
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Vampifans Views 103 - Monthly Musings 74

It has been another very busy month for me. My mum's funeral went very well - the sun shone on the day and it was quite mild for February; the church service was very beautiful and well attended. Everything went so well, and I'm sure my mum will have been delighted with the send off she received. God bless her.

Now that life has returned to normal, I start off with a portrait of Vampirella painted by Miguel Sanjulian, who painted many of the front covers of the original Vampirella Monthly Magazine produced by Warren Publishing, which ran from September 1969 until March 1983. Over the next few months I'll be showing more of this talented artist's work. I do love the idea of Vampirella being the queen of hearts. On a related note, earlier this month, I received a Vampirella tarot deck of cards that I'd ordered. I'm not into tarot at all, but I did think they were a cool memento to have. Sanjulian's artwork appears on a number of the cards, which all feature artwork from the Warren Publishing series of front covers.

On the hobby front, the game that is taking up so much of my time is Necromunda. This new version has me very excited. I have only just finished painting my new plastic Eschers and they look fantastic. Expect a review very soon. I only recently received some new stuff that I'd pre-ordered including the new plastic House Orlock gangers. See picture to the right. Note this picture was taken from the Games Workshop webstore and these are not my painted figures. I'm probably going to go for a similar colour scheme but I haven't fully decided yet. I won't be basing them on the "official" Necromunda bases but on MDF bases instead.
I also received the new set of Zone Mortalis gaming tiles called Badzone Delta-7. This boxed sets adds nine new double-sided tiles to the game that are fully compatible with the ones found in the boxed starter set. These offer new perils and challenges to your Underhive battles. Rules for them can be found in the Gang War 2 supplement, which I also bought. This book also covers the rules for the House Orlock gang, hiring bounty hunters, hive scum and/or hangers on, making it an essential purchase if you plan on expanding your games.

Speaking of Bounty Hunters and Hive Scum, my willpower failed me and I ordered the Hired Guns Collection set of four figures from Forge World. They were very pricey (£38 for all four) but really gorgeous figures. I relented because I really wanted that figure of bounty hunter Yolanda Skorn, formally of House Escher, shown at the front. The beastman at the back is a large and impressive multi-part figure called Gor Half-horn. He is also a bounty hunter. The other two are both hive scum, Grub Targeson aka Lumpy Nox at the left and Mad Dog Mond at the right. These are all resin cast figures. The detailing on them is very impressive. Once again, these are not my painted figures.

I have ordered 200 rare earth magnets to attach to the sides of my Zone Mortalis scratchbuilt walls and columns, acting upon Vagabond's excellent suggestion. However, they are coming from China and delivery time is an estimated four weeks, so I'm in for a bit of a wait. It can't be helped. I have also been buying some Warhammer 40,000 scenery items to use in Necromunda and other games, but not from Games Workshop. Companies like Element Games and Wayland Games offer considerable discounts, usually 20% off GW's prices. I have bought from both companies and found them very reliable. I'll show what I got when I paint them.

I do like to have a few projects on the go at any one time, just so I don't get bored and I am still forging ahead with my other two passions - Weird Wild West and my N.E.W. campaign. Last year I backed the Tombstone Kickstarter run by Black Scorpion Miniatures. I ordered all of the figures that were on offer and they arrived at the start of this month. This consisted of 7 gangs of 15 figures plus assorted add-ons, so that's well over 100 figures to paint. Gulp! Some folk are put off by them because they are made of resin, but I have never had any problems with any of the resin figures I have ordered. The sculpts are up to Black Scorpion's usual high standards. I did not order the rulebook as I already have three sets of Wild West/Weird West rulebooks - Dracula's America, Shadows of Brimstone and Six Gun Sound. I don't really need another set. I did, however, get a free PDF copy of the Tombstone rulebook and whilst they look okay, there is nothing new in them that isn't covered in my other three rulebooks. On my painting desk at the moment are yet more Shadows of Brimstone figures and Dracula's America figures.

As for N.E.W. I'm pleased to announce that I have begun the second scenario of my The Ace of Spades Campaign on my WOIN blog, called Alien Base. You can check out part 1 here -
If you like narrative driven scenarios, you should enjoy this one. My The Ace of Spades Campaign concentrates more on the characters and the story than on dice rolls and rules. The first scenario ran to an impressive 16 parts, but I don't think the second scenario will run quite as long. If you'd like to read them in chronological order, I collected them all together on this page here -
I am still making scenery items from my Battle Systems Sci-fi 2 terrain sets and they really add so much to the look of my scenarios. On the figure front, I have just finished painting a bunch of North Star 28mm scale Rogue Stars figures to use in my campaign. I also found some more robots to use in my Alien Base scenario that were freebies I received from Johnny Lauck but had somehow overlooked. The actual aliens from Alien Base were converted and painted months ago but I'm keeping them secret until it is time to reveal them in the scenario. I am also rebasing and in some cases, repainting some of my old 28mm scale sci-fi figures that I used in my first two The Ace of Spades Campaigns. You wouldn't believe just how many sci-fi figures I have!

So, there is lots to keep me busy. March will be another month heavily influenced by Necromunda  posts on this blog, and by my Alien Base scenario on my WOIN blog. I hope this cursed winter weather isn't making your lives too miserable. Personally I HATE snow with a deep passion. I didn't ask for it and I don't want it! The sooner it goes, the happier I'll be.


  1. Good to hear the funeral went well, and life is settling down for you now Bryan.
    This months musings show your back to a large undertaking with all these new miniatures to paint up, look forward to seeing them on your blogs

    1. Thank you so kindly, Dave. If ever you can say a funeral was good, this one most certainly was.
      Life goes on and I'm really throwing myself into my hobby, which in times like these is a godsend.

