
Wednesday 7 May 2014

My FFO Campaign - Mayhem City Massacre part 2 - Week 2

TURN 2.   Activation - Crips = 1, KKK = 3, Zombies = 5, PEFs = 1.
The zombies failed to activate this turn, which was fortunate for both gangs.
"Let's move out!" Ricardo Santana ordered. "We're done here."
There were hoots and cheers as the Kill Krazy Kommandos turned round and crossed the road to their parked car and van. Chico Rivera and Samantha Mercer reloaded their Franchi SPAS12 shotguns as they walked. I used the Really Tight Ammo rules (see p.24) to see if they reloaded their Shotguns. Each character rolled 2d6 against the Target Rating of the weapon (in this case it was 3). Chico passed 1d6 and successfully reloaded but if he got another Out Of Ammo result in this Encounter he would be left with no more ammo for the rest of the Encounter. Samantha passed 0d6 and was fully reloaded with spare ammo left.
Four gangers boarded the sedan car with Leon Hedoya driving and the other six climbed aboard the van, where Hector Lopez was the driver.
The two Stunned Crips Gangstas, Quadri Ogunkoya and Michelle Warboyes spent the turn playing dead. Neither one wanted to attract the attention of the vicious Kill Krazy Kommandos.
Finally, it was time to activate the three PEFs. PEF:1 passed 0d6 on the PEF Movement table (see p.66) and stayed where it was. PEF:3 passed 1d6 and moved 12" away from the closest player group (the Crips) and ended up in the North East corner of the board far away from everyone, where I think it remained for the rest of the game.
PEF:2 passed 2d6 and moved 12" from the garage and into the car park towards the two remaining Crips Gangstas.
 TURN 3.   Activation - Crips = 4, KKK = 3, Zombies = 2, PEFs = 6.
Quadri and Michelle stood up and headed back inside the warehouse.
"Fuck me!" Michelle swore. "We got our asses kicked there!"
"That we did, sister," Quadri replied. "Now let's get out here before any more trouble arrives."
Meanwhile, outside the Kill Krazy Kommandos were making a quick getaway. They had seen the zombies arriving and they knew that the police would soon be on the scene. They had done what they had set out to do - wipe out another African/American gang. It was time to head home.
Because the KKK arrived in both vehicles, and already had the keys with them, the car and van  started automatically (see p.39). Plus, there were no zombies within 12" of them so once again, they didn't have to take "The Car Won't Start" test. Both vehicles had a Road Movement of 16" and were able to move at half that distance (8") on this Turn. Both vehicles caused noise equivalent to six gunshots each as their engines roared into life.
Seven zombies at the side of the warehouse started shuffling towards the two passing vehicles.
The three zombies in  the car park moved to the corner of the warehouse.
The four female zombies moved onto the road in a futile attempt to chase the two departing vehicles.
I rolled two lots of 6d6 for zombie reinforcements. Three male zombies arrived at 9 o'clock from the sedan car and tagged along behind the four females.
Three more zombies arrived on the scene as they emerged from the derelict building.
TURN 4.   Activation -  Crips = 3 (5), KKK = 5, Police = 3 (6), Zombies = 2 (1), PEFs = 2 (2).
The numbers in brackets indicate who went first in both tied results. Remember, only tied activations between the player group (in this case, the Crips, and the zombies indicate a possible Random Event) (see p.13).
The Kill Krazy Kommandos sped off the board. There would be much celebrating back at their headquarters later that night.
The Police arrived just in time to miss the Kill Krazy Kommandos. It had taken three turns for them to respond to the shooting from Turn 1, which was the worst possible result. I rolled on the How Many table (see p.62) to see what kind of response would arrive. I rolled 1d6 and scored a 4, which was boosted to 5 for this Encounter being in an Urban area. This gave me four patrolmen split equally between two cars.
CAST - Police Patrolmen
Paul Muni - Rep:4 Police with Logical Attribute.
   Skills = Drive:3, Melee:4, Shoot:4, Fitness;3, People:2, Savvy:4.
   Weapons = 12g Remington Shotgun, .40 Glock 22 Big Ass Pistol.
Carole Malia - Rep:3 Police with Free Spirit Attribute.
   Skills = Drive:3, Melee:2, Shoot:3, Fitness;2, People:3, Savvy:1.
   Weapons = .40 Glock 22 Big Ass Pistol.
Stewie Whincup - Rep:4 Police with Dim Attribute
    Skills = Drive:3, Melee:4, Shoot:4, Fitness;4, People:2, Savvy:3.
   Weapons = 12g Remington Shotgun, .40 Glock 22 Big Ass Pistol.
Geoff Brown - Rep:4 Police with Poser Attribute.
    Skills = Drive:4, Melee:3, Shoot:4, Fitness;3, People:4, Savvy:2.
   Weapons = .40 Glock 22 Big Ass Pistol.
Malia and Muni were in Car 01 with Malia driving. Brown and Whincup were in Car 02 with Brown as the driver.
Quadri and Michelle decided to leg it and they sped towards the back door of the warehouse. They took the Fast Move test (see p.15) and doubled their normal Move of 8" to 16" which was reduced to 14" because they moved through one open doorway into the back room.
The zombies who had emerged from the derelict building tried to attack the first police car. Paul Muni was having none of that. He quickly rolled down his window and opened fire with his 12 Gauge Remington Pump-Action Shotgun. The first blast caught one zombie in the mouth and blew half of his head off. His second shot hit another zombie in the shoulder and knocked him flat on his back. His third shot missed completely. Muni passed 2d6 on the Charge Into Melee test (see p.30), whilst the zombies only passed 1d6, and was able to fire 3 times at the zombies before they reached him.
The third zombie, wearing a hospital gown, made a grab for the windscreen wipers. However, he lost his balance and rolled under the front of the car, where his bloated body literally exploded as it burst apart in a spectacular eruption of blood and gore.
