
Saturday 31 October 2015

Vampifan's Views 69 - Monthly Musings 47

Miss Vampirella October 2015 - Panda Valentine
This month's Vampirella model is called Panda Valentine - surely not her real name. She is a cosplayer from California. She is a big fan of Marvel comics and her favourite character whom she likes to cosplay is Emma Frost of X-Men fame. That said, she has done a great job of appearing as Vampirella and I certainly consider myself one of her many fans.

Moving on to hobby news and I want to chat about one of my favourite topics - Kickstarters. I know that some people hate them but I'm the opposite - I LOVE them! I know I back quite a lot of Kickstarter projects, but there are just as many (possibly more so) that I don't back. It's just impossible to back every one that takes your fancy. My top two favourite games are Zombicide and Super Dungeon Explore. I'll happily back anything to do with them.

A big part of the joy of watching the launch of a new Kickstarter is seeing what new stretch goals (always free) and add-ons (optional buys) are being added. Like anyone else, I always appreciate getting stuff for free. Add-ons are a mixed bag. More often than not I'll want them and buy them, but the problem is they can quickly cost more than the initial pledge. As an example, for Zombicide: Black Plague, I spent $150 on my initial pledge but $250 on add-ons. Yes, I know - OUCH! Earlier this month, the Battle Systems Urban Terrain Kickstarter drew to a close. They really pushed the boat out offering lots of stretch goals but far too many add-ons. The worst thing is, I want ALL of the add-ons but can I afford them? Most probably but it will hurt my wallet!

All of which brings me onto my main news of the month. I am backing a new Kickstarter project - Super Dungeon Explore: Legends. Check it out here -
There are a number of initial pledge levels ranging from $45 to $200. The number of pledges for $200 outnumber the rest of them added together and is the option I chose. This pledge nets me everything, and believe me, it's a lot! Legends greatly expands the original game, offering rules for campaigns and character advancement, something I have been crying out for. Soda Pop Miniatures, who produce the game have taken a very different tactic with this Kickstarter. They are offering loads and loads of free stretch goals (always good!) but best of all, there will only be one add-on produced. This gets a big thumbs up from me and I applaud their decision to keep costs down. I hope other companies will take note. I don't yet know what the add-on will be or its cost but I'm sure I'll end up buying it.

One Kickstarter project I am not backing is Z War One: Damnation by Dice Sports, but it would be remiss of me not to mention it, seeing as it is another zombie apocalypse game. Check it out here -

I like the figures and the concept is intriguing but I can't help but compare it to Zombicide. Do I need another zombie apocalypse game? Not really. I would like it for the figures alone but I just can't afford it and so I'm passing on it.

That's all for now but I would like to end by wishing everyone a very happy Halloween! Have fun!


  1. Bryan... are you trying to destroy my wallet ;-) There really are some cracking KS's out there at present and I'd somehow managed to miss the SDE one... until now. I was actually in "Z War One" for a while. But like you I soon asked myself why I needed another Zed game, especially as there's so many expansions out for it and I've already tweaked it to accommodate my own minis etc. I would like to get their models though at some point, especially their expansion brutes. I still haven't played SDE myself yet, so won't be partaking in that one... if I can help it. But I'm already looking forward to your postings on it as you talk about them with such love its inspiring.

    1. Simon, it is never my intention to destroy anyone's wallet... not even my own! :-)
      I feel the same way as you do about "Z War One." If I hadn't invested so heavily in Zombicide I'm sure I would back it. SDE:Legends is not due for release until December 2016, so it'll be a long while before I post any reviews of it. Still, I have lots more Chibi goodness to share in the meantime with SDE: The Forgotten King.

  2. Happy Halloween Bryan, may many vampiress's come visit

    1. Thanks, Andy, There's only one vampiress I want to be visited by and I'm sure you can guess who!

  3. Bryan have a great Halloween. My Kickstarters this year, Zombicide Black Plague, Dungeon Saga, Willy Miniatures Goblins and Chaos Dwaf Bloodbowl teams and finally Iron Forge's Dwarf Bloodbowl team. Phew

    1. Happy Halloween, Phil. That's a nice selection of Kickstarters you've backed.

  4. Hally Halloween! I don't have the cash for Kickstarters these days, but I agree Z War One fails to offer enough interest to grab the Zombicide fans. Its a little sad but what can you do?

    1. And a Hally Halloween to you, Robert. I shall remain loyal to Zombicide. Z War One has arrived to the party too late.

  5. A very healthy young lady there, Bryan! Always appreciated. As I'm on a reduced gaming budget, I have yet to back any Kickstarter, although I have been tempted by the recent Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 2. Not given into temptation yet...
    Regards Jez

    1. Jez, I would have loved to have backed Cthulhu Wars and Cthulhu Wars 2 but due to lack of funds I simply can't afford to. Never mind, I'm more than happy with what I have backed.

  6. Happy Halloween Bryan! I love kickstarters too. I am a big fan of CMON's kickstarters, they are usually awesome. I just got Blood rage the ragnarok game and it is excellent with lots of extras for the beginning price of $75. I get a rush like a gambler at the track watching these!

    1. Happy Halloween, Roger. I must admit I haven't heard of Blood Rage but I hope you enjoy it. I know the feeling of watching a project grow. It gives me a warm glow.

  7. Panda Valentine! Sounds a lot like a porn star's name Bryan. Although she does fit that costume rather well.
    I'm all kickstartered out at the moment, lack of funds, I'm sure that when the Battle System stuff goes retail I'll want it even more. I completely agree with your opinion on Zed War One. I only hope they sell the mini's seperately once it goes retail.
    You know my opinion on Chibi's Dude, I don't need to express it again here!
    Yet another month flies by eh! Always liked these editorial posts, this month has been great fun though.

    1. Bob, I should have stopped getting kickers a few years ago. I am addicted but I feel guilty as hell afterwards because I dont have much money. Some of them just wont take no for an answer.

    2. Panda is definitely not a porn star, Bob, but I do agree that she sounds like one. The Battle System terrain will go on general sale later next year. Start saving now, I'd say.

    3. @Roger. "Some of them just wont take no for an answer." This is SO true!

  8. Another gorgeous lady did you see the Bianca Beauchamp Vampirella pics! Swish swooooo hubba hubba!

    Sadly I have had to pass on Z War one as well having gone for 7TV Second Edition instead. The figures are nice and from the gameplay vids it looks pretty cool to. I hope to maybe pick it up next year when it gets released.

    1. I have seen Bianca as Vampirella. Very nice, indeed!

      I must admit I'd rather go for 7TV 2nd Edition as well. I'm following your reviews of it with keen interest.

  9. *****Do I need another zombie apocalypse game?******
    Yes you do Bryan!

    I received my copies of All Things Zombie Reloaded from LnL and I sent you an email for your shipping address, as promised. Thanks for keeping the Zeds alive!

    1. Thanks, Ed. E-mail received and replied to. ATZ is the game that introduced me to zombie gaming so it will always have a special place in my heart. Honestly, I am very much looking forward to playing ATZ: Reloaded.

  10. may be of interest
