
Wednesday 2 October 2019

Bolt Action US Pathfinder Infantry Sections 01

On the plastic sprues for the US Airborne Infantry are two heads with Mohican haircuts. I thought these would be perfect for making a Pathfinder Section. I had enough heads to make two 6-man squads and you can see them below.
This is the 1st Pathfinder squad of the 101st Airborne Division. They are led by an NCO armed with a M3 "Grease Gun" SMG and a machete. Of the other men, one is armed with a Thompson SMG, whilst the other four are armed with M1 Rifles and Carbines.
American pathfinders were not drawn from a dedicated unit in the same way as the British 21st Independent Company, but from the main body of parachute infantry regiments or in some cases, from a battalion level "scout" platoon. The men were chosen on the basis of skill-at-arms, dedication and proven initiative. Pathfinder units could be as small as three 4-man teams and no larger than three 6-man teams. For Bolt Action purposes the latter choice is used. Given their very specific task and high level of training the teams did not really have a command structure as such; every man had a task to perform and knew exactly when and where to carry it out without direction.
The 2nd squad is made up exactly the same as the 1st squad - an NCO and one private armed with SMGs and the rest with Rifles and Carbines. US Pathfinders are classed as veteran units. The stats for them can be found in the campaign supplement Market Garden.
Pathfinders have the following special rule - Exceptional Training. This exceptional level of training and motivation means that Pathfinder teams always use their unmodified morale of 10 for any and all morale-based tests (i.e. order tests, morale checks, tank fear, etc.).


  1. Very nice units Bryan, the use of the mohican heads makes them very distinguishable

    1. Many thanks, Dave. Yes, they are very distinguishable, which is a big help when placing them on the gaming table.

  2. Nice work on them all Bryan. I do love these sculpts.

  3. More marvellous WW2 Bryan, and what a great idea about using the Mohawk heads. Its worked an absolute treat, imho :-)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. I saw photos of Mohawk troops integrated with "normal" troops in the "Armies of the United States" supplement and thought it would be cool to have a squad of just Mohawk troops. When I bought the "Market Garden" supplement, there they were. Serendipity in action :-)

  4. A fearsome looking unit, they'll frighten the enemy without a doubt.

    1. Thanks, Phil. These are tough and scary fighters, so they should scare the enemy.

  5. The US forces are coming on a treat.

    1. They are indeed, John - much better than the Germans!

  6. They look great Bryan & good call on the Mahican heads.

    1. Cheers, Frank. The Mohican heads fit in perfectly for a Pathfinder squad... or two!

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