
Sunday 25 October 2015

Castle Ravenloft Skeletons

In the Castle Ravenloft board-game for 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons, there are two types of skeletons your Heroes can encounter - Blazing Skeletons and normal Skeletons. You get three figures of each type.
Just like the Wraiths, which I reviewed last time, the Blazing Skeletons are made of translucent blue plastic. Once again, I was faced with the dilemma of leaving their flame effects transparent blue (to denote magical fire) and paint the actual skeleton in shades of bone, or going totally different. Well, you can see from my photos that I went totally different. The fact that the flame is literally white hot close into the skeleton added to the fact that I decided to paint the bones black, denoting a charring effect provides a stunning contrast. I'm delighted at how they have turned out.
The stats for a Blazing Skeleton are AC13 and 2HP. Killing one earns your Hero 2 Experience Points.
A Blazing Skeleton's tactics are -
If the Blazing Skeleton is within 1 tile of a Hero, it attacks each Hero on the closest Hero's tile with a Ball of Fire.
Otherwise, the Blazing Skeleton moves 1 tile toward the closest Hero.
A Ball of Fire attack gives a +7 bonus to hit and causes 2 damage if it hits or 1 damage if it misses.
The Skeletons shown above and below are most likely what most people imagine a fantasy skeleton to look like. Their swords are rusty, which was a deliberate decision of mine.
The stats for a Skeleton are AC16 (very high for a monster) and 1HP. Killing one earns a Hero 2 Experience Points.
A Skeleton's tactics are -
If the Skeleton is adjacent to a Hero, it attacks with a Scimitar.
If the Skeleton is within 1 tile of a Hero, it moves adjacent to the closest Hero and attacks that Hero with a charging Slice.
Otherwise, the Skeleton moves 1 tile towards the closest Hero.
A Scimitar attacks gives a +7 bonus to hit and causes 1 damage.
A Slice attack gives a +9 bonus to hit and causes 2 damage.
Two great sets of figures that I like a lot.


  1. Great stuff Bryan! I love your blazing skeletons, the flames are excellent and the charred bone effect was an inspired choice. The others are very nice too dude.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I couldn't be happier at how my Blazing Skeletons turned out.

    2. I have a question though: If a hero went adjacent to a Blazing Skeleton, can the Blazing Skeleton attack also with a fireball at the hero (sort of a melee attack?) This goes with Kobold Skirmishers, too. I'm confused as to how these ranged monsters attack at adjacent heroes - or maybe they can't attack adjacent heroes? Not sure.

    3. By the Blazing Skeleton’s card instructions, being adjacent to a hero is the same as being within one tile. (The instructions are a list of actions, and you read from the top, apply the first behavior that applies, then stop.)

  2. I love those blazing skellies man, they are amazing! Good choice on the charred bones as Bob said.

    1. Thanks, Andy. Comments like yours vindicate my decision to go with this colour scheme.

  3. Well its genuinely very clear, Bryan, that if you'd been behind "Jason & The Argonauts" then the Children of the Hydra may well have looked rather more 'burnt' than the late great Ray Harryhausen's :-) They are absolutely astounding and one of your very best paint-jobs ever. I simply must get some and will certainly be on the look out for them in the future. I think your brave decision to paint them rather than simply keep the plastic look was, as Bob puts it, inspired. Love the other Skeletons too but those flamers are terrific :-)

    1. It's funny that you should mention the great Ray Harryhausen as I was thinking of him when I was painting my normal Skeletons. Brave or inspired, either way I'm glad my Blazing Skeletons are winning such approval. They were a delight to paint.

  4. Astounding!!! Possibly the best painting I`ve EVER seen from you Bryan. Seriously, these guys are just astonishingly good. The flame effect and the charred blacked bone underneath is remarkable, and how you`ve painted the bone (from the back)... the shape.... everything.... is uncanny. I agree totally with Blaxkleric Quote: {{They are absolutely astounding and one of your very best paint-jobs ever}}

    The ordinary Skeletons are also remarkably well done, again, one of your better paint jobs, and what`s more, and ESPECIALLY important to me, they are painted with absolutely the right `tone` for Dungeons and Dragons... which truly does and (in my mind) really should be followed, as there is a deep, 40 year real life rich history of this game to pull information from.

    Your Skeletons... ALL of them... meet this genre tone, and this standard with expert precision.

    very impressive mate.

    1. That's praise of the highest order, Steve and I truly thank you for it. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to paint my Blazing Skeletons. I'd seen pics of them painted in their translucent blue state and they looked good. But once I'd decided on this colour scheme there was no going back.

      "Possibly the best painting I've EVER seen from you, Bryan." WOW! you have left me speechless! I know how much you love this game, Steve (after all, it was you who persuaded me to buy it), so to receive that kind of praise is both humbling and gratifying.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  5. While they all look good the blazing skellies do stand out.

  6. Bryan your Blazing Skeletons are just...I'm at a loss for words! I need to have you paint skeletons for me! How much are your fees? Awesome! Just awesome!

    1. Many thanks, Major. I paint for pleasure, not for business. But who knows if the price was right!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ray. It seems that everyone loves them.

  8. The blazing skeletons are brilliant! Well done Bryan!

  9. I would never have thought to paint the burning bones black, yet the contrast that this gives is highly effective. Very well done indeed!

    1. Thanks, Hugh. It seemed obvious to me that the heat of the flames would char their bones.

  10. When you said you'd gone for a slightly different look on your Blazing Skeletons, I have to say I wasn't expecting this! Your brushwork and imaginative repaint is jaw-droppingly amazing. Very well done, Bryan! Whilst I've tried something similar with normal skeletons to create radioactive 'zombies', so starting with white undercoat, then successive dry brushes of yellow, orange, then black, they didn't look as good as yours.

    1. Thank you kindly, Jez. You've got me thinking - how would I paint radioactive skeletons or zombies?

  11. Those blazing skeletons are stunning Bryan! You've outdone yourself sir!

  12. Those blazing skeletons are genius!

  13. you did an amazing job on those blazing skelys

  14. Amazing I love those flaming skeletons they are ace!

    1. You just have to love the Blazing Skeletons, Simon. They are ace!
