
Monday 23 April 2018

Necromunda Scenery 01

I have finished painting all of the scenery items that I got with the Necromunda starter boxed set. In this post, I'm showcasing the smaller items. The doors and barricades will appear in a later post. Without further ado, here they are.
You get four crates in the set and they have been very cleverly designed. They are double-sided with separate lids. On one side, two of the crates are loaded with guns, and another two are filled with ammo. The guns in the crates are identical, as are the two ammo crates. I painted the guns in different colours for some variety. I have placed a lid on top of one of the ammo crates to show what it looks like in situ.
The reverse side of the crates are blank, as shown by the crate at the far right. However, you do have the option of adding booby traps to them. From left to right are a Frag Grenade trap, a Melta Bomb trap and a Gas Bomb trap. The only way to find out what is in a crate is to open it. I like this element of uncertainty, although if you're using booby traps, you should know where you've placed them.
At the far left are a pair of door terminals, used for locking or unlocking doors. The set comes with four of these terminals. To show that a door is locked, they can be placed on both sides of a door or only one side, thus making it very secure. I have stuck my terminals onto 20mm diameter MDF bases.
The scenery item second from the right is a gang relic. A gang relic always belongs to one gang or the other; if the scenario has an attacker and a defender, the relic belongs to the defender. Add 2 to the Cool and Leadership checks for fighters while they are within 6" of a gang relic owned by their gang. I stuck my relic on a 20mm diameter slottabase.
Finally, at the far right is the beast's lair. Only one of these will ever appear in a scenario, and then only if it is part of the scenario. The beast can attack any fighter who starts or ends a move within 6" of it. The beast is very fearsome indeed. It attacks with Strength 6, AP -2, Damage 3 and has the Knockback trait, originating from its centre. Fighters can attack it but must subtract 2 from their to hit rolls. The beast has Toughness 4 and 3 Wounds. If its wounds are reduced to 0 it is removed from play.
Although designed for use with Necromunda, I see no reason why these items couldn't be used in other games.


  1. Marvellous stuff, Bryan, with lots of fiddly details clearly being picked out. The Tentacle is particularly nice - I do wish there were a few more in the set - but they're all fun-looking additions to "Necromunda".

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I think the numbers you get are fine but certainly more would be nice. I'd like to have more door terminals.

  2. I guess that simple doorknobs aren't futuristic enough :-) . All of these items look very nice and will be immediately useful, I'm sure.

    1. Cheers, Hugh. The doors can be opened and closed by pushing a button at the side of the door but these terminals are used only for locking or unlocking the doors. But, yes, simple doorknobs aren't futuristic enough. :-)

  3. Nice job Bryan they be useful in lots of things :)

    1. Absolutely right, Frank. There are a few games I'll be using them in.

  4. Gangs with reliquaries? Well that's a new one on me. Whatever next gangs with portable alters? Still if it fits the scenario why not I suppose. I do like the door switches and can one ever have enough chests. Beasts lair...... well I suppose so but a bit to predictable in the sculpt. However all painted very well and will look good on the table. Well done sir.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I must admit, I too, was surprised to see a reliquary as a gang's relic. In my next post I'll be showing alternative relics. I also like the door terminals and yes, the beast lair is predictable but I don't mind it too much.

  5. Lovely painting and some very useful additions to the game. I especially like the tentacled monster which reminds me of the one in the garbage compactor in Star Wars episode 4. How it got from the Death Star to Necromunda I have no idea.

    1. Good point about the trash compactor monster from "Star Wars", Phil. I guess they must breed all over the galaxy!

  6. I really need to get a set of this. Really nice work here Bryan. Those consoles are perfect, and that tentacle!

    1. Cheers, mate. It is well worth getting hold of. I can only imagine the uses you might have for these items.

  7. Very nicely painted scenery pieces Bryan, could see lots of uses for these

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. It is a versatile set.

  8. Very nice stuff Bryan, and I can see you getting a lot of use out these items, I think the crates are my favourite pieces, lovely painting on all the pieces as we've come to expect from you.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you so kindly, Roger. The crates are just so useful and are my favourite pieces as well.

  9. Very nice pieces, the tentacle is a blast! :O)

  10. Nice collection of terrain items and a mouth watering glimpse of what's to come in your Necromunda postings Bryan :-)

    1. Many thanks, Greg. I still have lots more "Necromunda" articles to post, including batreps.

  11. Nice work, Bryan. I've got these in my painting queue. I'm interested to see your alternative gang relics.

    1. Cheers, Barks. I plan on posting the alternate gang relics in the next day or two, so you won't have too long to wait.

  12. All sorts of goodness here, as you said they are mainly multi use items so all good to have.

    1. Absolutely right, John. I do like sets like this that have multiple uses in a variety of games.
