
Monday 6 November 2017

Rumbleslam Green Bruisers & Heavy Pounders

The two teams that you get in the starter boxed set of Rumbleslam are the Green Bruisers and the Heavy Pounders. I'm going to take a closer look at them here, along with a couple of their superstars. Note that in the game only the superstars are named. The basic team wrestlers are unnamed but I decided to name all of my wrestlers, just to give them more character and personality.
The Green Bruisers are made up of Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. From left to right are Trolgar the Troll, Wurgoth the Orc Brawler, Grabda the Orc Grappler, Brik the Goblin Brawler and Grok the Goblin Grappler.
The Green Bruisers are some of the biggest stars of the Rumbleslam arena. They're fast, they hit hard, and they don't let up! If you want a team that likes getting stuck in, regardless of what danger it poses to them, these greenskins are for you, and make an excellent choice for The Rolling Bones.
Trolls are big, blue, and mean. They have absolutely devastating special attacks, so make sure they're in the right place because they don't move fast. Their Regeneration ability helps them to stay in the fight long past most other wrestlers.
Orc Brawlers and Orc Grapplers are the ones you want to be getting into combat! Hit first, and make it count. And if you can't reach the enemy, use their Da Boss ability to pick up goblins and throw them instead!
Goblin Brawlers and Goblin Grapplers do not hit hard. But getting them into a fair fight is not what they're for! They're quick and can do lots of actions a turn, meaning their special abilities will get lots of use. Of particular note is their Antagonise ability, which makes opponents slower and angrier!
The Heavy Pounders are made up of Humans, Halflings and Ogres. From left to right are Dragark the Dark Destroyer, an Ogre, Vyctor Fistpike the Human Brawler, Stafford "Furious" Titangrip the Human Grappler, Bertram Goodbody the Halfling Brawler and Turpin Oakbottom the Halfling Grappler.
The Heavy Pounders fill that ideal space between speed, strength, and defence. They're reliable and even the smallest member can be extremely useful. They're easy to learn, but tricky to master. The crowd loves them though, multiplying their already solid stat lines even further. Kaiser's Palace teams needing some stability should look no further.
Ogres are big. Ogres are strong. Ogres are hard to throw out. What more could you want? It would be tempting to just brawl away with an Ogre, but that means that you're not using their many useful special attacks. A Choke Slam does wonders when paired with the Halfling Brawler, and a Belly Bomb Bonanza hits every opponent in base contact, if you're brave enough to climb the turnbuckle to do it!
Human Brawlers and Human Grapplers do what they say, and do it well. Don't go getting their roles confused though, as they won't be nearly as effective. Brawlers first do the damage, and then grapplers move in and throw the opponents out of the ring. A tried and tested formula that works match after match.
Halfling Brawlers and Halfling Grapplers get a lot of actions per turn, and their special abilities are cheap to use, meaning they'll be mainstays in your team.
Next we come to the superstars and I have two for each team - Statesman and Triple D for the Heavy Pounders and Gun and Gobba for the Green Bruisers.
“The Statesman is as much a fan of wrestling as he is a superstar. Growing up watching the heroes of old in the ring, the young wrestler trained his body with painful tenacity. He was soon the picture of perfection. Joining the ring at eighteen, his selflessness and devotion to the sport fast became a shining example that inspired countless fans.”
With a stat card like that, it's obvious that Statesman is a great all-rounder. He makes a great centre-piece for any team, his unassuming look hiding a solid line up of skills. With a regenerative ability on all KO'd wrestlers for his Crowd Pleaser, and his Shield Passive Ability giving close friendly wrestlers his awesome Defence, Statesman is at his best when helping out team mates. With a great all-round stat line and hailing from Kaiser's Palace, he's the perfect companion to The Heavy Pounders, or any team with low Defence and low Stamina WEIGHT 1 wrestlers.

