
Wednesday 25 March 2015

SDE Monsters 10 - Captain R and Succubus Vandella

I haven't quite finished reviewing my SDE Undead figures. Here are two limited edition figures that I bought from e-Bay - Captain R and Succubus Vandella. Both are Mini Bosses and both would make suitable replacements for the Death Spectre in Von Drakk's Manor.
ARRRR! The Drowned Isles be a constant headache for sailors an' ships of tha Clockwork Cove. Tha dreaded land mass be swarmin' wit cutthroats an' scallywags to spare an' none be as successful as the courageous Cap'n R. They say 'ees plied tha seas fer a hundred years an' sent just as many ships to tha deep. Riches will flow fer tha Hero who finally gets tha best of 'im because he who gets tha Cap'n gets 'is gold.
Captain R is an Undead Skeleton Pirate Mini Boss and a very interesting villain. He has a decent set of stats but not too powerful. Movement: 6, Wounds: 5, Actions: 3, Attack: 1 blue die and 2 red dice, Armour: 2 blue dice and 1 red die, Will: 1 blue die and 1 red die and Dex: 1 blue die and 1 red die.
Captain R has 1 ability - Pirate Hoard. This model may equip Loot and Treasure cards. When spawned, draw one Treasure card and equip it on this model. When defeated, Heroes gain all Loot and Treasure cards this model has equipped. That's pretty darned cool!
He has 1 Special Ability - X Marks  the Spot. If he spends 2 Action points he may draw and equip himself with 1 Loot card.
He also has 2 Special Attacks - Flintlock and Deep One Attack. Flintlock is a Missile attack with a range of 6 squares and adds a bonus +1 red die to his Dexterity. It costs 1 Action point to use. Deep One Attack is a Magic attack with Cross:5 (it forms a cross of 5 squares in four directions centred on him) and adds +1 red die to his Willpower. It costs 2 Action points to use.
The Dark Tower's shadow stretches across the whole of Crystalia and is a bleak reminder of the Consul's strength and power. Succubus Vandella represents a more subtle aspect of the Consul's power, the power to corrupt and beguile. She delights in tormenting her prey and sowing chaos within even the most steadfast Hero's heart.
Succubus Vandella is a Demon Mini Boss who should not be underestimated. She only has 4 Wounds but she is cheaper to activate than most other Mini Bosses, costing just 3 Skulls instead of 4. However, she has improved Movement and Action points with scores of 7 and 4 respectively.  Her attack is above average with 1 blue die and 1 red die. Her Armour is a very average 2 blue die. Her Will is much better with 3 blue dice and 1 red die and her Dexterity is best of all with 3 red dice.
She has 4 Abilities - Dodge, Fly, Magic:4 and Pacify. A model with Dodge may use their Dexterity when making defence rolls unless they are suffering from Immune, Knockdown or Slow. Fly is self-explanatory. Magic:4 allows her to cast spells up to 4 squares away and if successful will  also pacify the target. Pacify prevents a target from using any Special Attacks.
She has one  Special Ability - Come Hither, which costs 2 Action points. It has Wave: 3 and Compel:3 so any target within 3 squares of her may be moved 3 squares in any direction. Very useful for pushing enemies away or drawing them next to her.
Her one Special Attack, Alluring, also costs 2 action points to use. This Magic attack adds +1 red die to her Will and if the attack is successful she immediately heals one Wound.
These two figures were on my want list for quite some time and so I was pleased to be able to buy them on e-Bay. I love it when sellers include the Buy Now option! Captain R is a great figure. Who doesn't like undead pirates? His ability to collect Treasure and Loot like a Hero makes him unique amongst the villains.
I love the figure of Succubus Vandella. I love the way she is blowing a kiss with one eye opened and one eye closed. I've used her once in a game and she was a tough opponent to kill due to her ability to heal wounds. She is not Vampirella but she is the closest representation of my favourite vampire in SDE so naturally I have a deep affection for her.
These figures are currently out of production although they sometimes appear on e-Bay. However, they will be re-released with new stat cards once The Forgotten King goes on sale. I was delighted to see that the new stat cards will allow Vandella to be played as a villain or as a Hero. That just made my day!


  1. These are both beautiful figures. You have certainly mastered painting the Chibi style figures these are fabulous Bryan. That Ninja game I mentioned to you is now on kickstarter interested?

    1. Thanks, Simon. I have looked at the Ninja All Stars and noted that it comes with cards for using the figures in SDE. That makes me VERY interested. I am seriously considering backing this project.

  2. Superb stuff Bryan. This really is such a cracking series of posts and I'm enjoying it immensely I assure you. What cracking minis too... terrific painting and the undead pirate captain is my fave of the two figures. Stunning work. But how did you manage to resist painting Vandella in a naughty little red leotard. She has a real vampy look to her. Wonderful sculpts. Well worth digging out and buying, and given a first-rate paintjob. What a terrific duo. Can't wait for these to appear in a BatRep ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. These are both very characterful figures. Believe me, there was a real temptation to paint Vandella as Vampirella. Pure willpower stopped me!

      An SDE batrep is very high on my to do list.

  3. More great figures,Bryan. Particularly like the pirate! What colour is the coat? ( am assuming it's a triad and I like the colour!:) ). I second the call for a batrep as I want to see how the game plays.

    1. Thanks, Chris. Yes, Captain R's coat is a Foundry triad - British Red Coat 68. I started with the shade (68A) then gave it a wash of Citadel Carroburg Crimson ink wash. Then I dry brushed it with the two lighter shades of British Red Coat (68B and 68C). I hope that helps. I hear your call for a batrep. It will happen.

  4. Very nice paintjobs Bryan. The pirate looks quite scary, he's got some big teeth. Limited edition figures, they don't come in any of the game boxes then?

    1. Thanks, Bob. These figures are not available in any of the boxed sets and have to bought separately, usually at vastly inflated prices unless you are lucky enough to find a reasonable seller (they do exist!).

  5. An interesting pair of quite animated figures. I think I prefer the pirate, but it's close.

    1. They're both great figures, Hugh. I prefer Vandella but as you rightly say, it's a close call.

  6. Nice paint jobs, that pirate is just fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I'm wondering if I could use Captain R in Rum and Bones. He'd fit in perfectly with the undead pirates.

  7. I have to be honest here- you are really, really, selling this game to me. The paint jobs you have got on these figures are just lovely, and the snippets about the game really make me want to play it!

    Long story short, these are great looking, and I am blaming you when I buy the game.

    1. What can I say, Chris? Guilty as charged. You might want to wait until May when The Forgotten King expansion set is released. There will be LOTS of rule changes in this set. I'll keep you updated as I already have TFK pre-ordered.
