
Monday 30 October 2017

Vampifans Views 97 - Monthly Musings 70

Welcome to another of my Monthly Musings and once again it has been a very busy month hobby-wise for me. But first I start as always, with my picture of Vampirella. This offering is by comic artist, David Rodriguez, whose work I am not familiar with. I do like the cartoony look of Vampi here and I think the gold glasses are a cool touch. The orange moon and sky put me in mind of pumpkins, which is appropriate seeing as Halloween is only just around the corner. I love Halloween and I already have my bag of goodies ready for the trick or treaters.

I'll start with some news about the RPG I am most excited about seeing and that is Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD. Previews of some of the pages of the book are now available for viewing (see and we have been given a release date of this winter. Yes, I know, that could mean late this year or early next year but it gives me something to look forward to. I'll be covering this game in great detail on my WOIN blog.

Speaking of my WOIN blog, have you checked out my The Ace of Spades Campaign there? Playing and writing about it is a total labour of love. The scenario I'm running my PCs through is very long (I'm currently up to part 08), full of atmosphere and detail, and the way I'm writing it up, makes it feel more like reading a sci-fi novel than a batrep. The PCs are people you want to know about and spend time with. Please check it out if you haven't already. You may just be pleasantly surprised. 😉
I showed this picture of the main NPCs who were appearing in my current scenario on my WOIN blog. The female in the centre attracted the most comments. She was produced by Asgard Miniatures as part of their sci-fi range of 28mm scale figures way back in the early 1980's. I thought that this range was long out of production but to my great surprise I have only just discovered that Alternative Armies have revived it. You can check it out here - The female whom I named as Sheas Danelish is HA6 Adventuress with Laser Pistol and she costs £2.00. I can't tell you how happy I am to see them all available again even though I have them all.

Work continues on the painting of my figures for Dracula's America and Shadows of Brimstone. In addition, I have started painting the four figures I ordered for the Frazetta Miniatures Kickstarter - 2 versions of Vampirella, a werewolf and a chaos knight on horseback. Photos will appear as soon as they're finished. Suffice to say, these are incredibly detailed resin cast miniatures. The chaos knight came in 12 parts, including his base! I'm pulling out all the stops on the painting of these figures. They deserve time and care being lavished on them.
I have also been painting some of my growing collection of micro-scale starships for my The Ace of Spades Campaign. For someone who was never interested in starship combat gaming I have fully embraced this genre of the hobby. My primary source for the starships I have been buying is Brigade Models (see here - Their range is very extensive and they have just what I'm looking for. I haven't decided whether to showcase them on this blog or on my WOIN blog.
Finally, I have also painted all of the figures that came with and which I added to for a brand new game that has tickled my fancy. It is called Rumbleslam, the game of fantasy wrestling and it is produced by TT Combat. Expect a full review very soon.
It is a really fun game but I realise it won't be to everyone's taste. That's okay. I don't mind.

Kickstarters - love 'em or loathe 'em? Personally, I love Kickstarters and I've backed many over the years. This month I've backed two. One was for the Resident Evil 2 game by Steamforged Games. Backing this was a no-brainer. It features zombies, so of course, I'm going to be interested in it. Plus, I'm a big fan of the Resident Evil films and books. Oddly enough, I have never played any of the computer games, but that's simply because I'm just not into computer games at all. I have far too much to do anyway without having to find time to play computer games. My brother, however, is heavily into computer games, so he keeps me up to date with them.
The other Kickstarter I backed this month was for the Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures by Paizo Inc. and Ninja Division. My reasons for backing this project are not so obvious. The Starfinder RPG was only released very recently and it certainly intrigued me. However, at roughly £70.00 for the rulebook, I was in no rush to buy it. My patience paid off because a month or so after its launch, Amazon UK were selling it for £40.00, so I bought it at this bargain price. Running at 528 pages, it is a massive book. I've started reading it but I'm only half way through it. As I read it I keep making comparisons to the N.E.W. RPG by EN Publishing, which I absolutely adore. The two systems have much in common but of the two, I much prefer N.E.W. It is a lot simpler to play and more importantly, it does not have a fixed setting, which Starfinder does. I pretty much knew that I'd prefer N.E.W. before I bought Starfinder so why buy it? That's easy - to pinch stuff from it to use in my The Ace of Spades Campaign. It has cool new races, weapons, equipment, vehicles and settings I can use. This also explains why I decided to back the Kickstarter campaign. The resin cast 28mm scale figures are just a joy to behold. The level of detail on them is incredible. And they also make starships as well, although not in 28mm scale! So, I'm looking forward to getting some ultra-high quality figures to use in N.E.W. instead of Starfinder. Just check out these five figures from the range. I was wondering why they looked so familiar to me and then the penny dropped - they're the five characters who appear on the front cover of the Starfinder rulebook. I really love that purple-haired female. She reminds me of Lieutenant Gay Ellis from Gerry Anderson's UFO TV series. 😍

Next month, Battle Systems are going to launch their first sci-fi game, which will come with new card terrain and 28mm scale figures - a first for them. I'm immensely looking forward to that one.

