
Saturday 10 March 2018

Necromunda: House Escher Gangers 02

Following on from last week's well received post about my original House Escher gang for Necromunda, I now turn my attention to my latest Escher gang, made up of the ten multi-part plastic figures found in the new boxed starter set. I didn't encounter any problems in making them. Some people have complained that they are too fiddly and I can see that that might be the case for some, but I actually enjoyed making them. Once that was done, I painted them all. The default name for them was the Carrion Queens, which I almost used but seeing as I went for a totally new colour scheme I named them the Pink Pouncers instead.
At the far left is Black Friday, my limited edition Escher ganger that I procured from TT Combat. I did show her in a previous post but she has undergone a few slight changes to her paint scheme. I have given her a white face and changed the colour of her knee-pads from silver to pink. She is armed with a Sawn-Off Shotgun and a Power Sword. Her white face makes her look even more like Harley Quinn, which is deliberate.
For the rest of the gang I have given them the names assigned to them by Games Workshop. In the centre of this trio is Jelena, the gang's leader. She is armed with a Combi-Bolter and Needle Rifle and a Shock Whip. She wears Flak Armour, as do all of this gang. This gives a 6+ save but grants a 5+ save against weapons that use the Blast template.
At the far right is Tumala, a Champion who is armed with a "Nightshade" Chem Thrower and a Stiletto Knife. She is the gang's heavy weapons specialist.
At the far left, Marika is also a gang Champion. She is armed with a Plasma Pistol and a Stiletto Knife plus Choke Gas Grenades and Krak Grenades.
Next to her is Rhosinn, who is armed with a Las Pistol and a Power Sword plus Choke Gas Grenades.
Next in line is Zarann, who is armed with a Las Pistol and a Stiletto Knife plus Choke Gas, Frag and Krak Grenades.
At the far right is Nokomi, who wields a pair of Las Pistols and has a Stiletto Knife in a scabbard at her right side as well as Choke Gas Grenades.
Moving on, is Olina, who is armed with an Autogun Rifle, a Stiletto Knife, Choke Gas Grenades and Frag Grenades.
Orange-haired Reina is armed with a Lasgun Rifle, a Stiletto Knife, Choke Gas Grenades and Frag Grenades.
Brae, who is second from the right, is only armed with a Lasgun Rifle and Choke Gas Grenades.
Finally, is Kaiya, who is carrying a Lasgun Rifle and a Stiletto Knife.
As a massive fan of House Escher, I have to admit to liking these figures. So much so that I have ordered another boxed set of them so I can expand my gang. There are weapon options on the sprues that were not used here - Grenade Launchers and Shotguns, for example. I still think that the original metal Escher gangers were better but these are not bad at all. These new Eschers are chunkier and more muscular but they do have far greater conversion potential and can be put together in near infinite ways. Now that I have these and my new Goliaths painted up, there is nothing stopping me from getting in a few games, which I'll post up on this blog.


  1. Vampifan, I do think it's the best and also the more original take on the new Eschers I've seen in the web so far! Really loved the pink color and the Kabuki face paint - a really AWESOME touch, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    My own 2000 Escher gang was painted like the Ukiko assassin of the "Kabuki" graphic novels (in red, white and a little black with face paints), so I really appreciate the way you painted your new gang! WELL DONE!!! :O)

    1. Many, many thanks, Edu. The Kabuki face paint effect was exactly what I was going after, plus it fits in so well with my not-Harley Quinn figure. Pink is a hard colour to pull off effectively, but I'm very happy with how these have turned out. They are a complete contrast to my original Escher gang but still, unmistakably, Eschers. I am aware or Ukiko from the "Kabuki" comics and can only imagine how stunning your own gang must have looked.

