
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Fatties 02

I am pleased to announce that I have finished painting the last of my Zombicide season 1 zombies and I plan on reviewing them over the course of the next couple of weeks. These figures all come from the second tray of zombies you get with the game, with each tray containing 32 zombies in 8 different poses. Every zombie in this tray has been converted in some way. I'll begin by reviewing the Zombie Fatties. If you're wondering why there are only three of them and not four, remember that I converted one into a zombified Oliver Hardy earlier this year.
Looking at this figure I was struck by how closely he resembled a construction worker. So I added a hard hat that I sculpted with Milliput modelling putty. That's all it took to transform him - simple but effective. So how do you make a hard hat out of modelling putty? I added a blob of Milliput to his head and with my fingers made it roughly semi-circular in shape. I then rolled out two thin sausages of Milliput of equal length and placed them on top of the hat. I smoothed them down with my finger and they form the two ridges that run from front to back of the hat. Finally, I rolled out a long thin sausage which I used for the brim of the hat. Easy? Well, I thought so.
For my second Fatty I decided to convert him into a hairy biker, so I added a long beard and moustache out of Milliput. I also added more hair to the back of his head but deliberately made him bald on top as I wanted him to be an older biker. The beard effectively hides his oxygen mask.
The Fatty chef is a much more complex conversion but is my second favourite conversion after my Laurel and Hardy conversions. The inspiration for this conversion came from an illustration that appeared on one of the downloadable Zombicide scenarios from their website (Mission A3 - Wanda's Revenge) that I have copied below. As soon as I saw the picture I knew I had to make him. So I cut off his oxygen mask and I sculpted his apron and chef's hat with Milliput. When I converted a couple of my zombie Runners I cut a few limbs off them. I thought it would be a great idea to have the chef holding a severed arm, so I glued one of the zombie Runner's arms to the chef's right hand. I remodeled his fingers so that he gripped the arm more realistically. I admit to going over the top with the gore effects on this guy but hardly any of the blood is his own. It nearly all comes from his victims. Besides which, just look at the illustration - he's covered in blood.


  1. Those are really cool convertions Bryan!!!
    Construction worker - simple but good
    Biker - nice beard, and the older look makes him realistic :-)
    Chef - Very nice, is he from sweden?

    1. Many thanks, Toni. I had to laugh at your comment about the Swedish chef, as I am a huge fan of the Muppets. Er, no, he is not from Sweden!

  2. I like these conversions a lot; each is well-separated from the others and quite distinct. But you're right: you do go over the top with gore :-) !

    1. Thanks for the comments, Hugh. What can I say about the gore except, guilty as charged m'lud!

  3. Oh dear ... is that a bloated and zombified Bob the Builder? All kidding aside ... nice work!

    1. Bob the Builder!
      Can he eat it?
      Yes, he can!

      Sorry about that. I got carried away.

  4. Great work Dude!
    They are some excellent conversions Bryan. I find it very difficult to pick a favourite, they are all so good. I must say your level of gore is spot on for my taste.

    1. Hey, thanks, Bob. I have no hesitation in choosing the chef as my favourite, although I am very happy with all of them.

  5. Hee hee I like them all. Round here Fat zombies are considered a natural shopping hazard. I think there should be more fat zombies and a lot less zombie clowns (JK)

    1. Have you ever been to America, Clint? I saw enough signs of obesity to last a lifetime when I was there. Fatty zombies abound there. I like fat and obese zombies and I agree - there should be more of them.

  6. Inspired conversions Bryan, love the chef!

  7. Simple, but effective conversions, that make them quite unique.
    I've noticed that you have haven't been mounting your zombicide figures onto the "spawn of the devil" spawn that i.e. slotta bases - congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Joe. There's a good reason why they haven't been glued onto those vile slottabases and that's because they come with their own perfectly suitable integral bases.

  8. Stonkingly good stuff. Love the chef best of all though they're all good. Certainly wouldn't like any of them getting hold of me... if they could catch me that is :-)

    1. Yay, another fan of the chef! Fatties are not the fastest zombies, so as long as you're fit you should be okay, but you never know what's lurking around the corner!

  9. Nice Additions! I quite like the modifications you've made to make them more individual i'd of been tempted to add some sort of chef utensil like a spatula just for kicks

    1. That's a good idea, Simon. I wish I'd have thought of it.

  10. Those are very clever and very well done. I am always positively surprised to see what you can do with milliput, as I find it hard to use on miniatures.
    And there is not too much gore on the chef at all. First, you can never have too much and secondly, it really helps break up all the white.

    1. I'm glad you like them, Mathyoo. I'm used to using Milliput so I never have any problems with it. It is certainly very good for simple jobs like filling in the holes on slottabases.

      I appreciate your comments about the gore on the chef. You clearly "get it" and yes, it does break up the mass of white.

  11. I just went with my bad mannered themed big boned boys but yours are cracking Bryan!

    1. I enjoy converting figures, Fran, and working on these guys was a lot of fun.

  12. These are great ideas Bryan. Helps keep down the duplicates which I cant stand. You've been doing a great job on the stuff lately. I am ever impressed with Zombicide. It paints up so well for plastic.

    1. I totally agree. Roger. I also hate loads of duplicates. A few is okay but eight certainly is not. As for Zombicide, it is damn near perfect! What a great game it is.
