
Wednesday 4 February 2015

SDE Heroes 03

As promised last time here are the final three Heroes that come with the basic boxed set of Super Dungeon Explore - Angry Bear, Deeproot Druid and Glimmerdusk Ranger.
The Glimmerdusk Ranger is an Elf Hero, the Deeproot Druid is a Half-Elf Hero and Angry Bear is a Polar Bear.
Deadly archers, the Glimmerdusk Rangers patrol the edges of the Fae Wood, hunting any foolish to enter uninvited. With the rise of the Consul and the Nether Rifts advancing into their lands, the Rangers have begun to venture from their woodland realm. They offer considerable skill to any who will take the fight to the Consul. She specialises in ranged combat and can shoot at a target up to 8 squares away. She also comes with the Herbalist ability, which she can use to remove all Status Effect tokens from herself or any other Hero. She is useful as a back up character but beware how you use her.
Sacred Guardians of the Deeproot Tree, the Druids are fierce defenders of their revered realm. Druids can assume animal forms when doing battle. Often when magic and cunning have failed, animal rage can overcome. It is tempting to transform the Deeproot Druid into his Angry Bear form as soon as possible but don't be too hasty to dismiss him, for the Druid has some useful skills. All of his attacks inflict Poison and he is Immune to Poison. He is slightly faster than Angry Bear with a Move of 7 instead of 6. Finally, he can cast a Magic spell called Stranglethorn, which slows down opponents in addition to wounding them.
Some skilled Druids can take the form of a raging Totem - Ursos - a mighty bearlike creature filled with nature's wrath for the enemies of the Deeproot Tree. Like the Druid, Angry Bear is also Immune to Poison and he is Immune to Knockdown. However, his attacks do not inflict Poison. Instead, they can Knockdown, Immobilise or Weaken an opponent. His Armour and Attacks are more powerful than the Druid's.
In the few games I have played so far I have found the Glimmerdusk Ranger to be the weakest of all the Heroes. She excels at ranged combat but is not that good at melee combat. The Deeproot Druid is useful but he does pale when compared to Angry Bear. When he transforms into Angry Bear you just want him to charge headlong into his enemies and beat them to a pulp. Angry Bear is certainly one mighty cool looking Hero. By the way, I painted him as per the rulebook and stat card illustrations but I've seen many other versions of him, including Black Bear, Brown Bear, Panda, Tabby Cat(!) and even Winnie the Pooh!
I know that you all love to see group shots, so here are all nine Heroes from the basic boxed set. From left to right in the back row are the Glimmerdusk Ranger, the Deeproot Druid, Angry Bear and the Hexcast Sorceress. From left to right in the middle row are the Claw Tribe Barbarian, the Hearthsworn Fighter, the Ember Mage and the Riftling Rogue. Leading them all is the Royal Paladin.


  1. Lovely to see the Druid and Bear that broke my will once again Bryan ;-) That's a seriously impressive 'Dastardly & Muttley' snickering hound grimace on the druid. And some wonderful blues on the Ranger. Terrific eye candy of a group shot too - I love such things certainly. Terrific stuff and its very clear you've really been enjoying yourself both painting and playing SDE; and posting about it as well. Cracking series of posts :-)

    1. Ha, ha, you're so right about the Druid. Definite shades of Dastardly and Muttley. I am so glad that my posts have persuaded someone else to take a chance on this wonderful game. I only hope you get as much fun out of it as I have.

  2. Weakening...must resist! I found myself looking up "SDE" on eBay the other day :-( .

    1. Uh, oh! Be careful there, Hugh! You might just end up doing what Simon did and accidentally hit the "Buy Now" button.

  3. Lovely painting Bryan! It sounds like you are really enjoying painting and playing SDE. Unlike others I'm finding my resolve stiffening. I'm at a loss to see the attraction. I know this is a popular game but it just leaves me cold. Only one thing to say "Not on my watch!"

    1. Bob, I respect you for being honest in your opinion on SDE. I knew when I began these posts that they wouldn't be to everyone's liking. However, I blog about things that I like and which appeal to me. It may seem that SDE has nothing to do with a blog dedicated to all things undead but trust me, the connection does exist.

  4. nice one Bryan.... as usual, you excel yourself.

    Bob, you remind me of myself some moons ago. I said to myself back along: "hmm Zombicide, naaaa!! That`s not my cup of tea, too `plastic... dry... and colourless" And so I let the game pass me by.

    Time passed.....

    .... I watched it being played at the local club. I started to marvel at the standard of painting some guys were achieving on the minis. Then I got hooked on Walking Dead on TV and DVD. Suddenly I started to wonder to myself: "Hey, this Zombicide thing is a bit like the Walking Dead series. Perhaps I could play games like it too.... maybe I could.....” but by this time I was getting interested, then bit by bit, I was utterly hooked; and have never looked back since.

    SDE is a bit like that. What looks stale to you now, may one day be your tomorrow`s game of choice *wink*

    1. Bryan nods his head knowingly! Steve, you are my guru and mentor when it comes to board-games and solo gaming. I got hooked on Zombicide early on, although just late enough to miss out on many of the season 1 rare figures. So, I was glad to be able to teach you the error of your ways and accept that Zombicide is a worthwhile investment. However, I feel I have learned far more from you, as you have opened my eyes to whole new world - SDE, Arkham Horror, Last Night on Earth and A Touch of Evil. I look forward to playing all of them this year.

  5. naaa Bryan, we both learn such a lot about the hobby from each other mate. Hey... my long lost brother.

    1. I must admit, you are so right, Steve. Brothers in arms, indeed.

  6. Nice work Bryan I can't say I have a weakened resolve but I have developed a desire for Angry Bear I want one!

    1. I'm not surprised, Robert. Angry Bear is just so cool!

  7. They all look fantastic I shall have to track down a picture of the winnie the pooh version a
    Angry Bear.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I wish I could remember where I saw the Winnie the Pooh version of Angry Bear so I could send you the link. Sadly, I've looked at so many SDE pics I simply can't remember. Sorry, mate.

  8. What a great set of figures. You really captured the flavor of them. Most enjoyable.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. I'm really having a ton of fun painting this range.
