
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Project Zeke Miniatures 01

Simon Hunter, the sculptor and man behind Project Zeke Miniatures kindly sent me the first five figures that his new company had produced so that I could review them on my blog, and hopefully generate more sales for him. I promised him I'd do a review as soon as I finished them and last week I did finish painting them. So here they are.
 First up is William, a grizzled veteran Survivor. I liked the way that Simon had painted his version of William but decided not to copy it. Instead I opted for a more military look with a camouflage jacket and army style trousers. He carries a backpack, no doubt full of essential supplies and he is armed with a Bolt-Action Rifle with scope-sight and a makeshift bayonet, which is actually a kitchen knife taped to the gun barrel. I like that bayonet. I can well imagine it is just the sort of thing a post apocalypse survivor would do.
Next up is Young Eddie. This is a limited edition figure. Once he is sold out he will be replaced by Older Eddie, sporting a mustache. I have pretty much copied Simon's colour scheme for Young Eddie. He is armed with a street-sweeper automatic shotgun, a great weapon for taking out lots of zombies... just as long as he doesn't run out of ammo.
The next three figures are security guards for the Prosperity Corporation, hence their PC logos on their right shoulders. The Prosperity Corporation are the bad guys in the ATZ-FFO scenario, High Rise to Hell, a supplement I can highly recommend. There's not much I can say about these guys. Their colour scheme was a no-brainer. Black always works well for security guards dressed like this. They are all armed with Assault Rifles but I must admit that I do not recognise the design of them. They also have holstered pistols on their right hips. Their poses are very similar but I'm okay with that. Their faces are hidden behind balaclavas, to make them look more intimidating. They wear body armour, helmets and protective knee-pads and sturdy boots. I think these are a great set of figures and I hope Simon makes more of them. A leader type would be an obvious choice.
These figures are on the large size for 28mm scale figures. To counter this I stuck them to some of the flat plastic bases I got with the Studio Minis plastic male zombies, rather than on my normal circular slotta-bases. Young Eddie and William cost £2.50 each and the security guards costs £5.50 per set of three. Remember, if you order them before the end of March you get a 10% discount off the price of them. Oh, and one more thing, if you order them all, Simon throws in a set of four assorted backpacks for free. I haven't used mine yet but I'm sure I will.


  1. Great review!
    While I don't support long hair on males (:P), I really like William. The whole idea of him is fantastic.
    He isn't the most realistic (given the bayonet wouldn't help with accurate fire), and if you'd stuck a normal knife into a human body, a vacuum might form and keep i there, but hey - it's zombie apocalypse - the wackier the better. What I think we need is more survivors with melee weapons and this one is, again, a great mixture of both.

    As for the security guys, I think it might be an MP7, which would make sense for a security force. And I have to disagree with the similar poses comment, they are all different, but they really fit together (it's not like one is running, another one kneeling etc) - I really like them! :)

    1. I really liked your comments, Mathyoo. Yes, the idea of taping a kitchen knife to a rifle is wacky but as you say, this is the zombie apocalypse. I think that William is a quite exceptional figure.

      Regarding the Security Guards, at first glance they do look very similar, in my opinion, but the more you look at them the more you notice the differences. Oh, and thanks for identifying the rifles. I have no idea at all what an MP7 looks like but I bow down to your superior knowledge!

    2. Thank you very much for the comments and for a great review, Bryan.

      To confirm, the P-Sec SMGs are indeed based on MP7s...or rather my memory of MP7s from my Rainbow Six: Vegas days. As for distinguishing between them, I must admit that I'm a sucker for models aiming their weapons and wanted that to be a theme with these guys so ensemble they look like they're clearing a street or alley or whatever. Think near the beginning of Resident Evil: Apocalypse when the merc guys are keeping the horde back.

      Regarding the kitchen knife, I can't take all the credit here as I saw it in a recent zombie film. I'll not say which one but on a totally unrelated subject, you should watch World War Z ;-P

    3. Oh, you'll also get a free piece of luggage with each model/set so even single minis come with something.

      There will be more miscellaneous items coming soon as freebies and the luggage/backpacks will be coming out soon as a stand alone set too.

    4. Simon, thanks for confirming that the rifle is an MP7. I really need to get a good reference book of modern day firearms. I used to be really good at weapon recognition but a lot of modern stuff has passed me by. I totally agree with your comment about the mercs from Resident Evil: Apocalypse.

      Also, good news about the backpacks. I'm sorry, I thought they only came with orders for all five figures. My bad! Still, it's good to know you are planning on selling them as a stand alone pack.

