
Thursday 20 July 2017

Warlord Games Cybermen part 01

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I had bought the Exterminate! skirmish game by Warlord Games along with the "Missy and the Cybermen" and the "Davros and the Daleks" boxed sets to go with it. The Exterminate! games contains 12 plastic 32mm scale Cybermen and 12 plastic 32mm scale Daleks, as multi-part models, that can be snapped together or glued. Mine are all glued. The two expansion sets contain a further 12 Cybermen and Daleks along with their respective leaders, Davros and Missy, who are sculpted in metal. There have been numerous versions of the Cybermen over the years as they have evolved into more efficient machines. These models are the latest version, which first appeared in the 2013 episode of Doctor Who called Nightmares in Silver. The sculpting of them is top notch. I have really taken to the Warlord Games Doctor Who miniatures range and the Exterminate! game is a great little sci-fi skirmish game.
The sprue that the plastic Cybermen comes on contains six Cybermen bodies (two standing still, two advancing with right leg leading and two advancing with left leg leading), six right arms in three different poses, and seven tiny Cybermats (four on bases, three unbased). This gives you a lot of variety in the way you can pose them. On some of mine, I cut off their left arms and repositioned them to add even more variety to my horde.
Painting them was so simple and I was able to paint them all in just over a week. I first covered them with Foundry Gunmetal Light 104C, followed by a Citadel Nuln Oil ink-wash. Then I dry-brushed them with Foundry Gunmetal Light 104C and a second dry-brushing with Foundry Spearpoint 35C for that shiny silvery look. Eyes, mouths and joints were picked out with Foundry Black Shade 34A and the light in the centre of their chests was painted with Foundry Vivid Blue 22B.
Here is my horde of Cybermen and Cybermats. Please note that the Cyber Leader at the centre front is an old plastic 30mm scale figure from the 2007 Doctor Who Micro Universe range of collectable miniatures produced by Character Options. I cut him off his integral base and glued him to a 25mm diameter slottabase. He fits in so well with the Warlord Games figures that I decided to include him as my Cyber Leader.
For those who keep count of such things, there should be four more Cybermats in these two horde photos but I deliberately omitted them, because this formation looks aesthetically pleasing without them to me. If it bothers you, please don't come complaining to me!
I'll be posting my review of Missy in a separate post as well as reviewing the Warlord Games Nightmares in Silver boxed set of 10 versions of Cybermen through the ages. But next time, the spotlight will shine on the Daleks.


  1. Some cyber-goodness. The Silver menace is growing stronger.

  2. WOW!! What an awesome-looking Cyber Force, Bryan, and a similar-sized Dalek force to come too. Good use of the "Micro Universe" miniature as a Cyber-Leader. It's a shame though that the "Black Tree Design" Cyber-Leader you own, from "Tomb Of The Cybermen" doesn't really fit in with these Nu-Who models. Looking forward to seeing your Daleks :-)

    1. Cheers, Simon. Yes the Dalek horde is equally impressive. Fair comment about the BTD Cyber Leader, but he will fit in with the "Nightmares in Silver" set.

  3. Seeing them all in formation looks great. Top stuff

    1. Thanks, Roy. I know that everyone loves to see group shots, so it had to be done.

  4. Terrific paint job Bryan, and many thanks for the description of your technique - I've not tried Nuln Oil, but will be getting some forthwith!
    They certainly look menacing "en masse"!

    1. Thanks, Greg. In general, I do not like Citadel paints, but their ink washes are second to none. Worth investing in, in my humble opinion.

  5. That looks superb Bryan, what a force.

  6. Super stuff!! Love the cybermen goodness that you and Simon are delivering - superb

    1. Thanks, Andy. As I said before - there's even more Cybermen goodness to come.

  7. That is quite the horde you have there Bryan, and though as you know the "nu" stuff is not really my "cup of tea", I have to say that they do look mighty impressive ranked up like that!

    I prefer the nu-Daleks myself, so looking forward to them.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you, Roger. I very much prefer the new stuff to the old stuff but I don't dislike the old stuff. It's just a matter of preference.

      The Dalek horde is even more impressive.

  8. Ahhh that takes me back. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Excellent looking Cybermen, Bryan!
