
Sunday 17 May 2015

Impact Chibi Skeletons and Zombies

Impact Miniatures are a company who make 28mm scale resin figures, including a range of Chibi Adventurers who are very compatible with the figures used in Super Dungeon Explore. You can find them here -
The skeleton is listed as CA-SKEL Chibi Skeleton on the Impact Minis website and costs £3.49. I bought four of them to help supplement my SDE Skeletons.
He is very lightly armoured with just a helmet and shoulder guards, which I have painted rusty and ancient looking.
He is armed with only a rusty sword.
I have no game stats for him yet. A rulebook for using these figures called Chibi World will be coming out later this year. I can't wait to get my hands on it as I know the author, Steve Gilbert, very well and I know that writing it has been a labour of love for him. You could use this figure as a Bonehead or Rattle Bone in SDE.
The zombie is listed as CA-ZOMB Chibi Zombie on the Impact Minis website and he also costs £3.49. Once again, I bought four of them.
The zombies are unarmoured and carry a wooden club. I have deliberately kept my gore effects to a minimum on these figures.
As yet there no game stats for zombies in SDE but they will be making an appearance as an expansion set for The Forgotten King, which is available now.
Given my love of all things undead I simply had to add these delightfully cute figures to my collection. I never thought I'd ever describe a skeleton or a zombie as being cute!


  1. They are sooooo damn cute!!!

    Maybe have the zombies with a bloodshot eye? Other than that they look fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Johnny. That's a great suggestion about bloodshot eyes.

  2. What a fiendishly delicious posting, Bryan. Everything is back to normal in the world of Vampifan with a wonderful series of "Zombicide" related postings and then from out of the blue - "Thwack!", here's another dose of Chibi-related cuteness. Doubtless poor Bob will be reeling ;-)

    Cracking minis and terrific paintjobs. The green eyes are spot on for the ghoulish skeletons, and I'm certainly going to borrow the dilated pupil look for my Chibi zombies... should I ever paint any :-) Both Andrew May sculpts of "Meridian Miniatures" fame as well no less.

    Great stuff and looking forward to seeing these in that long-awaited SDE BatRep at some point :-)

    1. I'll let you in on a secret, Simon. This is just a filler post featuring figures I painted months ago. I'm still firmly wrapped up in all things Zombicide and have stuff I want to post for it (more figure reviews and a massive batrep) but I need to get them blog-ready.

      The Meridian Miniatures Chibi Zombies you mentioned are definitely on my "must have" list. I checked out their website but they're not available yet.

      I am uncertain about doing an SDE batrep - not because I don't want to but because the game has changed so much with the release of The Forgotten King. My dilemma is, do I feature a batrep with the old rules or the new rules?

    2. "Blog-ready" - What a great expression :-)

      Ref SDE BatRep - I think it purely depends upon how much detail you want to go into Bryan. If you follow your "Zombicide" level of detail then probably the newer version? But if you're just telling a story (as I try and do) then either will be fine as the fun is in the adventure, not the weeds of the rules.

      Really looking forward to your next "Zombicide" BatRep, and just sorting out some more buildings for my next one as well ;-)

    3. Blog-ready - to prepare for posting on a blog. Involves photo taking, photo-editing and typing. As if you didn't know! :)

      I normally like to do detailed batreps that are rules heavy for the benefit of new players or for people who are undecided about whether a game is for them or not. I'd really love to do a purely story telling batrep without any rules references for a variety of games, so that is certainly a possibility.

      I have already played the Zombicide game for my next batrep but my God, it is epic in every sense of the word. I am in a quandary over how much of it to publish. More on that later. I'm delighted that you're planning on another Zombicide batrep so soon after your first one. I, too, got swept along by the very favourable comments I received for my first Zombicide batrep that a second one was inevitable.

    4. "As if you didn't know!" :-) Actually I'm just composing my posting for tomorrow Bryan... Playing "Zombicide" in 6mm. Just trying to get some pictures of the tiles and buildings I've made... as well as the Zeds of course ;-)

    5. Zombicide in 6mm? Now that IS an interesting concept!

  3. Well painted, just not minis I can enjoy, but each to their own.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Have no worries, mate. I know we don't all like the same things.

  4. Interestingly, writing "Chibi World" for Tom Anders and Impact Miniatures was quite an easy task for me really, probably because it was one of the more enjoyable commissions I have undertaken over the last few decades of writing. With this set of rules, I wanted to create a truly generic set of Chibi rules (supported by an structurally integral `anime` game world in which you could (but didn`t have to) play in. Chibi World is currently available as part of the new Impact Miniatures Kickstarter.

    Some of the other projects I have undertaken over the years were, to be honest, a lot harder than this one Bryan. My cross over rules for Wizkid`s MageKnight to Horror Clix would be one such example; or Dungeon World which I did for Pendraken, or perhaps my Solo rules for Advanced Squad Leader (Multi Man Publishing).

    Steve :)

    1. As memory serves I thoroughly enjoyed "Dungeon World" Steve. I certainly recall it encouraging me to splurg on far more 10mm resin dungeon corridors and rooms than an adventurer could ever hope to explore :-)

    2. Thanks for your comments, Steve. I know you had a lot of fun writing Chibi World from the many -mails we swapped. I backed the Kickstarter project primarily to get hold of your rules, although the new figures will be a nice bonus as well.

      Simon, Steve showed me a batrep he'd done for Dungeon World and although 10mm is not for me (I've invested far too much money and time in 28mm) I very much enjoyed his narrative. Steve knows how to spin a good yarn.

  5. I'm left wondering in what way rules for *chibi* models would differ from rules for any other type of figure. Perhaps a greater chance of a critical hit to the head :-) ?

    There are a surprising number of manufacturers of chibi miniatures. At least, I'm a bit surprised at how many there are!

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Great comment about critical head hits on Chibi figures! LOL!

      Until late last year the whole concept of Chibi miniatures was unheard of for me. But since buying Super Dungeon Explore I have certainly had my eyes opened.

  6. Haha, absolutely right Blaxkleric.... that was one of the joys of DM in 10mm. You could play endless meandering dungeon crawls of truly epic, practically "Undermountain" size, all on the scale of... well a small dining room table; or play out a normal size game on a coffee tray.

    Colgar haha {{ "Perhaps a greater chance of a critical hit to the head"}} I love it ^^

    Generic rules for chibis. Hmmmmm, easy really. Really, chibi gaming is merely a genre of anime gaming. Think Final Fantasy VII, and you have it in one, pretty much.

    Bryan, as always, your a true mate. Can`t wait to see your next magnum opus.


    1. Thanks, as always, Steve. Check your Inbox as I've just sent you a long e-mail. The next magnum opus is mentioned in it.

  7. Just when I thought things were getting back to normal Bryan!
    Each to there own I suppose. Luckily you've done a cracking job painting them Dude, so I have something nice to say about them. Cute zombies are just wrong man!

    1. Have no fear, Bob. This is just a temporary blip whilst I prepare my next Zombicide posts. Oh, and you're right - cute zombies are SO wrong!

  8. So cute in the rotting sort of way. Love 'em

    1. I appreciate your comment, Carl, and I know exactly what you mean.

  9. Awesome job, Bryan. I would think these cartoon figs would be very hard to paint but you have them down good! I'll try to write soon, been very depressed and hounded by torture doctors
    BTW great work on the Zombicide, too, I want so bad to start mine!

    1. Cheers, Roger. I appreciate you taking the time out to write to me. I wish you all the best, my friend.
