
Sunday 23 August 2015

Zombicide Murder of Crowz

Well, it hasn't taken me long to get back to my number one gaming passion - Zombicide. This time, however, I'm reviewing something decidedly far from the norm - zombie crows or crowz as Guillotine Games insist on calling them. In case you didn't know, the collective term for a group of crows is a murder of crows. I first became aware of zombie crows when I saw Resident Evil: Extinction. These figures make a great addition to Zombicide and could be used in many other games, either as zombie crowz or normal crows.
Stat-wise in Zombicide, Crowz are rather nasty. They can move up to three Zones per Activation, making them incredibly fast. However, they still only get one Activation per Turn, either moving or attacking. Murder of Crowz have the same Targeting Priority as Toxic Walkers (i.e. they come second on the chart after Survivors) and they only require one Wound to kill (note that is one Wound per stand not per crow!). Being flying pests, Murder of Crowz ignore ALL obstacles hindering or preventing movement when they move (including barricades, closed doors, Hole Zones, observation towers and walls). They also ignore game effects preventing them from staying in a Zone like Rubble or Security Zones.
The stand of six crowz is a thing of beauty. The sculptor has done a truly amazing job to fit six crowz on one base so cleverly. My reaction when I first saw them was, "WOW!" These are amongst the best sculpted figures I have ever seen. As for painting them, what could be easier? I primed them in black, painted the bases various shades of grey, painted the crowz matt black and added a dot of white for their eyes. It was time consuming simply because I painted all 20 stands in one go.
In the photo above Team Vampifan (remember them?) face a huge Murder of Crowz. Here I show the 15 stands of Crowz that come with the boxed set plus an extra 5 stands that I received as a Kickstarter free bonus for backing Zombicide Season 3. That makes for a total of 120 Crowz. Team Vampifan better hope they don't run out of ammo!
The Murder of Crowz expansion set is currently available from Amazon UK for £18.19.


  1. What a cracking posting Bryan, and I'm now so glad I took you advice and picked up these Crowz for "Black Plague". They look and sound an awesome addition and certainly something to be feared. That final photo of yours looks especially menacing. I don't fancy team Vampifan's chances ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Crowz should definitely be feared. You might think you'll be safe indoors with the doors locked but NO! They ignore ALL obstacles and that makes them truly frightening. I agree with you, I don't fancy Team Vampifan's chances either.

  2. Murder of crows can be pretty nasty! You can really hear the music from Alfred Hitchcocks BIRDS.

    Time to use a molotov cocktail!!!

    1. A Molotov Cocktail would be an ideal weapon to use against these, Johnny.

  3. Frickin awesome!!!!!!!!

    I`m soooooooo glad I ordered Murder of Crowz for Zombicide Black Plague. Can`t wait to get them.

    You`ve done it again Bryan.

    I was happy.... happy with My Zombicide. But no, you had to go show me Zombie Dogs.

    Then a while later, I thought I was happy again, I was complete... but no, you had to go show me Zombicide Dog Companions, and my world fell apart again.

    But you came to my rescue, and you sent me (as a gift) both Zombie Dogs AND Dog Companions and my life was good *huge manly hugs*

    Now I just seen Murder of Crowz, and "I wants them, I wants them my precious."

    But this time round, you convinced me to Kickstart Black Plague, and finally, this time round WOOHOOO!!!!! I`m gonna get my very own Crowz... soon, so sooooon. oh gosh, I cant wait.

    *rocks back and forth in a straight jacket*

    LOVE this post mate, 1 out of 10.

    Steve :)

    1. So you like them, huh, Steve? GRIN! They are amongst the coolest Zombicide figures I've painted. Funnily enough, I still haven't painted my Zombie Dogs or Dog Companions. I must get them done soon.

      But, what's this? You LOVE the post but just give it a 1 out of 10!? Sheesh, Steve, you're a hard taskmaster! I'm going to assume you meant to say 10 out of 10, right? :-)

  4. omGGGggggggggggg!!!!!!!!! I meant 10 out of 10 hahahahaa, sorry mate.

  5. Individually I was thinking They are Okay! But when you see the flock you thing Hell yeah!

    1. Individually, I thought they were damned near perfect. But I do agree that when they are grouped together they are mighty impressive.

  6. Very cool crowz Dude! They really are a pain in the butt to play against. You quickly learn to hate them Bryan.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I've yet to try them out in a game but I suspect I'll feel the same way about them as you do.

  7. I like these crow figures they are well sculpted and as can be seen a full on murder is terrifying. Alas poor team Vampifan their bones will be picked over by zombie crows!

    1. Cheers, Robert. You're right. That many crowz will make mincemeat of Team Vampifan, unless the heroes are packing Molotov Cocktails!

  8. Also very useful as non-zombie crows for Dark Ages or other periods, I imagine. I wish these had been available when I built my "Wicked Witch of the West" figure.

    Of course, if the birds or the bugs have the zombie virus then we're all f**ked...

    1. You're quite right, Hugh, there's no reason not to use them as normal crows.

      Yes, if the zombie virus crosses species then that really is catastrophic news.

  9. I have absolutely no use for these figures, yet still I want them...The perils of visiting your blog, Bryan. Up until I saw it on here, I had no idea the Spectrum MSV existed, but now I want one of those as well. I won't need an Amazon wish list - I'll just direct them to your blog!
    Regards Jez

    1. But they're such cool figures, Jez, so of course you'll want them. We gamers are so alike. We see something we like, buy it (funds permitting), and then worry about how we can use it. Don't mention Amazon wish lists. Mine is as long as my arm!
      All the best, mate.