That's all for now. Take care and have fun - that's what the hobby is all about!


  1. So much to do, so little time.Nice to see you're keeping yourself busy.

  2. A nice eclectic bunch of musings this month Bryan, should certainly keep you busy until next months musings

    1. Thanks, Dave. I do like to keep busy - I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm sure you're the same. :-)

  3. A lot going on. I am a big supporter of brigade Models as well. Always worth a chat to Tony at any show and he sometimes lets me know what is coming next. I already know the 2018 plans for certain ranges but I am not at liberty to tell. Everything seems to be progressing very nicely for you wargames wise. I am sure you will keep us all posted of further developments.

    1. Thank you, Clint. Brigade Models have a large and varied range of figures but their starships are what interest me the most. I have some on my painting table right now as I slowly work my way through them.

  4. Blimey, there's clearly been an awful lot of work going on in the background for "Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD" to be in such an advanced state, Bryan. No wonder you're excited about its seemingly imminent release!!

    The Frazetta Miniatures Kickstarter sounds very interesting too, as I still recall the enthusiasm you had for it when it was first released. Are the miniatures playable with another range, or just shelf pieces to go alongside your other Vampirella models and statues?

    Its great to see you with a copy of "Rumbleslam" as I've been buying that since it appeared on the "Dark Sphere" website before "Salute". The range of minis is excellent, especially for an old "WWF" fan like me. Indeed, I've got a "Macho Man" Dwarf on the painting table currently, ready as a WIP. Which team/faction are you favouring perchance?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. The new "Judge Dredd" RPG does have me very excited especially as I know it is built on a solid foundation with the WOIN rules.

      The Frazetta miniatures are what you'd call heroic 32-35mm scale, so certainly usable with some ranges but probably less so with true 28mm scale ranges.

      Oh, how cool that you are also a fan of Rumbleslam! I thought I was the only one! I have the two starter sets - the Heavy Pounders and the Green Bruisers. The two teams that I'll be buying next are the Cryptborn Nightmares (undead so 'nuff said!) and the Twisted Sisters (sexy Dark Elves, mmmmm!) Actually, all of the teams have something that I like about them. The figures were just a joy to paint. Review coming very soon.

    2. Splendid choices for "Rumbleslam", Bryan. I'm especially looking forward to seeing your Green Bruisers as the Troll is seriously fearsome and a big beastie to paint - I've not done mine yet Plus they have a couple of great "WWF" inspired stars too, such as Gun (Hulk Hogan) and Waaarrior (Ultimate Warrior). The Twisted Shadows are very cool too, with the wonderful Tartan (Rowdy Roddy Piper). Great stuff, and very much looking forward to your review :-)

    3. I'm very much hoping that my next post will be my review of the game, followed by a look at the two teams plus superstars I have. Yes, I do have the not-Hulk Hogan aka Gun. I just need to edit my photos, which shouldn't take too long.

  5. Great musings, I’m looking forward to the Rumbleslam review as it caught my eye at Salute!

    1. Thanks, Andy. Regarding "Rumbleslam" I have a special surprise for you, which you'll see soon! Smiles enigmatically. :-/

  6. Those Starfinder miniatures are indeed gorgeous! I kind find myself to lie Rumbleslam. I guess its just not to my tastes was never really a wrestling fan.

    1. Thanks, Simon. The Starfinder miniatures are pure class! No worries about not liking wrestling. I won't hold it against you.

  7. Busy, busy, busy! There are so many good things out there these days; we truly are living in a golden age for gaming. Mind you, most of your current crop of stuff is of academic interest only for me - I like the concepts and models, but I won't be diverting from the 20 or more game systems I already collect (and occasionally play).

    My eyes did light up when you mentioned starships, though :-) !

    1. Thanks, Hugh. A golden age of gaming? I'd have to agree!

      Miniature Starship collecting and gaming is something I have come to enjoy only recently. Why it has taken me so long is most likely down to not having found a good set of rules. That is no longer the case! :-)

  8. Great monthly musing as usual. It's like getting a sports update on Sunday. I agree on your views on Starfinder. It's a big tome with lots of new ideas. I'll have to check out NEW. The seems quite flexible.

    1. Thanks, Tim. I do like "Starfinder" but it is a lot more complex than "N.E.W." so that will remain my sci-fi RPG of choice.

  9. Those Starfinder models look really cool. I would like to paint that lizard guy; Looks like a great space heavy/enforcer. Makes me wish I thought more of the Rogue Stars game; and that Osprey had too. Unfortunately it seemed regulated to the fire and forget series of Osprey publications. I'm really pleased the presentation of Dracula's America is in line with Frostgrave and should get more love. I'm interested in your take on Rumbleslam. I grew up with wrestling (I'm a fan of heels. My favorite was the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase :D ) . I don't follow any more but something like that would be a nice guilty pleasure.

    1. Thanks, HP. I think you've hit the nail on the head regarding "Rumbleslam" - it is a guilty pleasure! I'll be reviewing the game in my next post.
      "Dracula's America" is proving very popular and at least two supplements are planned for it with the first due for release in January 2018.

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