“The bad girl of wrestling, Triple D is synonymous with rule breaking. A powerful wrestler who has held numerous titles in her time, Diana will take on anyone who threatens her reign at the top. Using all the methods at her disposal, she has been known to cripple opponents that might one day rise to challenge her. She has dubbed herself the Queen of the Ring, a title her fans cheer with extreme diligence and fervour.”
Triple D is a fan favourite, and for good reason. If you feel like your team is lacking a wrestler that can pick up and throw any other wrestler fairly easily, go for Triple D. Although you might struggle to even lift other wrestlers with the amount of great special abilities she has. Her biggest problem is that she doesn't have 10 AP to do everything you want! As a Heel character she rolls Crowd Pleasers differently, so if you feel like your Heavy Pounders need to take a walk on the wild side, she's the perfect wrestler for it.
So we all know who Gun is based on... yes, he's an Orc Hulk Hogan. If you want a great Rolling Bones wrestler who may Hulk Out when he's down on his luck then look no further.
 “They say you’ve never seen a show until you’ve seen Gun fight. An Orc of a different kind, Gun is far different to the rest of his race in the ring. Unlike his bloodthirsty brethren this charismatic Orc is there to entertain. A master of ceremony he thrives under attention and can often be seen pleasing the crowd with poses, chants and shows of power! This superstar is adored by his followers who go time and time again to see his exploits.”

Gobba the Goblin has some weird stats. His Dexterity is the highest in the game, and he uses it as his Defence too, meaning he's extremely hard to damage at all. He's fast too, so good luck catching him! Although with such a low Defence, Grapple, and Stamina, he's delicate too.
Gobba is the ultimate support Superstar. There Is No Try is an Active Ability that allows you to move an enemy wrestler 3 squares in any direction, putting them in the best place for you and the worst place for them! And his Crowd Pleaser removes all negative counters from friendly wrestlers. Considering the all-out attack nature of the Green Bruisers, Gobba complements them perfectly, giving them some much needed defensive stability.
"Wrestling is a sport for the physically gifted. Or so everyone thought until this mysterious goblin entered the ring. Wielding a special power alongside his seemingly inhuman dexterity, he joined the Rolling Bones casino and waited for his debut. It was a match to remember, though only a handful of fans remained to watch the small superstar battle. Assuming his team would lose easily, many missed him pushing and pulling his opponents around the ring with nothing but a wave of his tiny hand. Despite his clear superiority, Gobba didn’t mock or belittle his adversaries at all. It was almost unheard of to watch a wrestler wait for his opponent to stand before striking again.”
TRIVIA FACT - Gobba is rumoured to be the younger brother of Gobbo who appears in this blog here -

Although you get the Green Bruisers and the Heavy Pounders in the starter boxed set, you can also purchase them separately. They cost £22.00 per team, which is a reasonable price, I think. The four superstars I showed here cost £7.00 each, which is pricey. All of the figures are made of resin and most are single piece castings. They are expertly sculpted and so full of character. I like them all.


  1. I can neither confirm or deny the links between Gobba and Gobbo....

    I’m so gonna get this game!

    1. Ha, ha! I thought that would pique your interest. Andy. Gobbo is an awesome little character. You have to get him.

    2. I forgot to mention, there's also a superstar wrestler called Big Andy. This game has your name written all over it!

  2. Blooming 'eck, I didn't expect to see the Gun miniature as being so tall. It looks larger than the standard Orc wrestlers and to be nearing the height of the Ogre figure.

    As you might have read on Blaxkleric's blog, I did buy Rumbleslam - and also picked up the Gun miniature (and the referee, since it was available on the day). So I'm quite looking forward to receiving them all and getting into the game. After watching a video of the game being played I reckon I can adapt my solo mechanics that I devised for my use with GW's BloodBowl, so I'm keen to try those out and then offer them up on the blog and see if people can offer some more ideas, or ways to improve.

    And what with 3-hours of wrestling being on TV tonight, as part of a main event on freeview, I'm quite geared up for the entertainment. Though my level of wrestling fanboy might be frowned upon by the majority, lol :)

    1. Ooh I’d love to see how you get on with the solo mechanics Roy, yes please print it on your blog

    2. @Roy. Gun is over 40mm tall, so, yes, he is a tall beastie, even for an Orc.

