
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Runners 01

Zombies Runners in Zombicide are always a scary proposition because they get to activate twice in a Turn. Toxic Runners are even more scary because if killed in melee combat they explode and their Toxic Spray causes one Wound to their assailant. Here are the first eight of my 16 Toxic Runners.
The first thing I did to all of these figures was to remove the supporting peg beneath their left feet. They are made of hard enough plastic that they don't need it. That was the only modification I made to the two Runners at the far left the photos above and below.
The two Runners at the far right of the two photos above have had body and leg swaps. The bodies are the same as those shown to the far left but the legs are different, as you can easily tell if you notice their bare feet. Body and leg swaps are quite an easy conversion to do. The hardest part is cutting the figure in half. Even though the figures are made of plastic and can be cut with a craft knife, it does take a bit of effort to cut through that much plastic. Once the figures are cut in half I drill a hole in the centre of both parts. I use a small piece of a paperclip cut to size to pin the body to the legs, along with a spot of superglue. It is a simple but effective conversion. Note that I have also cut off their baseball hats that were hanging from their belts. It seemed illogical to keep them when they were already wearing baseball caps on their heads.
Here again, the two Runners at the far left are straight from the box sculpts with just the removal of the peg under their left feet my only modification. I wouldn't call it a conversion.
The two Runners at the far right have had their legs and bodies swapped with the two Runners I showed above in the first two photos.
There is a great sense of movement in the way these figures have been sculpted and you can tell at a glance that they are Runners and not Walkers. I like them.


  1. The tee shirt slogans are a nice touch. Hard to paint the same figure several times and make them all look different, yet you have.

    1. I totally agree, Clint. I like painting T-shirts as you can do so much with them.

  2. Nicely done these looks great. Liking the conversions as well great to mix up the crowd.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I like all of my zombies to at least look different even if they are the same pose.

  3. Very animated zombies, indeed! The conversions look seamless and do give more variety to the pack, though the varied painting probably has as much effect.

    1. Many thanks, Hugh. The conversions certainly help make them look different.

  4. Great work on these Bryan! These are the type of zombies I need to add to my collection; time to go shopping ;-)

    1. Thanks, Major. I'm sure you'll find them very useful.

  5. Great job as usual Bryan! Nice variety in your colour scheme, t-shirts are lovely, the slogans really make them. Superb conversions Dude, thanks for the talk through. I may (ahem) try something like that with my runners.
    These boys definitely have to go down at range, way too dangerous to let into melee.

    1. Cheers, Bob. You really should try converting a few figures. It is amazing how even the simplest conversion can change a figure.

  6. Wonderful stuff Bryan, simply wonderful. Simple but stunningly effective conversions and some fantastically varied paint-jobs. I really like the bottom torso pose as what with the finger pointing they typically look like they're late for a bus - though I doubt any conductor would stop to have them come on board. I also think the blood work on the chest of the chap second in (with a black bandanna, grey t-shirt and green(ish) bottoms) looks like superman's 'S' :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I assure you that I did not paint Superman's "S" on the chest of that Runner. It is purely a trick of the light as my angle-poise lamps caught the blood stain in an interesting way. Weird, huh?

    2. "I assure you that I did not paint Superman's "S" on the chest of that Runner." - If you say so Bryan. But aren't those his blue tights starting to slip out of his pocket? ;-) Seriously, great stuff Bryan and I'm hoping that all this painting means an imminent "Toxic Mall" BatRep? I've not used mine yet - except the Zombivor rules, so I'd certainly welcome another of your detailed rules-heavy postings :-)

    3. You doubt my word, you varlet! Get thyself off to Specsavers forthwith! ;-)

      You can expect a new Zombicide batrep pretty soon. Only problem is, I have so many to chose from! It is a nice problem to have. Oddly enough, I haven't played Toxic Mall or Prison Outbreak yet. I didn't want to play them with unpainted figures. Now all my Toxic Zombies are finished there's no reason not to play any of their scenarios. I'm working on my Berserk Zombies right now with a view to being able to play Prison Outbreak soon. So much to do, Simon!

  7. Damn fine work Bryan!! I for one wouldn't want any of them buggers chasing me!!!
