
Sunday 10 May 2015

East Street Games Survivor and Zombie 01

Two weeks ago I was contacted by my good friend and fellow blogger, Clint from Anything But a One! He wanted to know if I'd like a couple of 28mm scale figures to paint and review? They were produced by East Street Games for their upcoming zombie apocalypse tabletop skirmish game, Bullets and Brains. How could I refuse? I'm always happy to receive free gifts and even more happy to help a friend out. So here are the two figures that I received.
Apparently, East Street Games will be producing their figures in two forms - human and zombie. I think this is a great idea. The Survivor that Clint sent me was of an aged gent dressed in a hospital gown, socks and slippers. He is totally unarmed and seems to me, to be totally unsuited and unprepared to survive a zombie apocalypse. He is pointing with his left arm, possibly at a group of zombies heading his way. I do believe he is my first hospital patient figure who is not a zombie!
The Zombie version graphically shows how he died. His left arm has been ripped off, leaving him to bleed to death, assuming he didn't die of a heart attack from shock. A number of disgusting looking boils have erupted over his body. Finally, he has been shot in a diagonal line from his right hip to his left shoulder.
I like these two figures and if the rest of the range is as good as these two I shall definitely buy them all. Sadly, I can't give you any price details just yet as they are still in production. Also, I do not know when this range will be going on general sale but as soon as I know I will inform you.


  1. What an absolutely gorgeous little mini pairing, Bryan, and your paint job has really worked a treat - even if those buttock highlights will haunt me in my sleep for days to come :-) That's a lovely blue gown you've painted and if I'm not mistaken you've even picked out the spine on the zombie version? Those boils look suitably sore as well, and I see you couldn;t resist your usual bucket of blood either - wot a gore-hound :-)

    Such a sad sad end to Dr Emmett Brown but hopefully Marty will be all right?

    I'm really looking forward to this game, and certainly plan to invest in it. Clint has clearly done as good a job of publicising it as you have painting up Doc. Thanks for posting :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I never made the connection with Doc Brown but now that you mention it is inescapably him!

      Heh, heh, I did go a bit over the top with the gore! In my defence, I figured he had his arm ripped off when he was still living, so it would have bled profusely.

      I am still undecided about buying the rules but I most definitely want the figures. Yes, full marks to Clint for promoting this project.

  2. I must admit this was one of the figures I liked best! Totally unsuitable to survive in just a hospital gown but knowing your time in hospital a little while ago I thought of you when sending it out! (sorry if that is too cheeky)

    Talking of Cheeky! You have bought him to both life and un-life! I did not notice the boils (bed sores (Ducdidis Ulscers) ) until I saw it painted and now looks truly horiffic!
    Nicely done and should add to your collection!

    1. Thanks, Clint, and let me reassure you there is no offence taken in you thinking of me in a hospital gown. I did wear one just like this during my hospital stay in 2013. You feel very vulnerable wearing it, I can tell you, but I do understand the necessity of having to wear it. Plus, it is not the most dignified form of clothing! I'm glad you liked my paint jobs. Once again, many thanks for sending me these two wonderful figures.

  3. Wow, that zombie is a bit torn up, isn't he :-) ? I always like to see new ranges of figures, though a new set of rules would need to have something pretty special before it was of interest to me.

    1. You could say that the zombie is mostly 'armless, but I wouldn't stoop to that kind of pun... ahem! I agree that the rules would have to be very special for me to want them and so far, I'm not convinced that they are.

  4. That is an interesting survivor (?) and zombie combo. I don't know how long anyone could hope to last in a hospital gown, but it's better than nothing I guess...

    Nice job on painting the minis, they definitely have the before and after look, and I think would make a nice addition to any collection. I'll have to keep an eye out for these when they enter the market

    It is amazing how much that looks like Doc Brown. Once th connection is made, it can't be undone!

    1. I think we can all agree that the "Survivor" is not going to survive long. Just as well ESG made a zombie version of him, eh?
      Yes, once you see the connection with Doc Brown it just sticks with you. Good call by Simon.

  5. Finally, a survi... a victim for potential zombie games. Would be fun to see if he survives the encounters or ends up as a midnight snack.

    1. He's designed to be a snack... see my comment below ;-)

      East Street Games

    2. I'd definitely classify him as snack.

  6. I'm really glad you like the figure and thanks for posting this blog article about him.

    In Bullets and Brains this this character is a psychiatric patient, he must be lead around by another member of the team. As soon as he is no longer in base to base contact with another team member he starts screaming and draws all the zombies to himself, thus acting as a "decoy"... It's a tasteful game :-)

    The starter boxes are available now, there are "Alpha Squad" (US military) and a "Civilian" (Survivor) boxes, each box contains everything you need to play Bullets and Brain: 12 metal minis(Alpha) or 16 metal minis (civilian), 28 plastic zombies, 4D6, 1D10, Character Stats Cards, Rules sheets and Token Sheets. Each box is priced at £45 or I do both for £80. I also have a pack of "Crawling Zombies" 10 metal for £15, in the game these are used if they have suffered an attack from a hand grenade or similar.


    Paul Brook
    East Street Games

    1. Many thanks for the info, Paul. That's an interesting concept you have this survivor. I like it! Many thanks for the info regarding what's available and costs. I am very interested in purchasing your two boxed sets plus the zombie crawlers. Expect an order from me very soon. I wish you every success with this venture.

    2. That's I'm sure you'll ejoy the game, it's great fun.. Bu then I would say that ;-)

  7. Nicely done Dude! Loving this guy and his zombie counterpart. I'd imagine he feels very vunerable with his ass hanging out. Hard choice to make, do you go to the gun shop or the clothes shop.
    Having seen a few of these figures now, I'm impressed with them. Especially when painted so well. I'd love to get these but at the moment I'm overwhelmed with zombies and significantly underfunded.

    1. Thanks for that, I'm glad you like the look of them. Cheers Paul

    2. Thanks, Bob. I appreciate your comments. I do understand that with all of your new Zombicide stuff you must be snowed under with zombies. Welcome to my world, mate!

    3. I was sitting eating a bowl of chips and a pool of tomato sauce while I read this..... completely eewwwww!!!!

      This guy is awesome, I REALLY like these two casts.

    4. Ha, ha, thanks, Steve! They are both very interesting figures.

  8. Nicely done Bryan! I have to get mine based so I can begin painting her!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm curious to know which figure(s) you received from Clint. I look forward to seeing your work completed.