      I did see you'd bought "Rumbleslam" and I'm so pleased you did. I've been watching a lot of YouTube tutorials on how to play the game and I reckon it'll work fine as a solo game.

      Enjoy the game and enjoy your viewing. I certainly don't frown upon your viewing tastes.

      Oh, I've never seen the referee figure before. Where'd you get him from?

    3. @Andy. Definitely +1 for this!

    4. I got the referee figure from the TTCombat webstore - I've just looked into it and it appears that it was a Kickstarter only figure, but is also made available to buy on the webstore when the company attends shows/conventions during the year.

      They were at Crisis show this past weekend, so the Referee and an alternative Grave Digger miniature were available (I've noticed that they've deleted them from the webstore today - it was my first time on it this last weekend, so I didn't know of their temporary inclusion). The unofficial rules for the Referee can be found here as a .pdf

      I also got free postage on my two figures order from TTCombat, which I don't if was a one-time only promotion or normal policy for direct sales?

    5. Thanks for that info, Roy. I'll keep a lookout for if the ref appears again. I did see the alternative Gravedigger on the webstore but I'm quite happy with the standard version, especially as he comes with a choice of heads. The one not shown has him wearing a hat just like the Undertaker's, whom he's obviously based upon.

      I don't ever remember paying post and packing for any order from TT Combat so maybe free p&p is a policy of their's.

  3. Wow! Fantastic paintwork on all those mini's Bryan - and I do mean "ALL those mini's"! Your mojo is obviously in overdrive because you're getting through these at a cracking pace! :-)
    (I feel positively pedantic at the moment in comparison to your output)

    1. Many thanks, Greg. Yes, my mojo is firing on all cylinders. I'm just so full of enthusiasm about everything I do hobby-wise. It's what helps keep me sane from real life issues.

      Hey, your output for Zomtober was pretty impressive I'd say.

  4. Great painting Bryan, they had a lot on show at the weekend, including a 9 foot tall Stone Troll posing for photo's, great work by Miguel Gillis

    1. Wow! I bet that was a sight to behold! 9 foot? That's mind boggling!

    2. Quite something to stand next to ! LOL

  5. Bryan, what size base is the troll on? If it's 40mm, It'll be fine for Bloodbowl.

    1. The troll is on a 50mm diameter base. The Ogre, however, is on a 40mm diameter base. Bear in mind, I replaced the official transparent acrylic bases with more appropriate sized MDF bases. If you wanted to use any of the figures in Bloodbowl then just stick them on appropriate sized bases.

  6. Oh man! I was just thinking I need to add a wrestling ring to my town. These look great Bryan!

    1. Who doesn't need a wrestling ring, Tom? You have to get one, mate.

  7. While I have never liked sports wargames the figures do look very nice indeed

    1. I'm not a sports fan either, Clint, but these do appeal to me.

  8. Not sure how you snuck this one in and I missed it, Bryan, but its great to have a proper look at your wonderfully-colourful starter set up close and personal :-) Heck you've even done checker-patterns on the orcs!!

    The Superstars are excellent too, and as some have commented, the Hulkster is huge, as well as being instantly recognisable thanks to your classic paint-job. Were you at all tempted to go with a Hollywood Hogan look by any chance?

    Terrific posting, and its really clear just how much enthusiasm you have for this particular range. Loads of detail on show (Statesman looks like a great American superhero proxy) and a few giggles besides (a jedi goblin - great stuff!!). Easily one of my fave Vampifan postings :-)

    1. I guess when you're following so many blogs it's easy to miss a post. Anyway, thanks for commenting, Simon. Yes, my enthusiasm for this game is very high. I'm busy working on the Cryptborn Nightmares and the Twisted Shadows and I have a couple of superstars for both of them.

      Regarding Gun/Hulk Hogan, I was quite happy with his yellow costume, so no, I wasn't tempted by his Hollywood Hogan look.

      Statesman would indeed make a great superhero. I can just see him teaming up with the Avengers as an ally of Captain America.