    5. A good firearm resource is the Internet Movie Firearms Database ( That'll let you look up whatever you see in the flicks. Jane's manuals are the real world references. They get updated every so often and the older ones can come pretty cheap on auction sites.

    6. Many thanks for that info, Simon. I do appreciate it.

    7. Ah, so I was right! All this years training were not in vain! :D :D
      And technically, it's not even a rifle but a PDW, which, in turn, isn't a submachine gun, either :P.

      I did see the WWZ and I remember the scene where the knife was used now that you've mentioned it, but I can't remember the exact knife- on-rifle thing lol. Still, a very great idea.

      As for your comment lower, regarding the conversions...keep in mind more options is more complications and more complications is more cost. But I totally agree with easy-to-convert miniatures, I always dream about those! :D

  2. Very nice Bryan. Unfortunately not for me at the moment but maybe in the future.

    1. I can understand, Clint. Knowing what to buy and when to buy isn't always an easy decision. Still, I'm glad you liked them.

  3. It's a pity that there are initially so few in this new range making; these five though are good but they don't get me excited enough to want them.

    1. Remember, Joe, that Simon is producing these as a hobby of his. He is not a full time sculptor. He just sculpts in his spare time. So given that fact, I think this is a very good start to his range. Don't worry, there are lots more figures on the way. I'd rather see him producing a few figures every month or so than waiting for a big amount of his figures that would take longer to produce. This makes his figures more affordable and to be honest, his figures are very cheap compared to many other companies. Plus, there is a 10% discount. But if you don't want them then that's your decision to make.

  4. Great job as always Bryan. Funny that you've put your own logo on the Private Security Bryan, as it is exactly what I'm doing myself. I should have my post up soon. A litlle bird tells me there will be more on the way soon, so fingers crossed we won't have to wait too long

    1. That's great to hear, Adam,,, on both points. I look forward to seeing your own paint jobs on these.

  5. The security boys are a little big but all 5 would be very useful and nice work by the sculptor.

    1. I totally agree, Fran. I think Simon has done a grand job on them.

  6. Smart looking models, if I was into that scale I would be tempted. About FFO-HRTH: I was initially dubious about it but I have to say that on reading the rules I was turned around. They are a great addition to the series. Plenty of ideas and concepts. I'm currently working on some thoughts to convert it to my 1920's era as a parallel campaign to the Zed Street Blues. It may take time as I'm designing a High Rise (in cardboard tiles) a bit similar to an old school D and D layout.Quite exciting, well it's exciting me. :-) PS how you coming on?

    1. Hi, Bob. to answer your last question first, I'm doing really well. I recently went for a check up at my local hospital and got a glowing report from the doctor on my health. That made me feel ten feet tall! I don't have to go back for another three months.

      There is a LOT of good stuff in HRTH and well done to you for preparing a model of the building, I am very much looking forward to seeing how it develops. It is something I'd like to do but with so many other things on the go, it'll probably just stay in the planning stage.

    2. Good to here you're getting better (and taller!)

  7. Nice work Bryan.
    The figures look pretty cool, really like the not Gerry Lane. Young Eddie looks like a badass with his streetsweeper. Security look ok, faceless low level badguys should look like this.

    1. I think they are all pretty cool, Bob. And Simon has promised that his next batch will be even better. They are currently 80% done. I look forward to their release.

    2. Thank you, Bob. I've been doing a lot of experimenting with conversion possibilities for the security guys. Heads, weapons and magazine all snip off quite easily (the head can be a bit fiddly mind) as I wanted people (and myself to have that option). I will be posting some pics up on the blog this week to show a little of what can be done by the enterprising hobbyist.

      It is with that same philosophy that I've designed one of my upcoming minis. His gun will be separate and can be replaced by simply dropping another one of your choosing into his hand. This is an avenue I would like to continue to explore as there are some amazing bitz out there.

  8. Some great looking figures Bryan, I liked the Security chaps best!

    1. Cheers, Ray. They are pretty nifty, aren't they?

  9. Nice job Bryan they all look great! Love the survivor fig with knife taped to the barrel.

    1. Thanks, Simon. He seems to be a favourite with a lot of people.

  10. Almost finished with mine. A review this coming weekend perhaps?

    I do concur with what you have said Bryan, and once again you have done a nice paintjob on them

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I am definitely looking forward to seeing your own take on them.

    2. Agreed! really looking forward to that, Johnny.
