
Friday 6 December 2019

Bolt Action - German Medium Mortar Team

The standard German medium mortar of WW2 was the 80mm Granatwerfer 34. It was a very effective and accurate weapon that could provide longer range, on-call support. It had a maximum range of 2,400 metres and could maintain a rate of fire of 15-20 rounds per minute.
 It was carried by its crew in three pieces: base plate, tube and bipod.
As with the medium machine gun team, I have based the figures separately to make it easier for removing casualties. This set is produced by Warlord Games as part of their Bolt Action range and the troops are all Panzer Grenadiers.


  1. Great looking mortar team Bryan, surprised no one makes a mortar team urinating on one to cool it off ! LOL

  2. Is that your WW2 Germans done now?

    1. Heck, no, Phil! I've just finished painting 30 more Panzer Grenadiers, a Panzer Mk.IV and three Hanomag half-tracks. I have more tanks and trucks to make and paint and I want to add SS troops and armour. This is very much a long term project with loads more to come for the Germans, Americans and British.

  3. You're roaring through these Germans, Bryan, like a painting version of Hitler's Buzzsaw!!! Impressive work :-)

    1. QUOTE: "A painting version of Hitler's Buzzsaw!" I love it! Many thanks, Simon!

    2. fab quote Simon, very apt too! I wish I had this kind of painting mojo at the moment

    3. It is a great quote, Andy. My painting mojo is nearly always high. I simply enjoy my hobby a lot.

  4. Your out put shows no sign of easing up Bryan :) a fine bit of work & good idea to have them on different bases.

    1. Thanks, mate. It does make life easier for me.

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