"Oh my word!" Patrolwoman Malia exclaimed in horror as she witnessed the most horrific sight of her life. She swallowed hard and only just managed to avoid being sick.
The zombie and Malia each passed 1d6 on the Charge Into Melee test so the zombie got hit by the car (see p.43). The zombie had a Bash Value of 1, whilst the car had a Bash Value of 5. Both sides rolled d6s equal to their Bash Values, looking for successes (any rolls of 1, 2 or 3). The zombie scored 0 successes, whilst Malia scored 4 successes. Result - instant death for the zombie!
The seven zombies at the side of the warehouse continued their slow advance forward.
The three zombies from the car park now emerged in front of the warehouse and became excited by lots of movement in front of them. As one, they began moaning. They could smell fresh blood.
The seven zombies on the main road were also attracted by the approaching police cars. They too, closed  the gap between them.
PEF:2 passed 2d6 on the PEF Movement Table and moved 12" towards the nearest player group, ignoring any terrain features on the way. This placed it inside the warehouse close to Quadri and Michelle.
"Did you hear something?" Quadri asked nervously.
"Oh, shit!" Michelle exclaimed as she suddenly caught sight of movement from the dark shadows of the storeroom. "Zombies!"
I rolled 1d6 on the Contact Days 1-10 table (see p.61) and rolled a 5, which was increased to a 6 because of the +1 modifier for it being in the Evening. this gave a  result of Zombies with a -1 modifier to the How Many table. This coupled with a +1 modifier for being in an Urban area gave me a straight die roll on the How Many table (see p.62). I rolled 1d6 and scored a 4, giving a result of Player Group +1 zombies, which in this case was 3 zombies. Remember that zombies do not activate on the Turn they are generated, nor do they trigger an In Sight test.
PEF:1 passed 1d6 on the PEF Movement table and moved out of the office block, 12" away from the two Crips Gangstas. PEF:3 passed 0d6 and did not move.
I rolled 15d6 in two lots of 6d6 and one lot of 3d6 for zombie reinforcements. First three then two arrived together at 12 o'clock from where the police cars entered the board, to form a group of five zombies.
Two more zombies were generated by the sound of Patrolman Muni firing his Shotgun and they arrived at 11 o'clock from his position.
TURN 5.   Activation - Crips = 4, Police = 3, Zombies = 4, PEFs = 5.
With the Crips and the zombies rolling the same number for Activation, neither of them could activate this turn (see p.13), but there was the possibility of a Random Event (see p.59). I had rolled double 4 and because 4 was less than or equal to the original Encounter Rating of the area (ER:5) a random Event had occurred. Rather than rolling on the Random Events table on p.59, I used Colgar6/Hugh's deck of Random  Events cards to determine what the event was. I drew the Fast Recovery card. It stated that "A random character who is  Out Of Fight may attempt an extra Recovery Test immediately, even if he/she has no friend adjacent or if the character has previously failed such a test." There was only one OOF character on the board, Crips Gangsta Jevon Yenga. He passed 2d6 on the After the Battle Recovery Test (see p.34) and he would return to his gang. I was unsure if this meant now or after the Encounter was over. I decided to just leave him be for the moment. If nothing else happened to him he would escape after the Encounter was over.
The two police cars rolled to a stop in front of the warehouse. All four cops got out of the cars and began shooting zombies. The zombies  were getting too close for comfort and they had a crime scene to investigate. Paul Muni cranked his Shotgun and fired three times at the three zombies shuffling towards him from the corner of the warehouse. His first shot hit the fat zombie wearing the striped jumper full in the face and turned his head to mulch. His second shot hit the grey-haired zombie in the chest and knocked him down. It was not a fatal blow.  His third shot went far too high and missed the one-armed zombie lagging behind.
Patrolwoman Carole Malia unholstered her .40 Glock 22 Big Ass Pistol and she opened fire at the two female zombies leading the group of seven zeds just over the road from her. Her first shot was remarkably accurate. It hit the zombie wearing the purple dress in the centre of her forehead, killing her instantly. Her second shot was not as accurate, even though it did score a hit. It slammed into the woman's ample bosom and knocked her flat on her back.
"Stewie" Whincup faced a trio of female zombies as he stepped out of his car. He repeatedly fired his Pump-Action Shotgun at the group with only partial success. The zombie businesswoman in the smart suit took a hit to the right eye, which blew half her head off. However, his next shot only grazed the woman wearing a lemon T-shirt and pale grey miniskirt in the head. She went down but was not dead. His third shot missed entirely as it flew too high because he failed to compensate for recoil.
Geoff Brown decided to lend his partner a hand by firing his Glock 22 at the third female zombie of the trio, a middle-aged woman in casual clothing. "Fantastic!" he cried as he shot her in the stomach, and watched her fall on her back. His second shot went wide.
I rolled  22d6 for zombie reinforcements in two lots of 6d6 for the noise generated by the two police cars and two lots of 5d6 for the firing from the two sets of cops. Two zombies appeared at 3 o'clock from one car at the eastern edge of the board. Yes, one of them is wearing a Sponge Bob Square Pants T-shirt! How cool is that?
Two more appeared next to the pair standing by the skip. Not photographed (sorry!) were three at 8 o'clock from Malia and Muni and three more at 3 o'clock from Brown and Whincup.
COMMENTS. It all draws to a close next time. Will Quadri, Michelle and not forgetting Jevon, escape? Will the four cops survive? Or will the zombies emerge triumphant for once? Tune in on Sunday and find out.


