
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Zombicide Season 3 Survivors and Zombivors 01

I thought I'd take a short break from reviewing zombies. However, still sticking with my favourite zombie apocalypse game, Zombicide, here's a look at the first of my Season 3 Survivors and Zombivors. Three of them (Dick, Leroy and Paul) came from Survivor and Zombivor Set #5: Moustache Pack #2. The other figure (Lucius) was one of the free stretch goals I received for backing the Zombicide Season 3 Kickstarter project. He also sports a moustache, so he fits in well with the other three. All four bear remarkable similarities with well known film and TV stars.
First in line is Paul Rourke, the reality TV star. Discovered by TV producers during $2 Pitcher Night at his local bowling alley, Paul hit the big time in the African Safari Journey reality show, leading his team to a fourth place finish. His star rose as he starred in the inevitable sequels and reunions. When African Safari Journey was cancelled Paul hit the skids and was working as a short order cook at a local diner when the dead rose. Taking charge, he led his terrified patrons to safety. Paul doesn't have many useful survival skills, but people respond to his leadership skills and irascible persona. The world needs a hero, and Paul is glad to play his part.
Both Survivor and Zombivor Paul are armed with twin Knives. Paul's starting skill is Swordmaster, which allows him to treat all melee weapons as if they had the Dual symbol. The figure of Paul is clearly based on Mickey Rourke's character, Tool, in the film, The Expendables.
The tall African/American gent is Leroy Thompson, an accountant. Leroy always knew he wanted to be an accountant and he worked hard to make his dream a reality. The day he became a Certified Public Accountant was the greatest of his life. All was well in the world of spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations until he went on a mandatory team-building exercise set deep in the woods. The team-building exercise involved paintball and copious amounts of alcohol. Leroy woke the next morning with a hangover and a Mohawk haircut. Unfortunately, the zombies chose that day to attack. the sole survivor of his slaughtered team, Leroy traded in his paintball rifle for the real thing. His transformation from mild-mannered accountant to cold-blooded killer has been nothing short of astounding.
Survivor and Zombivor Leroy are both armed with 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifles. Leroy's starting Skill is Tough, which allows him to ignore the first Attack he receives from a single Zombie every Zombies' Phase. Leroy is unmistakably based on Mr. T's character, B.A. Baracus, from The A-Team TV series.
Surprisingly brightly dressed is Dick Johnson the undertaker. Voted undertaker of the year three years running, Dick Johnson's chain of cut-rate funeral parlours consistently buried the competition. When the dead actually rose, Dick hid in one of his coffins for three days hoping to ride it out. Re-emerging into a dead new world and realising that since nobody died anymore he was now the most useless man on Earth. Dick threw himself into the business of survival with the same vigour he displayed in building his one-man empire of the dead. Dick's knowledge of anatomy, embalming chemicals and obscure knowledge of undertaking lore will prove invaluable to any group he joins.
Survivor Dick is armed with a .44 Magnum Revolver, whilst Zombivor Dick has upgraded to a 7.62mm AK47 Assault Rifle. His starting Skill is Lucky, which allows him to re-roll once all the dice for each Action he takes. The new result takes the place of the previous one. This Skill stacks with the effects of other Skills (+1 Re-roll per Turn, for example) and Equipment that allows re-rolls. Dick's figure is based on Will Ferrell's eponymous character in the film Anchorman: the Legend of Ron Burgundy.
Finally, we come to Lucius Reno, aka the Weed Man. Lucius started growing marijuana soon after smoking his first joint. After flunking out of high school, Lucius discovered he had a green thumb and turned an enjoyable hobby into a full-fledged business. Everyone loved Lucius’s bud, and his nickname of the Weed Man stuck. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. Busted by the local cops, Lucius was being escorted to the police station when the zombie outbreak hit. The cops soon had other things to worry about and Lucius managed to slip away. Not a hero, Lucius ekes out a precarious existence bartering herb for life’s essentials.
Survivor Lucius and Zombivor Lucius are each armed with a 9mm Pistol. Lucius's starting Skill is +1 to Dice Roll: Ranged, giving him a handy bonus to all of his Ranged Attacks. The figure of Lucius is based on the character, Leone "Leon" Montana from one of my favourite films, Leon: the Professional in which he plays a hitman who befriends a young girl after her family is murdered by a corrupt police detective. Rather unusually, Zombivor Lucius has been sculpted in a running pose.


  1. Love each back story. Very nicely done on them all.

    Did you see the New zombie TV series last night (I say new but you may have seen it before) on "Pick" Tv Channel (10pm) called " Z Nation" while not brilliant it was Ok to watch I felt.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I didn't see "Z Nation" as I don't have satellite TV. It is something I would have watched. Perhaps if it gets a DVD release I may buy it.

    2. Z Nation has been released on DVD Blueray here in N America. I've seen it at Walmart about a month ago

    3. Thanks for the heads up, Terry. Much appreciated.

  2. Nice work on the minis in both their forms. :)

  3. Wonderful stuff Bryan. Its clear these were a delight to paint and I especially like the 'not-Ron Burgundy'. I did actually fancy picking a box of these up on Ebay but as you can probably imagine they're a little pricey to say the least. Still, what a cracking looking band of survivors and I'm looking forward to seeing these in at least one of your Batreps :-)

    1. Cheers, Simon. Yes, they were a delight to paint. I have seen these being offered for sale on eBay and they sure are pricey. Lucius was going for £25, which is just ridiculous! Maybe Amazon will stock them at a more reasonable price.
      There's a good chance they will appear in a future batrep. I want to post a lot more Zombicide batreps.

  4. Nicely done Bryan they all look great!

  5. Great job Bryan! Very cool set of survivors and zombivors. Lucius is my favourite, great backstory and inspired by an excellent character from a superb movie.

    1. I totally agree, Bob. "Leon" is a superb movie. Gary Oldman plays the corrupt detective to perfection. He is so EVIL! And Jean Reno was just awesome. When I saw that Guillotine Games were creating a not-Leon figure for Zombicide I cheered.
