
Wednesday 11 February 2015

SDE Monsters 01 - Kobolds 01

So far I have shown you the Heroes, the Spawning Points and the Treasure Chests from the Super Dungeon Explore basic game boxed set. All that remains is to showcase the monsters. I'll begin with the weakest first - Kobold Flingers and Kobold Gougers.
Kobold Flingers are Minions of the Consul. There are four Flingers in the boxed set but I'm only showing two of them. I decided to paint half of my Kobolds with red skin (Foundry Madder Red 60) and half with grey skin (Foundry Granite 31).
Many young Kobolds emerge from their warrens having learned how to hunt bats and other denizens with nothing more than a strip of drakegut and a pouch full of stones. Deadly accurate, these Flingers as they are known as, launch small clay pots of flaming lamp oil or inky smoke bombs to conceal their movement.
Flingers really are incredibly weak. They have an Armour value of 0 and only 1 Wound, meaning any hit will kill them. But they do have a few things going for them. First up, they are fairly good at ranged combat. Their slings have a range of 6 squares, which isn't too bad. They come with a variety of ammo types - ordinary rocks, Smoke Pots (which surrounds a target with Smoke, blocking line of sight) and Hot Pots (which can set a target on fire).
Their one other advantage, which is common to all Kobolds, is the Mob ability. This adds +1 Blue Attack die to the model's attack for every other model with Mob in melee with the target, up to +3 Blue Attack dice. I have used this ability to deadly affect by surrounding a Hero with Kobolds and killing the Hero in a flurry of attacks.
Kobold Gougers are also Minions of the Consul. The boxed set comes with six Gougers but I'm only showing two in these photos - one of each colour.
Kobolds are not big on courage as lone fighters. Their snarling growls are meagre and their weapons blunt and rusted. The Gouger's long spears can effectively add weight to their kin's attacks by stabbing at the desperately flailing heroes.
Gougers share identical stats with the Flingers, making them just as weak. They should be used just like the Flingers - from afar. Their spears have a reach of 2 squares, meaning they don't have to stand next to a Hero to attack them. Best leave that to the Ironscales and Knuckleheads (whom I'll review next time), who do specialise in close quarter melee combat.
As I said before, all Kobolds have the Mob ability, and this applies to the Gougers. In a one on one fight with any Hero, the Kobold will almost certainly lose. However, if they can gang up on a Hero, they can do some considerable harm. Flingers and Gougers have an Attack value of 2 blue dice. By making full use of the Mob rule you can boost this to 5 blue Attack dice. This amount of dice can hurt most Heroes. Kobolds remind me of zombies. Individually they are weak but the more there are, the stronger they become. Their prime role is as cannon fodder, but if used wisely they can be surprisingly effective.


  1. very nice figures there, Vampifan. I am not tempted by this game yet but imagine its the type of game I could play with my daughter when she is a little older. I will watch the rest of the figures with interest!!

    1. Chris, this is very much a family-oriented game and would be an ideal introduction to bring your daughter into the world of miniature figures gaming.

  2. Ah, the pesky Kobolds, as you said, they are a lot like zombies indeed!

    1. Kobolds are slightly more intelligent and cunning than zombies but they do share much in common with the walking dead.

  3. Nice paintwork Bryan! I think I prefer the grey colour scheme to the red one. I can remember these pesky little buggers from D&D, way way back when I first started my gaming journey.
    Funny how things have almost come full circle.

    1. in the artwork for SDE, Kobolds are depicted as having red skin but I didn't want them all to look the same, so I chose to do half of them with grey skin. Yes, I can remember Kobolds from my old D&D days. One of the reasons I like SDE so much is that it harks back to those good old days when rules were a lot simpler and games were fun. For me, SDE has brought the fun back into fantasy gaming.

  4. One of my fave D&D monsters Bryan. I remember them as being red but I agree with Bob that the grey colour scheme seems to work better for some reason. Nice work on the bandages on the slingers and on the rocks in their little baskets. These guys are clearly all eyes and teeth :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I must admit that I'm more than happy with how the grey-skinned ones came out.

  5. Nice work Bryan. Great idea to split the skin colours it helps disguise the sculpts being the same.

  6. {{ BTW, writing you an email .... literally NOW!!! ^^ }}

    1. Cool! I've just read it and will send you a long reply soon. Thanks again, Steve.
