
Saturday 28 November 2015

Vampifan's Views 72 - Monthly Musings 48

Miss Vampirella November 2015 - Paula Labaredas
November's Vampirella model is actress, cosplayer and model, Paula Labaredas. Portuguese American beauty Paula started her career on a very promising note by winning her very first acting award, the “Shining Star Award.” She then hit the Big Apple (NYC) landing a starring role as a series regular in an international soap opera, “Mausum.” She has had the honour of working with legendary actor Al Pacino and the renowned producer/director Roger Corman. As a correspondent, Paula's charm, versatility, and doer attitude has given her the opportunity to interview such greats as James Cameron, Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell among others.
A model and an internet sensation, Paula’s modelling pics continuously go viral. She reached 9,000 followers, within two weeks, on Instagram.
Her last name "Labaredas" means flame in Portuguese. Normally, Paula has blonde hair. I'm not sure if she's wearing a wig for her Vampirella photo shoot or if she has dyed her hair. She is not as busty as Vampi but she still looks the part. Although Vampirella rarely uses firearms it does happen occasionally, so I have no problem with Paula holding a pistol in this photo.

It has been an interesting month for me with highs and lows. The low point was my failing health resulting in a short stay in hospital. On the plus side, I am back to normal health now. Moving on to the high points, it was my 58th birthday on the 24th of this month. I received a cheque from my mum for a large amount of money which left me speechless. I knew she was going to give me a cheque but I had no idea she was going to make it so huge. I am thankful beyond belief for having the best mum any son could wish for. God bless her!
My brother bought me two DVDs - the boxed set of "Bones: series 10" and "Mad Max: Fury Road," both of which were much appreciated.
The gift that I bought myself (well, you have to, don't you?) was the "Timber Peak" expansion set for the board-game of "Last Night On Earth." I plan on playing lots of games of LNOE in the new year as it is a game I have shamefully neglected for far too long.

I have only recently started painting figures again after a five week sabbatical whilst I was lacking any energy and just couldn't be bothered. So what's on the painting table? The last 12 Berserker Zombies for Zombicide, 4 Heresy Miniatures Vampires and 4 Studio Miniatures Survivors (the 4 heroes from Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" film). They're all over half way done by now.

I have also managed to play two very different games recently. First up was The Forgotten King expansion for Super Dungeon Explore using the Arcade Mode rules. These differ from the Consul Mode rules in that they are better suited for solo-play, although you can still play with multiple players working co-operatively. Heroes roll dice as normal but the bad guys have fixed stats for offence and defence, so roll no dice and their actions are determined by the draw of cards. Being such a big fan of SDE, I thoroughly enjoyed this new experience. I plan on playing many more games as I become more proficient with the new rules. At some point I'd love to post a batrep of a TFK game, especially one involving the Von Drakk Manor tiles and figures aided by the Stilt Town Zombies set of figures, thus mixing all of my SDE undead figures together.

The other game I have been playing a lot of is the Thunderbirds 50th Anniversary Co-operative board-game. As a child, I grew up with a deep love for Gerry Anderson's iconic puppet series. That love and affection has never faded and when I saw the announcement in February of this year that Modiphus were going to launch a new Thunderbirds board-game on Kickstarter I knew I had to back it. As Kickstarters go this was relatively cheap. £40 got you the board-game on its own or £65 got you the board-game plus all the add-ons. Naturally, I opted to pay £65. I have the board-game but the add-ons are due for release shortly. I don't mind waiting as it gives me time to learn the basics. There is much to admire about this game if you are a fan of the show, not least is the fact that it is designed for 1 to 4 players. Games with the solo play option always appeal to me!
Initial set up for 4 players. Solo players use 3 characters.
This is without doubt the best piece of merchandise released this year for the 50th anniversary of Thunderbirds. This game is a fantastic tribute, and playing it, you really do feel immersed in the show. Players each take on a character from International Rescue (Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon, John or Lady Penelope) and a craft, and work together to perform rescues on Thunderbirds-themed disasters and try to prevent the Hood's three nefarious schemes before it's too late. If too many disasters build up or if the Hood's schemes aren't defeated soon enough, the players lose. If all the Hood's schemes are defeated you win. There is a deep sense of satisfaction as you work together to carry out the rescues and defeat each of the Hood's schemes. The game has adjustable difficulty to make the game harder or easier, depending on how successful you are at completing rescues and foiling the Hood's schemes. Everything has been well designed: the counters, cards, dice and board. Production value is second to none.
Anyone doubting the long-lasting appeal of Thunderbirds should take note of a recent poll commissioned to find the most popular ITV series of all time. Thunderbirds came second behind "Auf Weidersehen, Pet." Not bad for a 50 year old TV series! The board-game is now available to buy from various retail outlets for around £40. It's fast, fun, easy to play and I absolutely love it.


