
Monday 9 September 2019

Bolt Action US 101st Airborne HQ

I have mostly been painting figures for my US 101st Airborne (the Screaming Eagles) forces. I'm going to start my reviews with a look at my HQ figures.
At the far left is General George S. Patton, who commanded the 7th Army in the Mediterranean theatre of World War 2, and the US Third Army in France, Belgium and Germany following D-Day, the Allied Invasion of Normandy in June 1944. In Bolt Action the highest ranking officer allowed in army selections is a major, so ranks higher than that are classed as majors for game purposes. I got this figure as a freebie for ordering the Bolt Action Second Edition Rulebook directly from Warlord Games.
Next up is another real life character, Captain Ronald Speirs, a noted officer who served in the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division during late WW2. In the award winning TV mini-series, Band of Brothers he was played by Matthew Settle. Of the officers who commanded Easy Company during the war, he served the longest. He died on 11th of April 2007 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
The two figures to the right are a Medic and a Forward Artillery/Airforce Observer. The Medic is carrying a rolled up stretcher and the FAO is using his radio to call in an artillery barrage or an airstrike.They can operate alone or with one to two assistants.
Moving on are from left to right, a 1st Lieutenant, his adjutant, a 2nd Lieutenant and his adjutant. The 1st Lieutenant is armed with a Pistol, whilst his adjutant is armed with a Thompson SMG. Both the 2nd Lieutenant and his Adjutant are armed with M1 Garand Rifles.
Prior to the invasion of France, front-line officers went through vigorous training with their regiments both in the USA and Britain, although initially many were obviously lacking in combat experience. Such experience came very quickly for all ranks and so US officers may be inexperienced, regular or veteran. Seeing as US Airborne forces are all veteran, my officers for them will also be veteran.


  1. Great work on your US airborne officers and aides Bryan, love the notes on the real officers

    1. Thanks most kindly, Dave. I always like to add extra notes on my named characters, so I'm glad you appreciate them.

  2. Smashing paint work Bryan, I really like Old Blood & Guts, the moment I looked at him I seen Gorge C Scott in the movie :)

    1. Thanks, Frank. My namesake put in an award winning performance and the film won seven academy awards, including Best Actor for Scott. but he controversially turned down the Oscar.

  3. The painting machine continues relentlessly, I wish I had 1/10th of your output Bryan.
    Well done

    1. That is so kind of you, John. If I could bottle and sell my mojo and enthusiasm, I'm sure I could make a fortune. I genuinely love my hobby!

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