
Tuesday 19 September 2017

Death Match Horned Hominid and Recnac

Here are two more beasts produced by Wargames Terrain Workshop to use in the Death Match arena. Sculpted by Dave Stone, these are very tall figures but seeing as they are alien beasts, does that really matter? Here then are the huge Horned Hominid and the deadly Recnac.
The huge Horned Hominids originate from a lush vegetative planet. In the wild, Horned Hominids live in family pods of one alpha male and several females. As the male young get older, they split off and create a new pod. Only the males are used in the arena as they are highly aggressive and a lot easier to provoke into fighting. The females have a strong aggressive nature as well, however, it only comes out when protecting their young from imminent threat. In Death Match, the Horned Hominids have two special abilities. First is Charger - whenever this beast moves, treat that move as if it were a charge and add 1 hit to this beast's attack. Second is Large - certain rules and abilities apply to large beasts. Large beasts are easier to hit with a ranged attack - any stars rolled in a ranged attack against a large beast count as hits. This impressive figure stands 93mm tall and is a multi-part model. Note the little lizard crawling on its base. That's a nice touch that I like.
Found on desert planets, Recnacs hunt using heat vision. They have a deadly sting in their tail. However, their mouth can be just as dangerous. Territorial creatures, the Recnac is usually found alone, however, there have been cases where more than two have been found sharing territory. Ultimately, a predatory creature, it attacks when its territory is being invaded. In Death Match, the Recnac has three special rules. First is Heat Vision - when selecting a "nearest player or beast" for the Recnac to approach, the Recnac will select a Scabendi if it is within 4 inches. Any further than that and the Recnac is unable to "see" the Scabendi. A Lava Salamander will always count as the "nearest player or beast" for the Recnac. Second is Stinger - if the Recnac is engaged with a player or beast that has suffered less than half damage, it will attack with its tail. It has a base attack of 1 hit, rolls 2 red dice and scores a knock-back on 2 successful hits rather than the usual 3. Third is Powerful Jaws - if the Recnac is engaged with a player or beast that has suffered half damage or more, then it will attempt to finish it off with its powerful jaws. The jaws have a base attack of 2 hits and roll 2 red dice. The figure of the Recnac stands 78mm tall and is 78mm long.
Both beasts are available to buy from the Wargames Terrain Workshop (see here -
) The male Horned Hominid costs £15. Note that Dave also makes a female Horned Hominid (price £8.00) and a baby Horned Hominid (price £2). A set of all three is available for £20.00, saving you a fiver. The Recnac costs £9.00. By the way, Dave told me that Recnac is "cancer" spelled backwards. A piece of useless trivia for you! Given the size of these two beasts, they are very impressive models and I found them a joy to paint.


  1. Again while no use for them in a gladiator game. They do make very good alien creatures. maybe lurking around the sewers of Whitechapel or on a distant planet. Very versatile figs.

    1. I agree with you, Clint. They are such well sculpted figures that it is a shame to limit them to just one game.

  2. More "Wargames Terrain Workshop" goodness, Bryan, and some wonderfully alien-looking miniatures to boot!! I'm not sure what is more disturbing though, the fact that Dave thought these disconcertingly dangerous beasts up in the first place, or your infectious enthusiasm for two clearly deadly dangerous beasts!! :-)

    The Horned Hominid is probably my fave of the two pieces on show today; albeit the Recnac sounds a meaner customer in the arena. I too love the little lizard on the base, and think your work on all its teeth is particularly painstakingly good. Another great additional to this series of posts!

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Simon. When you see these figures in the flesh, it is hard not to get enthusiastic about them. Dave has clearly put a lot of effort into creating and sculpting some fantastic creatures for this fun little game. I'm hard pressed to pick a favourite out of these two as I like them both in equal measure.

  3. Nicely painted Bryan, in response to the Recnac name it was modelled on how Cancer works on healthy cells by injecting into healthy cells then devouring them, work is underway to turn these monsters into a little diorama to help some little Angels with the proceeds going to help Cancer sufferers

    1. Thanks for that piece of info, Dave. Cancer research is definitely worth supporting and I commend you for doing so. Let me know if I can do anything to help, even if it is just a cash donation.

  4. Monstrous beasties, lovely. Recnac is my fave, 'orrible bugger

    1. Much appreciated, Andy. Look out for a "Death Match" batrep coming soon.

  5. Another awesome pair of creatures to pit against the gladiators! Great sculpts finished off with equally great brushwork, and their backgrounds and abilities are well thought out.
    As for Recnac being "involved" in cancer research, I applaud the idea and would also like to contribute.

    1. Thanks, Greg. Regarding the charity aspect, I couldn't agree more. It is a worthy cause that deserves to do well.

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