  1. Err, *how* many zombies are there now on the board? I've lost count, but I think that the remaining humans need to get out of there right now!

    Looking forward to the next instalment - same place, same time!

    1. With all the action going on, I too, lost count of the number of zombies on the board. Suffice to say, it's a lot. I did do a head count later on and the cops were outnumbered by about 10 to 1. Now, that's a scary thought!

  2. Yeah sponge bob tee shirt is very cool. I will tune in Sunday for another exciting instalment that's for sure. At what stage will the Police realise that they are in the middle of a zombie plague and bug out! I think the speed this "campaign" is going is just right.

    1. You have to love Sponge Bob Square Pants, Clint. At this moment in the Encounter, the cops have no idea of the danger they are in. In this scenario the zombies were just relentless and seemed to grow in numbers with every passing turn.

  3. Great continuation from the first instalment and with a very logical development of the story.
    I would have thought though that the z's that could go for the "downed" characters would have. It was a very busy table with a lot going on and congratulations on keeping up with everything.
    Am I right in thinking that the zombies you've used for this were from your fist horde deal of Voctory Force miniatures ?

    1. Many thanks, Joe. You win the Eagle Eye award for correctly identifying where these zombies came from. Every one of them was part of Victory Force's First horde set, a set I still haven't got round to reviewing even though all 100 have been painted.
      Regarding having the zombies feast on the dead gangstas, I would have thought it would make more sense for them to pursue the still living. Also, there are no clear cut rules on how old a corpse has to be before a zombie will ignore it.

    2. "there are no clear cut rules on how old a corpse has to be before a zombie will ignore it", actually the FFo rules do cover this:under zombie feasting.
      Whilst the z's won't go for the OD characters (they didn't see them die) they will go for the OOF one (they sense he's still alive maybe ?)
      But it's really a minor observation in the greater scheme of things.

    3. Cheers, Joe. That's good to know.

    4. I think, like in most situations not explicitly covered in the ATZ rules, common sense dictates the play. In this case it made far more sense for the zeds to attack the lively rozzers instead of flocking to the OOF gangers and ignoring the fuzz altogether (as would be legitimate per the rules). To paraphrase Ed himself, t's players' choice at the end of the day.

