
Monday 31 March 2014

Vampifan's Views 48 - Happy 5th Birthday

Oh. My. God! My blog is five years old. I almost missed my blog's birthday. I began this blog on 18th March 2009. I should have mentioned this in my last Monthly Musings post but for some reason I thought its birthday was in April. It is only when I checked the dates I realised my terrible blunder. So. a belated happy birthday to Vampifan's World of the Undead.
In the past five years I have received 9,033 comments, have gathered 373 followers and have received just short of half a million hits. This will be my 473rd post. The five most popular posts of all time are as follows -
My Zombie Horde part 1
30 Dec 2009, 11 comments, 5959 views

23 Oct 2011, 20 comment, 2175 views

2 Jun 2013, 137 comments, 2060 views

14 Oct 2012, 32 comments, 1541 views

11 Sep 2011, 23 comments, 1495 views
That my zombie horde post still remains the most popular does not surprise me. I really must get round to showing it again as it slowly approaches the 1,000 mark. The reason why the Foundry Yakuza Gangers post was so popular is that it coincided with my long stay in hospital last year and most people were checking it out for progress reports and to leave messages of sympathy.
It is not often (if ever) that I have posted twice in two days but I'm sure you'll agree, this is a special cause for celebration. I wanted to post this in March, the month when I began blogging.
If you were to ask me why I think my blog has been so successful I could list a number of reasons for its popularity. First up, is my unfaltering enthusiasm for all things undead. My enthusiasm for my blog is as high now as when I first started out. I have so many ideas for future posts that I can't ever see me stopping my blog.
Secondly, I post regularly. This ensures continuity and followers now expect to see my blog every Wednesday and every Sunday. Okay, so there was a horrible blip last year when I was away in hospital for four months, but even so, my brother still kept it going with updates on my progress.
Thirdly, I seem to have hit upon a  winning combination of reviews and battle reports. My batreps are always hugely popular and it saddens me that I can't do more as I have so many ideas and plans running around in my head. Being a miniature figure collector since the 1970's I have a vast collection of figures I can review. You've seen a lot of them but there are still many that remain unseen. This is great fodder for the future. Plus, I am always buying new figures despite my halfhearted efforts to cut down on figure purchases.
Fourthly, another source of great joy to me is my card modelling, which help to make my games come to life in a way I could never have imagined before my blogging days. Once I discovered the world of card-modelling there was no turning back.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, my blog succeeds because of its enthusiastic and faithful followers, many of whom have become very close friends of mine. Even if you have never left a comment, by viewing my blog, you have helped to make it the success it is today. I'd like to thank each and every one of my followers and casual viewers. Without your continued support, kindness and generosity this blog would have died at birth. I salute you all. God bless you!


  1. Congratulations Bryan.
    Huge milestone, well done sir. My hat is off to you. Your batreps are epic, full of amazing scenery and loving painted minis, the adventures of Team Vampifan are the stuff of saga and legend. Your figure reviews are inspiring, making me want to buy nearly everything you show.On a personal note this blog inspired me to start my own, and you have welcomed me to the community like no one else, with a kindness rarely shown in these cynical times.

    Bryan I salute you. ALL HAIL VAMPIFAN.

    1. Bob, I greatly appreciate your kind words. Strange as it might seem, I actually enjoy helping others. Whether that is with free gifts like the plastic Studio Minis zombies I sent you, or simply with helpful advise from the old veteran that I am I like to spread happiness wherever I can.

  2. Replies
    1. Many thanks, Clint. I view you as one of my inner circle of close friends.

    2. Very kind of you to say so.

  3. Oh my, you're even old on Blogger! Happy blog day and well done posting that in March! :D :D

    1. I only just beat the March deadline, Mathyoo. Our meeting last year and the many games of Zombicide we played still remain a highlight of my gaming hobby. Thanks for being such a good friend!

  4. Replies
    1. I recently checked the Quonset Hut post a couple of times for some much needed inspiration for that model as I recalled you did such a fine review of it.

