
Wednesday 9 May 2018

Dead Man's Hand Civilians 01

Anyone interested in playing Wild West games in 28mm - 32mm scale, can't have failed to notice just how many companies cater to this range. There are lots! 😊 My favourites are Black Scorpion, Flying Frog Productions, North Star and Reaper. I have just started collecting figures from the Knuckleduster Miniatures 32mm Gunfighters' Ball range and I like them so much, I want them all! I tend to favour the larger scale figures but I am quite happy to mix and match 32mm scale figures with 28mm scale figures. Last month, I purchased some furniture items and civilian figures from the Dead Man's Hand 28mm scale range, and it is these civilians I want to showcase here.
These three figures are from the Civilian Bank Figures Set and have been designed for use with the 4Ground Bank, although there is no reason why you couldn't use them with any other bank you have. The female included in this set could be a secretary working at the bank or, more likely, is a customer.
The two males are obviously bank staff. The elderly gentleman in the centre is holding a large book, probably an accounts ledger. The younger male at the right is surrendering, no doubt the victim of a bank robbery. I have yet to name any of these characters and the 4Ground Bank is still on my shopping list, but it is a model I will definitely be buying. This set of three figures costs just £5.00.
This next set is the Civilian Bar Staff Set, or more specifically, Rogan's Bar Staff. Rogan's Bar is another 4Ground model, and I do have it made and painted, which is the main reason I particularly wanted this set. Yet again, you could use any appropriate figures to replace these three, but I was happy to use these "officially" produced miniatures.
At the far left is Cathie "Cat" Rogan, the daughter of the bar's original owner, Jim Rogan, who was murdered 10 miles out of town a few years ago. No one knows who killed him or why, but they hadn't counted on Cat being so determined to make a success of the bar. Cat is cool, determined and resourceful, with a good head for business. Three years ago, she extended the bar upwards by adding a bunkhouse for travellers to rest overnight. 
The two males are the middle-aged bartender, holding a bottle, and an elderly general assistant who is brushing the floor. I have yet to give them names. This set of figures also costs £5.00 for all three.
This photo, taken from the Dead Man's Hand webstore, shows the three staff members standing outside Rogan's Bar. Note that I have based my figures on 20mm diameter slottabases, for two reasons - one, it gives them a smaller footprint, and seeing as they are in static poses, works well for them, and two, it just gives them a bit more height against my 32mm scale figures.
The third set I bought was the Undertaker's Staff Set. Yet again, these were designed to go with the 4Ground Undertaker's building, which I do have, and it is also made and painted. According to the signs on the building, it belongs to one C.F. Caldwell, so I named the undertaker, standing at the far left, Charles Franklin Caldwell.
In the centre of the trio is the firm's carpenter, who not only makes coffins, but also furniture items as well. At the far right is the firm's young assistant and general dogsbody. I shall name these two in due course. Yet again, this set of figures costs £5.00.
This photo, is also taken from the Dead Man's Hand webstore and shows the three figures inside the Undertaker's building. Here's a link to the webstore -
Whilst not essential purchases, these will help populate my towns and make for useful bystanders and NPCs. They are very well sculpted but note that they are true 28mm scale, which makes them look a bit small when compared to 32mm scale figures. This doesn't bother me, but it might be a concern to some of you. Note that they come with integral metal bases and not slottabases.


  1. A nice range of civilians to populate your town, there are some gems in amongst them, the Undertaker, Cat and the lady in the bank being my favourites.
    It's a bit of a shame that there is such a difference in size between some of the current ranges, but I have some old minifigs and they are really tiny in comparison.
    Looking forward to seeing the town as I know you will have done a good job building it.

    1. Many thanks, John. I agree with your choice of favourites. I have never been bothered by scale differences in figures because in real life, people come in all shapes and sizes.
      I can't wait to show what I have done with my Old West town. It should look quite spectacular and it should appear on my blog real soon. Once I clear my table of my sci-fi scenery for my "The Ace of Spades Campaign" I'll be setting up my Old West town.

  2. Another nice addition to you collection Bryan, you & John above are making it very hard for me to stay away for doing something in the Wild West :(

    1. Much appreciated, Frank, and I can imagine it'll only get harder for you to resist once I show you my Old West town. John has been a huge inspiration to me.

  3. Nice additions Bryan, The range by Great Escape games has a lot to offer, even if it is in true 28 mm

    1. Thanks, Dave. Great Escape Games have proved to be a very useful resource for me.

  4. Quite a range of settlers and civilians. Nicely done. I may have to break out my wild west figures having seen these and feeling inspired!

    1. Thank you kindly, Clint. I would certainly like to see your own Old West figures.

    2. I have no plans at present on playing Old west. But who can tell the future. If I do play Wild west I will definitely show the figures used.

    3. Thanks, Clint, and I do understand. There are only so many games we can play.

  5. Very good NPC's, the carpenter figure would make a good vampire hunter with the addition of a stake or two.

  6. The hobby is certainly blessed when it comes to populating the Wild (and/or Weird) West and these are great examples Bryan :-)
    Totally agree with your reasoning that people ARE a variety of heights and builds, and like you I find that using bases of different thickness helps to "even things out a bit".

    Sounds like your town is almost ready for its debut, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing it :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Greg. When i first started Wild West skirmish gaming in the late 1970's there were very few 25mm scale figures available but lots of 1/32nd scale figures, which is what I opted for. Fast forward to today and there are a staggering amount of figures in the 28-32mm scale range for use in Old West style games.

      My first Old West town will be appearing on my blog next week, all being well.

  7. Gorgeous figs as always Bryan, I like the first three best I think, though the carpenter is also a cracker (and I think will probably be rather busy once the bullets start a flyin'

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. I like all three sets. I do agree with you that the carpenter will be kept very busy.

  8. Very impressive! You've done a great job painting them. I was unaware that there were so many producers of Western minis. I need to get some for myself (need them for Six Gun Sound and High Moon).

    1. Thanks, Major. Seriously, you have loads of choice nowadays when it comes to Wild West gaming. By the way, my first Wild West batrep will be featuring the Six Gun Sound rules and later I plan on showcasing High Moon. Both are excellent games.

  9. I look forward to reading both batreps ;)

    1. Thanks, mate. I hope I don't disappoint you.