      I played a game recently where I had a star and a grunt engaged in a cramped melee with some zeds in an alleyway. The grunt bit the dust and as my star was active first and no longer in combat, he made a quick getaway and left the zeds to get tuck into his fallen amigo. Who could dispute that logic?!

      In short, good call, Bryan. Very cinematic. The scenery rocks too.

    5. Well said, Simon. I think I played this according to the spirit of the game rather than the actual letter of the rulebook. But I believe that the story should always take precedence over the rules. The rules are there to help not to restrict a good story.

    6. I agree in principal, my own version dictates that Z's are atrracted to living fresh Humans within 6 " rather than feasting or attacking an oof charcater.

  4. I don't think this is gonna end well for anyone but the zombies! But that's what usually happens in a zombie apocalypse. Great rep as usual Bryan, really finding the rules txt useful at the moment as I've finally updated from BDTZ to FFO. Look forward to see who, if anyone, make it out of this scenario

    1. Dave, I'm really glad to hear that find my rules explanations helpful. The whole purpose of my explanations was to help newbies like yourself.

  5. Great report and i love the zombie with the sponge bob square pants t-shirt :)
    I think the cop better get the hell out of there or they will die really quick ;)

    1. Sponge Bob Square Pants zombie is proving very popular.
      I agree with you, the cops should get out of there as soon as possible... but will they?

  6. Great shenanigans as always Bryan but the zombies will eventually win, the dice gods are fickle!

  7. Damn......What looked to be a short fight.... Really escalated!!

    Trouble, cops, zombies...And spongebob Squarepants! (That one made me laugh!)

    1. Hey, Johnny, I told you this Encounter was far from over.

      I see we have another fan of Sponge Bob Square Pants.

  8. Fun bat rep so far. The police are going to wish they had never responded to the shooting. Thanks for highlighting the rules as well, it makes it easier to follow/understand what is happening in game terms.

    Thanks for a great read!

  9. Fantastic! I'm already feeling really bad for the cops...

    1. You have every right to feel bad about the cops, Jon. They're in real danger but don't realise it.

  10. Great stuff Bryan I hope Quadri and Michelle escape I would like to see them team up with team Vampiifan in the future. are you going to use Smart Zeds in this campaign, It would be nice to see them as the hero's in a future game.

    1. All will be revealed in part three, Shinto. I like Quadri and Michelle as well. Seeing as both are armed with Assault Rifles they should be able to deal with those three zombies but their fate is in the hands of the dice gods.
      I will be introducing Smart Zombies in the campaign but not for quite a while. They need time to evolve.

  11. The raised pavements look fantastic, I am now considering using them, if I can do them in 20mm

    1. I am glad I took the extra time and effort to make raised pavements. My pavements are glued onto two layers of mounting card. For 20mm or 15mm I'd recommend gluing them to just one layer of mounting card.

  12. Definitely worth playing on Bryan, love it

    1. It certainly was worth playing on, Adam. I'm glad you're liking it.

  13. Very action packed.I love your painting, up to the small details that makes every zombie unique with a back story you want to hear about! How spongebob zed got infected? Anyway, the storyline has a great Romero feeling (the second movie about the cops moving into a building that is a gangster den and a zombie nest). I am going to refresh vampifan blog every 5 minutes on Sunday

    1. For my batrep to be compared to a George Romero movie is the highest praise possible! Many thanks, Cedric. You may not have to wait until Sunday for the final part. I'm hoping to post it on Saturday.

  14. Another action packed installment. Great report of part 2 Looking forward to reading the final part. This has been a happy diversion from the normal ATZ games what a great idea!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I plan on running more games of ATZ that do not feature Team Vampifan. This one has been such a huge success.

  15. Really liking this change of direction Bryan. Looking forward to the next part. The Sponge Bob T-shirt is awesome.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. Hopefully, you won't have too long to wait for part three. Sponge Bob zombie has been very popular.

  16. I'm awfully late, but great read nonetheless. I love that shirt, fantastic detail! :D

    1. Better late than never, Mathyoo. I think I can guess which shirt you're talking about - it just has to be Sponge Bob Square Pants.

  17. Great report. Who makes Patrolwoman Carole Malia?

    1. Thanks, Gimzod. She was made by Griffin Miniatures and is sadly long out of production. It's a shame they went under because they made some great survivors and zombies.

  18. This is reviving my own interest in my ATZ blog. Good work!
