
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Zombicide Season 2 Survivors and Zombivors 02

I'll be spending the next few weeks reviewing my Zombicide season 2 survivors and zombivors. Here are four of each. These were all part of the stretch goals for season 2 and each pair was packaged in a separate box. What distinguishes these from the previous survivors and zombivors I have reviewed is that these are all based on characters from film and TV, but given different names to avoid copyright problems. Even so, they are very recognisable. Note that all the characters are known only by their first names. I have come up with their surnames, usually based on the surname of the actor/actress playing that particular character.
First up is Adriana Knowles, who is based on Beyonce Knowles as Foxxy Cleopatra in the film, Austin Powers: Goldmember. Adriana worked as a shop-girl during the day and sang in a chorus at night. She dreamed of fame but once the dead began returning to life her dreams were shattered forever. Survivor Adriana is armed with a katana and a one-handed axe. Zombivor Adriana has lost her katana but kept the one-handed axe. Adriana starts the game with the Loud skill, which allows her to make more noise in the Zone she uses this skill in than any other Zone on the board. At first this may seem like more of a disadvantage but as zombies are attracted by noise it can be useful to lure them away from other potential targets or to shepherd them to a desired location.
Next in line is Dakota Anderson, based on Pamela Anderson as Barbara "Barb Wire" Kopetski from the film Barb Wire. With her stunning looks and wits, Dakota could have lived a comfortable life but she chose a life of crime. She did time for everything from robbery to car theft. The zombie apocalypse helped ensure her escape from prison and she is determined to turn her life round and start afresh. Survivor Dakota is armed with a double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun, whilst zombivor Dakota is armed with two double-barrelled sawn-off shotguns. Dakota begins the game with the Taunt skill, which counts as free action, allowing her to select any Zone she can see. All zombies in that Zone gain an extra activation as they try to reach her. They ignore all other Survivors, making this a useful skill if used correctly.
Moving on, we have Lea Stone, based on Emma Stone as Wichita in the film, Zombieland. Lea is a headstrong and resourceful teenager who has been forced to accept that life can be easier when you have friends you can rely on. Lately, she has found she is afraid to be left alone. As a survivor, Lea carries a pump-action shotgun. Zombivor Lea is armed with a .44 Magnum Revolver. Lea starts off with the Slippery skill, which means she does not have to spend extra actions when performing a Move action through a Zone containing zombies.
Last in line is Rick Statham, based on Jason Statham as Chev Chelios in the film, Crank. Rick is a stuntman, who was recovering from a chest injury in hospital when the zombies came and got most of his friends. He is wary of others but realises he will need help in order to survive the zombie apocalypse. As a survivor, Rick is armed with a pump-action shotgun. As a zombivor, he is armed with a pair of 9mm pistols. Rick's starting skill is Steady Hand, which allows him to ignore allied survivors when making a Ranged Weapon attack or driving a car through a Zone. Normally, when making a Ranged Weapon attack, survivors are the first target priority. I know, it does not make sense, but that is the way the game plays and it forces you to think tactically when moving and shooting.
Adriana looks like she has just stepped out of a 1970's blaxploitation movie. Dakota is showing a LOT of underboob and if she attempts any physical activity she's going to show a whole lot more of her boobs. Lea is my favourite figure out of this group of four. Her mini skirt is so short it could be classed as a belt! Note how it has ridden up to expose her backside on her Zombivor version. She obviously doesn't care! Rick is such a cool figure and can become a serious hard ass, once he's killed enough zombies.
I have not used any of these characters in a game but Lea and Rick seem more useful than Adriana and Dakota. But I guess a lot can depend on circumstances. Look out for more Zombicide season 2 survivors and zombivors next time.


  1. Thanks for explaining whom the characters are. I am not much of a film buff and as such would not have made the connection. I do like the fact that there are both "live" and dead versions. Nice work mate.

    1. Clint, I figured that not all of the characters would be recognisable to everyone, so if a figure is based on a film or TV character I will say who he or she is, giving both the screen name and the actor's name.

  2. Excellent work they are all great and will serve dual purpose in ATZ!

  3. Well, the female figures are not dressed very practically for the zombie apocalypse. That seems to be quite a common trend these days, but one that I find somewhat disappointing.

    Overall, I like the way you've painted them. I'm generally reluctant to offer criticism of any sort, but I think the eyes and mouths are a little too dark for my liking. Black-lining works well for the clothing and equipment, but there's the danger of "panda eyes" when applied to the face.

    1. Please feel free to offer any criticism, Hugh. I welcome it. Black-lining has become my trademark, according to another blogger. Now that my eyesight is a lot better, I'm hoping my black-lining won't be quite so noticeable. Put the "panda eyes" down to my deteriorating eyesight, as these were all painted a few weeks ago.

      As for the impractical clothing that many figures wear, I put it down to the fact that most figures represent characters at the start of a zombie apocalypse and they have yet to learn how to dress appropriately.

  4. These minis are really cool. Nice work as always too, Bryan.

    1. Thanks, Simon. They were a lot of fun to paint.

  5. Other than the world's biggest pistol these are quite a goodlooking bunch.
    (I forgive the anachronism of the two sawn-offs being held by "the monster")

    1. Thanks, Joe. I think that Lea must have raided the Games Workshop armoury for her pistol as all their weapons are horrendously oversized.

    2. It can't be the GW armoury... you can't fit her hand down the barrel of the pistol. The Necromunda Goliath pistols still give me scale nightmares

    3. Ha, ha, ha! That is SO TRUE!

  6. Great looking survivors/zombivors. I'd not noticed that Lea's zombivore skirt had ridden up... see how much I've paid attention to that model!

    1. Thanks, Paul. I must admit that when I first saw the zombivor version of Lea in the flesh, her bare backside was the ONLY thing I noticed!!!! LOL!

  7. Great work Bryan.
    Your flesh tones glow Dude. They are beautiful.
    We've used all but Lea in WNI games, they all have their uses but my favourite to play is the stuntman. Steady hand makes things a lot simpler for him and he turns into a combat monster.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. I can well imagine Rick being a life saver by being able to ignore his friends when using Ranged Attacks. It is a great skill to have.

  8. Well done Bryan and yeah I'm putting the panda eyes down to your pre operation eyes. I'm not so sure about the flashing zombie girls that seems to be a trend these days.

    1. Thanks, Robert. You're not the only one to have noticed my black lines getting thicker. Hopefully that is all in the past now. Zombicide figures were designed and sculpted by Frenchmen, and they like their females to be sexy. I'm not complaining!

  9. Great work on those as usual! As Colgar mentioned, I am a bit disappointed in the manufacturer's attempt to make every female survivor look like a whore. I'm no grandpa, but having EVERY chick half naked and every dude a macho just got boring.
    That being said, Lea is my favorite as well. The survivor version, at least.

    As for the skills, I think the first two are actually more entertaining, they really seem to add depth to the game.

    1. Thanks for the comments, Mathyoo. I have a much more relaxed attitude to nudity or partial nudity as it really does not bother me in the least. It's no big deal if a woman flashes a bit of flesh.

      At first glance I found Adriana and Dakota's skills not that useful but in the right circumstances they could well be game savers. I agree, they are entertaining.

  10. Replies
    1. You're most welcome, Stephen. Welcome aboard. It's always nice to see new faces.

  11. These are all great Bryan. Particularly like the colours you've managed to get on Rick, great job!