  1. I'm absolutely delighted you're feeling better both in spirits and physically Bryan, and this posting certainly shows your renewed interest in this great hobby of ours. TFK certainly appears to be a worthy addition to your SDE collection (I really need to start painting my set up at some point), and the Thunderbirds board game looks worryingly enticing too... especially for that solo gaming experience. I'm delighted you've thoroughly enjoyed your birthday, and if I may, please accept my belated Birthday best wishes :-)

    1. What a very heart-warming comment, Simon. Since getting back home from hospital I have been playing a lot of TFK and Thunderbirds, both of which I'm very passionate about. I'm also slowly but surely getting my painting mojo back and making progress. All is well, I'm pleased to say. Many thanks for the birthday wishes. They are much appreciated.

  2. Mate, she might not be a true vampirella, but she is still spot on gorgeous :) let me echo Simon's delight in having the master back in da house, can't wait to see what painted goodies you have for show. Take care bud

    1. Many thanks, Andy. Paula sure is a beauty, isn't she? I still have absolutely loads of figures to show and review. Honestly, there is no end in sight! :-)

  3. Well Bryan, your post can justifiably be labelled F.A.B. on all counts! Another lovely version of Vampirella, news of a birthday haul AND a genuine review of a game I had considered, by someone I know and trust. Welcome back, mate - now where's that Dracolich you promised us? ;-)

    1. F.A.B. Jez. Thanks for the kind words. The Dracolich should appear on my blog in just over a week's time, as I want to keep the best of my Castle Ravenloft figures until last. if you can't wait that long, check out this WIP post -

  4. I am Glad your health is back. That is by far the most important thing.

    I shall look forward to seeing more LNOE games and the expansion, it is one of the best board games I have played.

    And lastly how on earth have satellites not picked up that rather (continental) sized island in Thunderbirds South east of new Zealand. It must be some kind of conspiracy!!!

    1. You're so right, Clint - having good health is SO important.

      I have no excuse for ignoring LNOE for so long. That will all change soon.

      As for the HUGE Tracy Island, it's supposed to be separate from the main world map, but It does look like it is a new continent! LoL!

  5. I'm delighted to hear that you're better; let's hope that this continues!

    Thunderbirds is one of my (and my family's) favourite shows. I did notice the kickstarter for this game, but we've got a very old (1970s?) Thunderbirds game that isn't really any good. I dreaded that this new game might also be poor; perhaps this clouded my judgement. So, you reckon it's worth playing, then?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Believe me when I say that Modiphus have absolutely nailed the Thunderbirds game. Everything is right about it. It certainly falls into the category of a good fun game for all the family.

  6. Good to know the health is back !

    We love our mums, without them we would not have been!
    A belated happy birthday from Denmark mate!

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I know we all say our mum is the best but I truly believe it about mine. She is so special to me.

    2. I feel that way, too, Bryan. Its very sad when someone tells me they arent on speaking terms with their parents or they are awful. I feel like my mom is the best thing in my life, without her I probably wouldnt have made it this far.
      Happy birthday, btw!

    3. Well said, Roger. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  7. Glad to hear your well and belated birthday wishes my friend! I need to look at getting some more boardgames they will be good to crack out with the kids.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I can certainly recommend Thunderbirds if you're looking for a suitable board-game that the whole family can enjoy.

  8. Great to hear your feeling better Bryan! You've got to look after yourself Dude! Look how lucky you are to have a mam like that.
    Paula is a sight to warm your heart, now the nights are getting colder. Lots of boardgames too, I'm sure you'll pass many happy hours prepping and playing with them.
    Really looking forward to your Berserkers and Dawn of the Dead survivors too Dude. Abide!

    1. Greatly appreciated, Bob. I must admit that life is just great right now and I certainly hope to have fun with this wonderful hobby of ours.

    2. That's very kind of you, Dudemeister.

  9. Glad to hear you are doing good, Bryan. Thats great news. I owe you an email very much
    but I need to think of some good news to put in it ;) Things have been rather on the downside this year. Really glad to see you gaming again.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I'm sure I owe you an e-mail, too. I'm sorry to hear you're not having a good year. If there's anything I can do to help please don't hesitate to ask.

    2. We'll talk this week. Lots going on. Not enough game stuff though :(

  10. Glad you're feeling better and I can't wait to see more LNoE action from you. Such a wonderful game.

    1. Thanks, Supervike. 2016 is when I'm finally going to get to grips with Last Night On Earth and definitely sooner rather than later.
