
Sunday 15 October 2017

Assorted Androids 01

Let me start this post with a question - what is the difference between an android and a robot? It is the issue of free will. An android is self-aware and has rights - a robot does not. In RPG games such as N.E.W. and Starfinder, androids can be player characters. This is another one of my posts that could have appeared on this blog or on my WOIN blog. I'm posting it here simply because it has crossover potential for other systems and isn't limited to just N.E.W.
These five 28mm scale figures come from a variety of companies. At the far left is a very old figure produced by Grenadier Miniatures for Cyberpunk 2020 and/or Shadowrun. He is a cyborg cop, heavily influenced by Robo-cop from the films of the same name. In the few games where I have used him, I've always referred to him as "Robo-cop". I have no idea if this figure is still available for sale or not. I know a lot of old Grenadier figures are still available but I'm uncertain about this particular one.
Next in line is a figure I bought very recently. She is Maria the female android produced by Reaper Miniatures as part of their Chronoscope range. She looks like a female version of C-3PO from Star Wars. However, her name is a dead giveaway on who she is really based on - Maria the Maschinenmensch (German for machine-person) or robot in Fritz Lang's 1927 film of Metropolis. The figure is a very good likeness of her and the sculpting of her is quite exquisite. You'll find her in the Reaper Chronoscope webstore as 50246: Maria - She-Bot where she is priced at £5.22.
In the centre of this group is Narindan, who is an android produced by Space Vixens From Mars. I have been buying quite a few figures from them this year to use in my The Ace of Spades Campaign. I only recently became aware of this company and I have been very impressed by their friendly and swift service... and reasonable prices. This figure is listed as SV36 and costs a very cheap £2.00.
Finally are two androids produced by Alternative Armies for their Ganesha Games sci-fi range. They bear a slight similarity to the B1 Battledroids seen in some of the Star Wars films but they are different. However, it is fair to say that my colour scheme for them was directly influenced by the B1 Battledroid. They are listed as PSY04 Combots and they cost £2.00 each.
Anyone who is following my The Ace of Spades Campaign on my WOIN blog will know that one of the crew of The Ace of Spades is an android. Celeste is the most mysterious of all of my player characters and could well be the most powerful if she really is a Forerunner survivor. That should tell you that I like androids. My main use for these figures will be for N.E.W. but don't be too surprised if some of them appear in my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game campaign.


  1. I very much like the reaper android. By far my fav. Don't get me wrong they are all good but "she" stands out.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Maria certainly is a most outstanding figure.

  2. What a strange and colourful mix of miniatures, Bryan. I think the "Grenadier Miniatures" cyborg cop is my favourite, but they all look rather good imho. I've had my eye on the "Alternative Armies" duo since they were first released but haven't hit the trigger yet, as I'd probably like to have a few of them. Bizarrely, I never saw the Battle Droid likeness until you mentioned it and your tip-top paint-job promoted it. Great brushwork all-round. You mention "Starfinder", will you be geting any of the miniatures on Kickstarter currently?

    1. Thank so much, Simon. If you want a few of the Ganesha Games Combots beware of the offer on the webstore for the pack of four. For some bizarre reason it costs £10 for four figures but you can buy the figures individually for £2.00 each. That makes no sense to me!

      Regarding "Starfinder" I have just bought the rulebook. I have made a pledge on the Starfinder Kickstarter for the all-in set. I want them all! It is highly unlikely that I will play "Starfinder" but I mainly want it for converting races to the "N.E.W." RPG.

  3. Very cool automoton's Bryan, a nice eclectic mix that would find uses in multiple games. With your ace of spades campaign running, I guess it will be a while before we see a JD report

    1. Thanks, Dave. Actually, I'm hoping to get in some JDMG action soon. It has been too long since I played the last one and now that I have my new Battle Systems Sci-fi terrain sets I'm keen to return to Mega City One. I can certainly find the time to run it alongside my "The Ace of Spades Campaign".

  4. Androids are a staple in many games so you can't have too many.

  5. These all look great. I wasn't aware of the droids from Ganesha games they look pretty cool. Will bookmark them for a future project.

    1. Thanks, Simon. The Ganesha Games Combots are rather cool and very reasonably priced.

  6. That's an excellent collection of mini's Bryan, and posted just as I'm looking for similar stuff for my Bladerunner project!
    To misquote Obi-wan "These ARE the droids you're looking for" :-)

    1. "Yes, these are the droids you're looking for!"
      What a great idea to use them in a "Blade Runner" setting, Greg.
      Thanks for the kind words.

  7. Although I like all of them, my faves have to be the battle droids, I love them! Brilliant

    1. Thank you, Andy. They certainly are a popular choice.

  8. Brr! Maria has always given me the chills, ever since I first saw Metropolis (as an aside, I've also seen that [silent] film screened with a specially-composed score performed live by an Edinburgh University music student. Quite the treat!).

    While I do like the Grenadier "tin man", I have to say that Maria is my favourite.

    1. Thank you, Hugh. I can well imagine it was a treat to see that particular performance of "Metropolis". Maria is such a beautifully sculpted figure.
