
Sunday 13 September 2015

Victory Force Zombies 03

Here are my second batch of 20 zombies from the Victory Force Zombie Horde 1. Horde 1 consists purely of civilians. A second horde of 100 is made up of various first responders. I have them but I have not painted them yet.
This group of five female zombies are all wearing skirts or dresses so I have named them the Skirts. At the far left is Skirt 1, who has been bitten in the right arm. The wound is not noticeable from the front but is clearly visible from behind.
Skirt 2 is another bottle blonde and she has lost her left hand. I do like her patterned skirt, which I copied from a clothing catalogue.
Skirt 3 is a young African/American woman who has had her throat cut. She is leaning forward so appears to be smaller than she should be.
Skirt 4 has been bitten in the left shoulder. Note that she still has her handbag hanging from her right shoulder.
Mousey-haired Skirt 5 had her right eye gouged out. She wears a full dress instead of a skirt but still fits in well with this group.
This group of gentlemen are all wearing suits, hence I have called them the Suits. At the far left, Suit 1 was an office worker. He still wears his ID badge on his left breast. He has lost his right arm below the elbow and has been bitten in the upper left leg.
Suit 2 is formally attired in dinner-wear. He suffers no obvious wound but his left hand is smeared in blood, presumably, not his own.
Suit 3 is more casually dressed, but is still smart. He also has no obvious wounds, but blood around his mouth has dribbled down, suggesting he has recently fed on a hapless victim.
Suit 4 looks like an archetypal Northerner, and by that I mean the North of England. There is not a single mark on him and other than his blank eyes you could easily mistake him for being alive. Not all of my zombies are covered in gore!
Suit 5 is the same figure minus the flat cap and his right arm. You'll find in this horde duplicate figures that look identical at first glance but differ in some small way.
My next group of five male zombies all wear smart casual clothing so I named them the Casuals. Casual 1, at the far left of the group,  has had his right arm severed at the shoulder and has been bitten in the lower right leg.
Casual 2 has been bitten in the right shoulder and the lower right leg.
Casual 3 wears a brown jacket over a white T-shirt. He has been bitten in both thighs and has been shot in the lower back.
Casual 4 is an elderly Jewish man. Note the skull cap on the back of his head denoting his faith. He has suffered a severe stomach wound and both his hands are being used to keep his guts from spilling out. Seeing as he is now a zombie I don't know why he is bothering.
Casual 5 is a young man who has been slashed across his chest and bitten in his lower right leg. Blood covers his hands and lower face.
The final group of male zombies are old enough to have retired from the workforce, so I named them the OAPs (Old Aged Pensioners). White-haired OAP 1 has had his left cheek bitten off.
OAP 2 has been shot in the heart by a low-calibre bullet as it has not exited from his back.
OAP 3 has suffered a similar fate, only he has been shot in the stomach.
Bald OAP 4 has a cut to the back of his head. The blood around his mouth came from a victim he has fed on.
OAP 5 has been shot in the stomach. He wears glasses, which have been knocked askew and now only cover one eye. That is an interesting and unusual feature.


  1. With 200 Zeds (Including first responders) you will be busy for a long time. Still there is little on the box worth watching so That could be a good thing and "Save" your sanity before you sink to watching soaps! (I doubt you ever will)

    1. Thanks, Clint. If I buy no more figures for the next two years I still won't finish painting my mountain of unpainted figures. As for watching "soaps" I'd rather stick pins in my eyes! Mind you, you are right about there being so little worth watching on the box.

  2. Some very nice paintwork Bryan! I really like your patterned skirt and jumpers. Great to see the zombies going strong. With all your VFM zombies the horde is going to swell more than a little. Very cool gore effects too Dude!

    1. Cheers, Bob. Yes, the horde grows... as it should. It always pleases me when you say how much you like the gore effects. You're clearly a man after my own heart!

  3. I still have a bunch of these to do...So little time.
    They look good mate. But it makes me a bit worried for you... It would seem you have a zombie outbreak on your hands!!!!

    1. Thanks, Johnny. Yes, it is a zombie outbreak. They're taking over my home. Yikes!!!

  4. I think I've got a few of these myself, though I still don't recognise most of them. Have you done a lot of converting on these models, or are they pretty much "out of the box"?

    1. No conversions at all, Hugh. They are all unmodified sculpts. What you see is what you get.

  5. Terrific stuff Bryan, and good to see that zombies don't just prey upon the young but are willing to take down the odd geriatric as well. I did think your first two undead pensioners were somewhat close to elderly comedians Cannon & Ball... doubtless caught by the zombie apocalypse whilst at some Blackpool-based cabaret ;-) I'm not sure which shocks me the most though, the somewhat substandard sculpts or your imaginatively grisly descriptions of how all these people both turned and then got shot by survivors. Great stuff!!!

    1. Much appreciated your comments, Simon. I hadn't noticed the Cannon & Ball lookalikes but now that you've mentioned it I can see a similarity. Good spot, my friend! You are also right about the sculpting being substandard but it doesn't bother me. As for my grisly descriptions of how they died you should know by now how much of a gore-hound I am! Chuckle!!!

  6. These look great Bryan. I didnt think they would paint up this good. Man I have a lot of these to do. Lets face it my collection is way out of control. I probably have over 1k zombies unpainted especially with the kickstarters. Keep going buddy, its great stuff.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. I know the feeling about having so many figures to paint - not just zombies, either. You're right as well, Kickstarter projects don't help matters either. Still, I keep on plugging away at my mountain of unpainted figures and progress, whilst slow, is still progress.
