
Sunday 6 December 2015

Castle Ravenloft Zombie Dragon

As I draw to a close of my reviews of the figures of the Castle Ravenloft board-game, you will notice that the Villains are getting progressively stronger and tougher. For this penultimate review I'm showcasing the Zombie Dragon.
This is a large creature on the same 50mm diameter base as the Flesh Golem that I reviewed last time. I gave a lot of thought as to how I wanted to paint this monster, as dragons can be painted in many different colour schemes. There is no right or wrong answer here - just what works best for you. With that in mind, I settled on Foundry Cadaverous Green 46 for the skin and Foundry Nipple Pink 16 for the wings. I wanted him to look necrotic, unhealthy and diseased. As with Adam, my Flesh Golem, strips of skin have peeled away to show his bones and muscles but because his heart is no longer working, no blood is being pumped out.
The Zombie Dragon is a Level 5 Villain and activates at the start of each Villain Phase. His stats are AC13 and 13HP.
The Zombie Dragon's tactics are -
If the Zombie Dragon is on a tile with a Hero, it attacks each Hero on that tile with Claws, Wings & Tail.
If the Zombie Dragon is within 1 tile of a Hero, it moves adjacent to the closest Hero and attacks with a Bite.
Otherwise, the Zombie Dragon moves 1 tile toward the closest Hero.
A Claws, Wings & Tail attack gives a +7 bonus to hit and causes 1 damage, as well as causing the Hero to be Slowed and placed 1 tile away from his or her tile.
A Bite attack gives a +7 bonus to hit and causes 2 damage.
Whilst the Zombie Dragon is larger than a 28mm tall figure it is, by dragon standards, quite small. That said, it is still a tough opponent - 13HP are a lot when most Heroes only have 5HP. As far as the sculpting goes, I really like this figure. I'm now thinking how I can use it in Zombicide: Black Plague?
Next time, the one you've all been waiting for - Gravestorm the Dracolich.


  1. Well you are most definitely saving some of the very best models til last Bryan. What a corking beastie this is, and a fantastic choice in colours too my friend. It looks suitably dead, yet formidably dangerous all at the same time.

    I totally agree with your rationale around the heart having stopped beating. But how you must have still yearned to open a pot of gore and splash the fiend all over ;-) Great work on both the eyes and the teeth too. That's a wonderful look you've achieved to the dragon's face as a result. One of my fave postings of yours this year, and there's been more than a few of those I assure you!!

    1. Awesome comments, Simon! I certainly am keeping the best until last. Gravestorm, whom I'm reviewing on Wednesday will blow you away! I do like your description of the Zombie Dragon - "It looks suitably dead, yet formidably dangerous all at the same time." Spot on!

      As you know, I do like splashing out the gore but... only when appropriate. In this case (and with Adam last time) it made no sense. I'm really glad you liked this posting so much.

  2. While not generally a fan of zombie animals and beasts I do like this one.

    1. Some zombie animals make sense (dogs being the perfect example) but others just seem silly (zombie sheep anyone?) Zombie Dragons fall into the category of being cool monsters. So, I like him too.

    2. As you know I am holding out for zombie penguins! They would be cool! No Really they would be. So very cool they would be running the freezer!

    3. LOL! I just can't fault your logic, mate! :-)

  3. I like it! A smallish, for a dragon, model More like a dragonet (dragonling?) so a young adolescent dragon, they tend to brasher and more engaged with the world than older, wiser dragons and more likely therefore to be exposed to outside and nefarious influences? Maybe? Nice one Bryan, really looking forward to weds post!

    1. Many thanks, Andy. I think I'd agree with you about this being an adolescent dragon. I like dragons a lot and I own some really HUGE ones in this scale. So if size is indicative of age, he must be youngish.

    2. I love dragons, I have two dragon tattoos! Only have a couple of dragon minis but loads of figurines etc

  4. Thats a great mini, Bryan and of course your painting really brings out the detailing. Hope you're doing okay!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Roger, and, yes, I'm doing real fine. Long may it continue!

  5. Another nicely sculpted figure with a suitably "rotten" paint job. Seriously, if I was to be confronted by this decaying corpse, lurching down the corridor towards me, I would be running for the nearest exit. The expression you've managed to get on its face seems to suggest it knows exactly what sort of effect it's appearance will have on viewers and it likes it. Lovely work.

    Regards Jez

    1. I get what you're saying, Jez, and I concur. He may be a zombie but there is still some intelligence and cunning left in his diseased brain. I'd certainly run from him as fast as I could.

  6. What a cool looking mini. Got to love the more unusual zombified creatures. Nice work Bryan :)

    1. Thanks, Simon. This is such a cool figure you have to like him.

  7. Very nice figure Bryan! Your painting of it is great, I love that skin colour and the exposed muscle is a beautiful contrast Dude!

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