
Sunday 13 April 2014

Recreational Conflict 4-of-1 Figures 02

As promised, here is part two of my review of the Recreational Conflict 4-of-1 sets of 28mm scale figures, this time concentrating on the females. So without further ado, here they are.
To start off with, here is the Asian businesswoman. In her civilian form, she is speaking on her mobile phone. I'm not too sure what she is holding in her left hand. It could be a pager or even a second mobile phone.
With the survivor version, she is armed with a 12 Gauge Pump Action Shotgun. KACHING! This lady means business!
The zombie version of her is without doubt, the most extremely disfigured of all the zombies in this range. She has been cut in two and has had her left arm ripped off. She'll still be able to drag herself along the ground with her one good arm, but her progress will be very slow. She could still surprise an unwary passerby by hiding under a vehicle.
Richard Brooks, the head of Recreational Conflict, told me last time that the corpses had all been left intact so that you could decide how they died. So, I gave this corpse a cut to the forehead and a bite wound to her left cheek.
Next in line is the waitress. She has a napkin draped over her right arm and she holds a silver tray aloft in her left hand.
In her survivor guise, she is armed with a frigging huge revolver, most likely a Magnum. I'd definitely class it as a Big Ass Pistol in All Things Zombie.
The zombie version of the waitress has lost her left arm, resulting in massive blood loss. Also, notice that her ponytail has come undone.
I painted the corpse version with a gaping cut to her throat. I must admit to a certain ghoulish pleasure in deciding just how the corpses had died.
Moving on, we come to the chav shopper. She is dressed in typical chav clothing - jogging pants with faux gold belt, hoodie top, crop top T-shirt showing her midriff and belly button and of course, a pair of designer label running shoes. Her bottle-blonde hair has been tied back in a ponytail. She has been out shopping and holds a shopping bag in each hand.
The survivor version has swapped her shopping bags for a pair of 9mm Pistols.
From the front, the zombie version looks unmarked but from behind you can see she has suffered appalling injuries. most of the skin from her back has been flayed off and she has a deep bite wound at the back of her calf on her right leg. Just like the waitress, her ponytail has come undone.
The corpse version got shot or stabbed in the right eye.
What I really love about this set of figures is the individuality of the figures. They are not all average sized Caucasians and are all the better for their different sizes and ethnic origins. This female is clearly overweight, bordering on chubby. She could be a tourist reading a tour guide or maybe she is the tour guide. She is well-tanned, so obviously spends a lot of time outdoors. I also deliberately painted her with grey hair to acknowledge the fact that not every survivor will be young, fit and healthy.
In her survivor guise, she carries a 7.62mm Model 85 Parker-Hale Bolt-Action Rifle with fitted Scopesight - a very good sniper rifle.
The zombie version has suffered a massive stomach wound and her intestines are just starting to spill out. Gross!
Her corpse has blood coating her lips, chin and neck.
I'll finish off with a better view of the four corpses. As with the males, I am a massive fan of this complete range of figures. I must give a special nod to Brian Cooke, who sculpted them. He has done a superb job on capturing them in their various forms. Every one of these figures looks as if he or she has a story to tell. I'm now looking for an excuse to introduce them to my ATZ-FFO campaign set in Mayhem City.
So, by now, you are probably wondering how much they cost? Every civilian, survivor, zombie and corpse can be purchased separately. The civilians, survivors and zombies cost $2.50 each, whilst the corpses are cheaper at $2.00 each. However, it is better value to buy them in groups. The 8 civilians (4 males and 4 females) cost $18.00. Likewise for the 8 survivors and the 8 zombies. All 8 corpses will cost you just $14.00. You can also order the Gearing Up set, which consists of all 8 civilians and all 8 survivors for $36.00. You can find all of these figures under the Lead Bones heading of the Recreational Conflict webstore.
These are amongst my all-time favourite zombie apocalypse figures and I give them my highest recommendation.


  1. What's not to like, excellent stuff Bryan.

  2. They look Deadly, I love corpses, they will come in handy.

    1. I love corpses as well, Shinto. I wish more firms would make them.

  3. I like these alot, off to look them up now!

    1. Good man, Phil. I hope you like them enough to want to buy them.

  4. Great paintjob as usual Bryan.
    I really like the chubby old lady sniper. All these are now on my wish list. The corpses will make excellent set dressing, the zombies are pretty cool too.

    1. Thanks, Bob. Corpses as set dressing is a must have in any game involving zombies. The chubby lady sniper is an unusual figure but all the better for being so individual and so full of character.

  5. Another great set, and just as great. I really like how the sculptor figured hair would get all messy when one becomes a zombie, hah!
    But I did notice a lot of them are missing arms...too many for my taste, actually :P

    1. Yes. I like the fact that two of the women have lost their ponytails when they became zombified. It's a nice touch.

      I certainly agree that a lot of limbs have gone missing but that doesn't bother me too much.

  6. Ooooh I do like these ones! Nice review as always. I really do like that they make these series.

    And they need to go onto my MUST HAVE list.

    1. Thanks, Johnny. Of course I am going to agree with you. You MUST HAVE these!

  7. Whilst these are very good additions to any collection (I really like the corpses), I do feel that the men were better overall. You acheived some interesting colour schemes there Bryan.

    1. What really surprised me about the colour schemes, Joe, is that I was able to match the colours of the zombies and corpses with the colours of the civilians and survivors painted over two years ago!

  8. They are great Bryan they all look awesome!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I have to agree with you.

  9. These are very individual figures and I love that in a figure range I gives ones survivors a real people feel. I like that you can buy the corpses as a set its so rare to get an civilian corpse set like that. You did a great job matching the painting of the survivors and the corpses.

    1. Many thanks, Robert. I appreciate your comments and I agree with you about the corpses.

  10. Excellent, I think the waitress is my fave Bryan

  11. Love em, you made them come to life (oops was that a pun?)
    I really like the idea of the different stages that the survivors go through.

    Might have to think about this for my range, but then it will make the packs really expensive..

    My fav is the executive.

    1. I'm really glad you like them, Toni. When you think about it, it is such a natural progression. I wish more firms would take up this idea (not so subtle hint!!!!)

  12. You sneaked this in without my seeing it! As Fran says what's not to like? Nothing as far as I can see.

    1. What can I say, Clint? I posted it on Sunday as usual. You were probably still recovering from Salute 2014! :)

  13. You know what? I don't honestly remember what I put in the business woman's left might actually *be* a second cell phone...

    1. It would make sense, Brian. It's not unheard of for a businesswoman to carry more than one phone.
