
Wednesday 20 January 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Fatties 01

Today I present my Berserker Fatties from the Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak supplement.
The first three Berserker Fatties shown here came from Prison Outbreak. The one at the far right was a free stretch goal figure I received for backing Season 2 of Zombicide. Berserker Fatties follow the same rules as standard Fatties: each one spawned is accompanied with two Walkers of the same type, only weapons doing 2 or more points of damage can kill them and as with all Berserker Zombies they are immune to ranged fire.
The first three Berserker Zombies in the two photos above have been left as they came with the boxed set. Only my paint schemes distinguishes them. The Fatty at the far right has been converted by simply cutting off his left arm at the elbow.
The first three of these sculpts came from the Angry Zombies boxed set, which contains 24 extra Berserker Zombies, including some new sculpts like these ones. The one at the far right was another stretch goal freebie for backing Zombicide Season 2.
The two at the far left and far right are straight sculpts from the box. The middle two have been converted by me. Once again, I've done a simple arm removal on one. For the other one I added a mass of intestines spilling from his stomach. These were made from Milliput rolled up into thin sausage shapes. It's not too difficult a conversion to do and looks suitably disgusting when painted.
Note that the majority of the Berserker Zombies are wearing the orange jumpsuits worn by prison inmates. The reason why this is, is in the name of the supplement they appear in - Prison Outbreak. It sure made painting them an easy task as I didn't have to think up different colour schemes for each one. I like all of the Fatty Zombies produced for Zombicide and these are particularly cool.


  1. Now those are truly awesome-looking sculpts, marvellously painted and yet another addition to my Salute list, Bryan. You're killing my wallet!! The intestines spilling from the stomach are superbly done, as are the orange jumpsuits!! Clearly one of your New Year Resolutions was to make me buy as many minis as possible ;-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I like painting Zombicide figures but what I really enjoy is converting them, and to be honest, most conversions are very simple. I have some terrific conversions coming up (hint - female Walkers).
      I am aiming to cut down on my hobby spending but with the likes of you (cough! graphic novels, cough!) and Andy (TMNT figures) are not making things easy. So, I know how you feel, mate!

    2. Bryan, you're gonna hate me even more then matey, I've got some awesome TMNT stuff coming up!

      So far I'm resisting zombicide but it's getting harder and harder! Damn you! Lol
      Love the intestines btw ;-P

    3. Sounds cool, Andy. I really am looking forward to receiving my four turtles so that I can get them painted asap.

      There are so many good reasons for buying Zombicide and any/all of its expansions but ultimately it all comes down to cost. Can you afford it? That said, if you can afford it you won't regret it. It is bloody addictive!

  2. Really nice Bryan. The Prison Outbreak must be such fun to paint (its not an expansion I ever went for, more`s the pity(. I do like the look of those fatties.

    Main reason I wanted to write was to let you know, I`ve tried to send you mail to your Hotmail account three.. no four times now, and it keeps being sent back with `postmaster notification - message failed to reach receiver`. Check you don`t have a virus mate, as I simply can`t seem to get my letter to you.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Yes, the figures from Prison Outbreak are such fun to paint.

      Have no fear, I have received your e-mail on both my TalkTalk and Google accounts. Yes, I have two but I rarely ever use my Google account. It's there purely as a back up. All e-mails to me should be addressed to I will send you a reply tomorrow.

  3. Oooh, me like! Nice paint jobs on some 'lovely' figures, Bryan. The first lot could also be used as mutant fishmen and the second lot as modern feral trolls.

    1. Cheers, Jez. They could be mutant fishmen and/or feral trolls but definitely not for me. I do love your imagination. You have a knack of thinking outside the box! ;-)

    2. Hi Bryan. It took me a while to track it down, but are you aware of Paymaster Games' Going Native: New World Monsters kickstarter? Whilst it's closed now, it's probably worth a look for your weird Wild West project, as it covers some of the lesser known Native American monsters. And as it was successful, shouldn't be too long before they're on general release.

    3. Thanks for pointing that out to me, Jez. I had never heard of this game and to be honest, if I had I would not have backed it. That said, there are a few figures I would love to buy if they were sold separately. The female Monster Hunter is just divine!

    4. From what I can gather, the New World Monsters kickstarter was just a figures expansion, where as long as he reached his overall target, you could pick and choose which figures you wanted. I regret not getting on board, as there's several figures I fancied. As the second wave is due to be shipped in July, this would suggest they might be on general release Autumn time. Here's hoping...

    5. I'll certainly keep an eye out for them. Thanks again, Jez.

  4. These are excellent and I really like how you made each one appear different. Job well done there Bryan!