  2. Well firstly, let me say how pleased I am for you that your mother's funeral went so well for you, Bryan. That's really great to hear. I wasn't aware that "Badzone Delta-7" was different to the original boards, so I'll be scanning to see whether I can pick up a set of them. They strike me as being good(ish) for "Heroclix" too?

    1. That is very kind of you, Simon. It was a such a relief that the funeral passed so smoothly.
      "Badzone Delta-7" is a great set of tiles that could be usable in many games. "Heroclix" most certainly would work well with them.

  3. I'm glad everything went well for your mums send off Bryan, and I'm in awe of the size of the projects you're working on.
    I have to say, I'm very much looking forward to seeing some Weird West AAR's :-)
    Another excellent "Monthly Musings" post as we move into March - just where has the time gone ?!

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Greg.
      Both normal Wild West and Weird West batreps are something I have been itching to do in 28mm scale for many years. Hopefully, 2018 will be the year I finally get round to doing it. I bought a load of 4Ground Wild West scenery items and buildings from Colonel Bill's in their Christmas sale, and as soon as they get made I'll be ready to start, although I might start small as Vagabond is doing in his excellent Little Whiskey campaign and watch my town grow.

  4. I'm glad all went well with the funeral it's never a goood time. I would like to join you on the Necromunda trip but funds are scarce at the moment and in is in full swing.

    1. Thank you so much, Phil. I can fully sympathise with you not being able to afford the new "Necromunda" stuff. There is a lot of stuff I'd like to buy but I have to be selective in my choices.

  5. Hi Bryan - as everyone has said, I'm pleased things went well with the funeral, it's always hard but I think there is a lot of comfort to be gained from the others who are there with you.

    Well it looks like you will be busy with everything you have on the stocks. I am very much looking forward to the western town and games you have planned and hope to see that sooner rather than later but it does seem to be in a big queue they are in.

    I hope the magnets work out well, but I know you will have thought it through, so I have no fear there.

    The Black Scorpion figures sound like they get your seal of approval, I did look at them but decided that I would get a few once they were on general release, there is a set of 4 women, 2 with daft hats and big guns that I like the look of. I was disappointed there were no civilians, but that's probably quite a niche market, most gamers want killers rather than decorations.

    With the Necromunda figures, are they a new set of rules, I did download the old set from G.W. a while ago before they cleaned up their site and got rid of a lot of the useful stuff that you didn't have to pay for, but I've still not got round to reading them, every time I tried I fell asleep. Mind you reading most rules tend to have that effect on me.

    1. Thank you so much for such lovely comments, John. At the funeral, everyone was so kind and respectful. It made the event so much more bearable.

      The Wild West games are in the queue but very near the front, so fingers crossed we won't have to wait too long.

      I ordered the magnets from Amazon after reading so many good reviews of them. I don't mind the wait for them to arrive from China.

      The Black Scorpion female faction is an absolute corker and are well worth picking up when they go on general sale. Black Scorpion do make some excellent civilian types in their normal Tombstone range.

      Yes, this latest incarnation of Necromunda does have entirely new rules. Much has changed from the original rules but it still feels familiar, if you know what I mean.

      John, I've been meaning to nudge you in the direction of my "The Ace of Spades" campaign, as I suspect it is something you'd enjoy reading. Just a hint, mind you, not a command!
      All the best, mate.

    2. I did read your musings and thought hummm that looks interesting. I've sort of being ignoring it a bit because I'm spending way too much time on this blogging business as it is, but I suspect you are right, I will enjoy it. ;-)

    3. I fully understand, John. Time is such a precious commodity. That said, following other people's blogs is something I greatly enjoy doing and I always feel it is time well spent.

  6. So glad to hear that the funeral went well, we always hope for the best went we send off a loved one. As for the miniatures looks like you have plenty to keep you occupied over the coming month (years in fact). I need to go and check up on you Ace of Spades campaign (along with lots of other stuff), playing catch up as fast as I can.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Roger. I am really pleased that I have so many hobby projects to fill my spare time. It helps keeps me sane and means I'm never bored.

  7. Glad your mum had a nice send off. Lots of cool plans for Necromunda. Looking forward to seeing it all appear here.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I'm incredibly enthusiastic about the new "Necromunda" game, so lots to come in the near future.

  8. I'm glad to hear things went well for the funeral. I hope life returns to normal for you, or at least a new normal.

    I can't believe how much stuff you have on your desk! It reads like a well stocked game store. Plenty of hobby stuff to keep you busy!

    1. Thank you very much Nobody667. To be honest, my bedroom/man cave is just like a well stocked games store! That's a good description! :-)

  9. We've found that the darkest times after the loss of a loved one can be after the funeral, when all the friends and family have gone home and returned to their own lives. Just remember that we're always here.

    So many figures and games! I don't even know where to begin...

    1. I very much appreciate your words of wisdom, Hugh. Thank you so much for your understanding and compassion.

  10. I am not sure I like the new Orlocks. Still to make up my mind. Very unlikely I will buy them though as I still have enough of the old ones.

    Other than that a very difficult day a funeral I am very glad it went without a hiccup for you. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I must admit that I fell in love with the new Orlocks as soon as I saw them. They are chunkier than the old sculpts but none the worse for that.

      Again, thank you for being such a good friend.

  11. I can’t add much more that hasn’t been said Bryan, I’m glad your mums send off went well, it’s important that we make peace with the passing of a loved one and a good send off is a step in the right direction mate.

  12. That sounds like a nice funeral for your mum mate.

    Good that you've got lots on. It looks like March is going to be a cracking month for you.

    1. Many thanks, Tim. Yes, March is gearing up to be another great month for me. I certainly hope so.
