
Sunday 14 September 2014

Black Scorpion US Army Infantrymen 02

And so we come to the last (for the moment) review of my Black Scorpion 32mm scale US Army infantrymen. These 12 figures are the last of the soldiers to make up my infantry platoon, which is made up of four squads of 9-10 figures.
 These first four figures are all identically armed with the 5.56mm Colt M16A2 Assault Rifle. The African/American soldier who is third in line from the left is wearing sunglasses.
Note that the first and fourth figures in line are wearing Night Vision Goggles, which negates any penalties for night time vision.
Moving on, we have four more infantry privates armed with 5.56mm Colt M16A2 Assault Rifles. The soldier standing second from the left is wearing sunglasses.
At first glance a lot of these poses seem identical but most have subtle differences. Wherever there are two identical figures I get round that by painting one as a Caucasian and the other as an African/American.
These last four soldiers have a bit of variety in their choice of weapons. Second and third line are armed as would be expected with 5.56mm Colt M16A2 Assault Rifles.
The soldier at the far left is armed with a a 5.56mm M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). The private kneeling down is a sniper and he is armed with a 7.62mm M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS), which is the military version of the Remington 700 Rifle. It is called a Weapon System because it comes with a telescopic sight and other accessories. It is loaded with a five-round box magazine.
I went to check the prices of these figures on the Black Scorpion website and you can buy the majority of the range in packs of five figures for £10.00. Do remember that these are labelled as being 32mm scale and that they are now cast in resin. I discovered that there is a female medic that can be used with this range. I ordered her and she arrived a few days ago. For a resin cast mini, she is very nice. Some of you may be put off by her having her jacket open showing off a mighty fine pair of boobies. They are covered up, by the way. Such cheesecake doesn't bother me in the slightest but not everyone thinks as I do... thank God! I'll review her just as soon as I paint her.
I have a real treat in store for you with my next post. For those of you wondering where my card models are, just wait until you see Brummie's Burgers fast food restaurant.


  1. These look really cool. Price is nice too. As always you have done a good job on the painting of them.

    Ooooh....Brummie`s Burgers will be open for business!!!!

    1. The prices are very reasonable, Johnny. £2.00 per figure isn't bad in today's market.

      Yes, Brummie's Burgers is opening soon. Watch this space!

  2. Nice work mate. I really do rate these figures.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I like this range as well, even though they are quite tall and have prone figures.

  3. Lovely figures Bryan, and you've done a great job painting them.
    Can't wait to see them in action.
    Really looking forward to seeing Brummie's Burgers.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I very much want to use them in my zombie campaign.

      I think Brummie's Burgers will blow you away! I'm looking forward to posting it.

  4. You're amazing at painting camouflage.

    1. That's mighty kind of you to say so, Baconfat.

  5. These round your forces off nicely with more than enough "army" for a game I suspect.

    1. Indeed, Joe. I can't imagine needing more than a platoon in a skirmish game.

  6. More nicely done troops to add to the ranks. Looking forward to seeing the new medic.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I suspect the medic will divide opinion.

    2. I don't know if I'm unusual in this, but I've nothing against nudity or exposure in a figure *if* it's appropriate in the context. Anything else is just prurient (adolescent?) interest and not what I'm seeking in a 1" high toy. Is the medic's clothing and way of wearing it suitable for a U.S. soldier, possibly in a combat zone?

    3. The answer to that question is open to debate.

  7. for you

    1. Thanks for the heads up, mate. I am definitely backing this.