    2. Vampifan, BTW: take a look at this early Escher concept called "Space Amazon" with furs and everything, from a 1988 Citadel Miniatures add in WD:

      The add page:


    3. Aha, I recognise her. She's Corisande Gothique from my first Escher gang, Catherine's Cut-throats.

  2. BTW: there's a contemporary term (that I can't recall right now) used when school girls in Japan cut and sew into their clothes pieces of plush toy animals - more or less the effect you've achieved with your gangers' "pelts"! :O)

    1. Well spotted, Edu. Not only the pelts, but also many of them sport furry animal tails as adornments. You can see one most clearly on the front view of Kaiya on her right side in front of her knife. Most of the gang have them but they're kind of hard to spot.

  3. Wow! Simply Wow... what a cracking set of minis, with Black Friday being the stand-out piece, imho. That blue/white/pink contrast you've achieved is superb, Bryan. Lots to spot and admire on these gals :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. As soon as I saw the figure of Black Friday I thought of Harley Quinn, so I simply had to do her justice with my paintwork.

  4. Nicely done Bryan, as you mention the new models seem more muscular and bulky, perhaps they've found a stash of steroids since they're last incarceration

    1. Thanks, Dave. I reckon you could be right or perhaps there's something that has been pumped into the water supply. In Necromunda that is always happening! Or maybe, they just work out more. :-)

  5. Beautiful work Bryan, a real joy to behold! these are some of the best painted mini's I think you've had on your blog for a while, and I do love the Harley look-a-like you can't have to many Harleys!

    I do have to agree with you, that I think the original figures were slightly better (imho) but you really have done a first rate job on these.

    Cheers Roger

    1. Much appreciated, Roger. Harley rocks, doesn't she? Thanks for the kind words. I do think the original Eschers were slightly better but these models are still worth purchasing, I believe.

  6. Those mime style faces are very effective, I may have to pinch that idea.

  7. These girls sure know how to make a fashion statement, wow.

    The Kabuki faces are an inspired choice, an idea well worth copying, I did it once on a geisha but that's expected, never thought to transfer the idea to anything else:O well done.

    1. Many thanks, John. Please do copy my Kabuki faces idea. That's what this hobby is all about - getting inspiration from others.

  8. Echo all the comments above, including preferring the original versions but these are very good. Nice one

    1. Cheers, Andy. I think most people agree that the original Eschers were better but I still like these new sculpts a lot.

  9. Fabulous looking gang Bryan, and having read all the comments I'm sadly at a loss to add anything original other than "I love 'em"
    Believe it or not, I've only just 'discovered' Harley Quinn and your proxie is top notch!

    I've heard reports of 'scale creep' with these new mini's - can they be used alongside average sized 28mm figures?
    I know you're the best person to ask because of your general attitude to variations in height / stature ;-)

    1. You're too kind, Greg. I'm not a big fan of the whole DC universe, but I make an exception for Harley Quinn, who is so outrageously lovable, even if she is a villain. Margot Robbie as Harley in the recent "Suicide Squad" film just stole the show for me.

      Yes, there is a bit of scale creep going on with GW but these still fit in well with other 28mm scale figures. However, do bear in mind that they are all wearing ridiculous high-heeled boots and their hair-does add a lot their height. In the case of Jelena, the leader, I reckon one third of her height is hair!

  10. Replies
    1. No doubt said through gritted teeth, but I do appreciate your comment, Clint! :-)

  11. Love the name and the colour scheme. The White face paint theme is a nice touch and suits them.

  12. I felt compelled to comment on the great colour scheme. The white faces are a great idea and make for a great look visually. Really great imagination. I have been boring and painted mine in the yellow armour scheme GW use! Like you I have a real soft spot for Jes Goodwin's original sculpts which are still outstanding, but do like the new figures.

    1. Many thanks, Undercoat. I knew that when I got the new "Necromunda" game that I wanted all of my gangs to look different to the colours of my original gangs, which were based on the colour schemes chosen by the Games Workshop painters. The original Eschers were certainly amongst Jes Goodwin's best work.
