and oppressive rbots across the board. Something like them would be perfect for a PA game like This is Not a Test. A little bit Fallout but not too much. Maybe some Gamma World in there.

    1. Many thanks, HP. The military green colour scheme was a deliberate choice and it sure does work well for them. I do agree that they could be used in so many games.

  6. More MC goodness. While not directly intended for Judge dredd they fit in very nicely. totally suitable (if you choose) for "Cursed Earth" exploits.

    1. Thank you, Clint. I can think of many uses for them in a Judge Dredd setting, but most certainly, the Cursed Earth is one of them.

  7. These are super minis dude, absolutely brilliant!

    1. Cheers, Andy. They are rather cool, I think.

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