    2. Many thanks, indeed, Stefan. The success of the Quonset Hut review surprised me but I guess there were a lot of viewers not remotely interested in zombie gaming who wanted to see what I'd done with it. World War 2 gamers in particular, spring to mind.

  5. Sincere congratulations Bryan, like many other followers of your blog I use many of your figure reviews as reference material for all those things on a gigure that I can't make out.
    Without your inspiring blog I doubt if I would ever have taken up zombie gaming as enthusiastically.nor met so many other fine bloggers.

    1. Thanks, Joe. And it has to be said that if you hadn't got into zombie gaming we would have never have become such close friends. Believe me, your friendship means so much to me.

  6. Onwards and upwards mate. Well done on your achievement and your blog.

  7. Congrats and well deserved Bryan, one of my favourite blogs and one of the first I followed!

  8. Very many congratulations on this special blog day, a fabulous achievement Sir.

  9. Congratulations mate. I am really happy that you are still going strong on the blog.

    Always some good advice, reviews and thoughts.

    Battle reports from you are never dull.

    I toast in mead to another 5 years!

    1. I'll raise a glass as well, Johnny... although mine doesn't have mead in. Nothing stronger than an orange juice for me, I'm afraid.

  10. Congratulations and happy anniversary/birthday on the blog. You've had a damn impressive set of entries over the years and have been a major inspiration to zombie gamers and modelers alike, and I'd bet a number far higher than a simple member count will track (I lurked your site LONG before Stoelzel's Structures). Anyway, well deserved!

    1. Thanks, Carl. There are far more people who follow or lurk than those who leave a comment, but to me, you are all special!

  11. Happy blog birthday mate,
    May many more year of blogging follow

    1. Thanks, Dave. I hope to be around for many more years to come.

  12. Happy Blog Day!

    You are an inspiration for what a great blog looks and feel like! Your paper models reviews and bat reps inspired me to start playing ATZ, and start my own blog. I hope you have many more years of success ahead!


    1. What a lovely compliment! Many thanks, Nobody667.

  13. Cheers my friend, thank you for all the thoughtful and excellent articles. For being a great friend as well. To the next 5 years!

    1. Right back at you, Roger. Your friendship means so much to me.

  14. Happy blog day!
    Keeping a blog alive isn't that easy and you're doing a great job. You are and have been the nexus of zombie wargaming. I don't think there are any zed wargamers who don't know about this blog.

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. What you say is true, Oliver, but I get an inordinate amount of pleasure from my blog so it never seems like a chore to do. I do it because I like doing it.

  15. Happy Blogday to you! Wow, those are some big numbers - but the 5 years of regular output is what impresses me most. (As an aside, it might be interesting to hear about your biggest failures as well as your most successful posts :-) ).

    1. Cheers, Hugh. It would be an interesting exercise to discover just what the five worst posts were. :)

  16. Congratulations Bryan and a happy blog day sir! 5 years well I never time does fly indeed! Its been great following your blog these past years and the content is always great and of interest. Keep it up!

    Shall certainly look forward to seeing a horde shot :)

    1. You're too kind, Simon. The new horde photos are very high on my "to do" list.

  17. Happy 5th Birthday Bryan, time flies when your having fun, I also cant wait for the Horde shots

    1. Thanks, Shinto. I MUST arrange a date to take those horde shots.

  18. Congratulation Bryan. You truly are a figurehead of the Zombie gaming comunity and a massive inspiration. I am very grateful for everything you have done and wish you continued sucess for the future. You certainly deserve it.

    Thank you Bryan

    1. Many, many thanks, Adam. It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you and finding your store.

  19. Congrats Vampi, and here's to 5 more (5 more times if I have anything to say about it)!!!!

    1. Thanks, Russ. I'll settle for another 25 years!

  20. Happy blog-birthday Bryan! It's always a pleasure reading your stuff, and I think I've been following it pretty much since its inception. Has it really been that long already.../ Mikko

    1. Thanks, Mikko. We sure do go back a long time.
