
Friday 19 July 2019

SOTR - German HQ Command

I am going to start a new series of posts showcasing my Secrets of the Third Reich German Infantry. The SOTR rules by West Wind Productions are quite good although I have never played them. I never got round to collecting a second army. So my figures have just languished in a storage box for years until now. I have just started to get into Warlord Game's WW2 game, Bolt Action and plan to also get into their Weird World War 2 game, Konflict 47 sometime in the future. Obviously my SOTR German army will fit in perfectly with Konflict 47 and if I omit the supernatural elements it will also fit in with a Bolt Action force.
I start my review with a look at my HQ Command figures.
First up is my army commander, Colonel Erhard Schilling. He is a very old Ral Partha figure that I bought many, many years ago. He is the only figure in this army not produced by West Wind.
Next to him is his bodyguard and adjutant, Big Bruno Metzger the Butcher. He is sold by West Wind as Big Thug, which is quite appropriate for him.
The black uniform of the figure at the far right indicates he is a member of the Special Weapons Development (SWD) team. SWD devised a means to establish battlefield control over zombies. A radio transmitter can be wired to a former officer or "pinger" who is in a sense "radio controlled" by an SWD operative. Other zombies in the horde within 6" recognise his former status and will follow him where he leads. Accordingly, the zombie horde could move in any direction rather than shambling towards the nearest living enemy.
At the far left is Live Wire. Frau Elli Anselm led an SWD expedition to Antarctica in 1942. What she found there is unknown to any but the highest ranks of the SWD. What is known is that the U-boat sent to rendezvous with her party found her standing alone and naked on an ice shelf with bale fire flickering in her eyes, totally unharmed despite the -40 degree Celsius temperature and the biting wind... or so the awe-stricken sailors believed. None made it back to Germany "alive" so it was no matter. Cattle mutilations and strange lights above the skies of Europe became a common occurrence upon her return. She was called Elli the doppelgänger by some. Others called her Live Wire because of the punishing whips that spouted from her voluptuous form and flayed her enemies. She challenges the Junker elite and even those mighty vampires fear her unearthly infection. What she has become is unspeakable. Elli Anselm is a herald of the Nihl, an alien race and is no longer human.

Frau Tear is widely known to be the most savage of the Junker elite and is thought to be the matriarch of the new breed of German vampires. That she is prolific in her spawning is unquestionable. Her throng of thralls attend her and the inner circle of the SWD elite at Wewelsberg Castle where unspeakable acts occur. Hermann Goering, known for his taste in ostentatious display and debaucherous feasts is often in Frau Tear's company. When she hunts, she does so with an entourage of thralls. Often this is in the form of a foray into enemy held territory to seek hapless victims from the ranks of the enemy. Other times, it is more directly related to matters of importance. The Junker vampires are a sporting bunch who relish the chase and recklessly hunt their prey in the hottest of combat zones for the sheer thrill of it. Tear is no exception. When she feasts, she cries tears of blood. Some speculate that the tears are an outward manifestation of a small spark of humanity that is still buried inside of the monster that she has become.
The vampire with the dagger is Radomir and the vampire at the far right is Davoric, two of Frau tear's thralls.
All of these figures are beautifully sculpted, with my favourites being Frau Tear (obviously!) and Live Wire.


  1. Well that was a bit left field Bryan' cracking looking models & good to see you've found a use for them :)

    1. Many thanks, Frank. I painted these figures and the rest of my SOTR German army quite a few years ago, so with my renewed interest in WW2 gaming (much more about that in my next Monthly Musings) I thought this was as good a time as any to show them off.

  2. Well this should be a corking series of posts, Bryan. I've previously played "Konflict 47" using my "SoTR" minis, so definitely recommend it. The new "Warlord Games" models are very nice, but there's plenty of games to be had recycling your "SoTR" models too. Really looking to future posts on this :-)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. I have only just got into "Bolt Action" but I'm pleased that "Konflict 47" is a follow up set of rules to them, which should make learning their rules and gameplay a lot easier. The one problem (if you can even call it that!) is that Warlord Games produce so many great figures and vehicles for both games.

  3. Interesting bunch of figures, I'll look forward to any games you run with them using the supernatural element. I don't think I'm interested in the specific period but it looks as if the genre will stretch quite a few hundred years, which will be more than interesting.
    I'm a big fan of the West Wind figures, they have lots of character.

    1. Thank you most kindly, John. Naturally I have a keen interest in the WWW2 German army as it contains vampires, werewolves and zombies. My dream army! To be honest, there is not a lot of difference between the West Wind and Warlord Games figures for this entirely fictional period.

  4. Great painting Bryan, and some interesting figures in this group

    1. Many thanks, Dave, and it is wonderful to have you back again. I've missed your comments and posts.

    2. The last week or so was manic, hopefully a more even keel now ! LOL

    3. I can well believe you, Dave. Moving house rarely goes easily.

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