
Saturday 29 September 2018

Vampifans Views 111 - Monthly Musings 81

September has once again been a very productive month for me hobby-wise, more of which later, but first here is a delightful portrait of Vampirella by the talented Spanish artist, Manuel Sanjulian. This would seem to be a perfect pose for a Vampirella statue but it hasn't happened so far. Speaking of Vampirella statues, my collection has now reached double figures and they take centre stage on my china cabinet in my living room.

The big news for me for September was the launch of the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD Kickstarter by EN Publishing on the 25th. Amazingly enough, this project was fully funded within 9 minutes! I was never in any doubt that it would get funded but I wasn't expecting it be so speedily funded as that. I backed it for the Chief Judge's Pledge, which gets me the basic rulebook, the Robot Wars supplement, the Games Master's Screen, the card counter set plus free PDF copies of the books. Note that initially, a dice set was offered but they have been replaced by a set of cardstock counters of Judges, perps and civilians. This is because supply of the dice would have delayed the release of the other products and EN Publishing are committed to short delivery times, which is certainly to be applauded. To be honest, I have so many six-sided dice that missing out on these ones is no big deal.

The Kickstarter runs until Friday 26th of October 2018 and the estimated delivery time for the physical products is January 2019. PDFs will be sent out once the Kickstarter closes. Here's the link for it - I was absolutely delighted to see that my review of the Kickstarter that I posted on my WOIN blog gets a mention. So too, does Blaxkleric's reviews that he did on the Dawn of Comics website. No doubt Simon will be just as chuffed as I am.

Speaking of WOIN, I am hoping to continue to my The Ace of Spades Campaign very soon. I have the scenario all written out and character record sheets created for the major participants. All that is missing are a few 3D scenery items that my brother has printed out for me. I should receive them later today when Mikie comes over to visit me.
A couple of weeks ago I ran a review of the N.O.W. rulebook on my WOIN blog (see here ) and in it I mentioned a few ideas for campaigns that I'd like to run with those rules. Andy suggested I go for a zombie apocalypse campaign with my PC of Vampifan taking centre stage once again. John, however, expressed a desire for a St. Trinian's campaign. They'll be pleased to know that I plan on running both campaigns later on. The St. Trinian's campaign will kick off first. I am busy creating character record sheets for the staff and students of this infamous girls' school and I have lots of ideas for scenarios. This will be a campaign using cinematic rules with an emphasis on fun and slapstick. Gritty and realistic it won't be! I'm still thinking about what I want to do with Vampifan - make him a loner or give him a family? Make him an ordinary human or perhaps a Chosen One? I am very excited about running both campaigns, plus continuing my N.E.W. campaign with Kimberley and crew. And next year I have big plans for running a brand new Judge Dredd campaign once I get the new rulebook. 2019 should see lots of WOIN gaming. These are exciting times.

Earlier this month I bought this boxed scenery set from Modiphius Games - the Red Rocket Scenery Set. What immediately attracted me to this set is that it is designed by Battle Systems Ltd., whose scenery sets I absolutely adore. Although this set is designed to be used with the Fallout Wasteland Warfare sci-fi skirmish game, I have no desire to start collecting figures for it or playing the game. I'm not a fan of computer games and I know so little about the game and its setting. What I do know is that this set would work perfectly well in any post apocalypse game like All Things Zombie, Judge Dredd or Strontium Dog. The garage itself is a superb model but what really makes this set worthwhile is the 3' square gaming mat that comes with it. Made of mouse-mat material, it is compatible with other Battle Systems Post-Apocalypse gaming mats. I can see me using this mat a lot in my Strontium Dog games. The boxed set costs £60.00 and here's a link to where you can purchase it - Expect a full review of this set real soon.

Painting has been going well, as always. Lots more sci-fi and Wild West figures painted this month, all of which will appear on this blog or my WOIN blog soon. A couple of days ago I received all of the Wave 5 figures for Mantic Games' The Walking Dead game and that got me thinking. I have had this game since it was first released ages ago but haven't got round to painting any of the figures for this game yet. It is about time that changed. I understand that October is known as Zomtober to some of you. So this will be my Zomtober challenge but I'm playing to my rules so I'm not an official entrant. I plan on painting all of the figures shown here in the top tray of the Kickstarter Wave 1 boxed set. My deadline is the end of October, and I'll post progress reports throughout the month when a batch of figures gets finished. I have every confidence in my ability to complete the challenge and I look forward to painting this lot. If I finish in good time, I'll move on to more figures from this range or maybe do the scenery pieces.

All the best from Vampifan.


  1. I like that set Bryan would be very useful in a pulp alley game.

    1. Indeed it could, Frank. It does have a very retro feel to it.

  2. Lot's going on in this months musings Bryan, obviously the main one being the Judge Dredd rules for me

    1. Absolutely right, Dave. The Judge Dredd RPG is what excites me the most.

  3. Lots to read and enjoy here, Bryan, especially as I absolutely adore "Fall Out" in many of its guises; albeit I avoid buying "Modiphius Games" stuff these days having experienced massive delays with their "Conan" RPG Kickstarter - which continues to be unfulfilled years after its deadline date. Spookily just last night I was battling bugs at a Red Rocket Fuel Depot on "Fall Out 4".

    It was indeed great to see the "Judge Dredd" RPG achieve its goal so very quickly, and provide "Dawn Of Comics" some exposure. Nerdily I know my first article is accounting for over 50% of the websites views currently; a pleasing statistic for my editor :-)

    Good luck with your Zombtober Challenge, that's a lot of 28mm minis to paint, though I'm sure your enthusiasm for the subject matter will see you through :-)

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Simon. My brother, who is a massive computer game and huge fan of "Fallout 4" visited me today and recognised the Red Rocket garage straight away. He was telling me all about the monsters he met there, which went right over my head, LOL! It seems like you and he would have a lot to reminisce about.

      Congrats on your "Dawn of Comics" articles getting such high ratings. It just goes to show how popular this product is.

      I'm immensely looking forward to my Zomtober challenge and yes, my enthusiasm will surely pull me through.

  4. You know, I hate you so much sometimes Bryan, comments like " I have every confidence in my ability to complete the challenge " can be so annoying, even more so when I have every confidence you will too!!!!

    I'm looking at hopefully getting 11 figures done in October, and I have virtually NO confidence in me getting them done! :-)

    Nice Vampy pic by the way.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Ah, Roger, you sure put a big smile on my face. Thanks, mate! Confidence and enthusiasm are qualities that just can't be overstated and my mojo is sky high right now. Just believe in yourself and surely, you'll prevail, too.

      Thanks for appreciating the Vampi pic. I like it a lot.

  5. I totally forgot about Zombtober! Well I’ve just got Zombicide Black Plague so I guess I better get these guys ready ...

    Great musings B, some great stuff here Judge Dredd being the big draw

    1. Thanks, Andy. I hope you have as much fun painting the Zombicide:Black Plague figures as I did. Mind you, I only painted the figures from the starter boxed set. I still have loads from the expansion sets yet to paint!

      Judge Dredd is most certainly big news.

  6. hmmmm a few things to think about.
    I had completely forgot about Zombtober, Thanks for the reminder. May have to brush off the walking dead game a bit!
    The Fallout gas station looks good I shall watch that part of your plans with interest. As for 2000Ad big fan and if they ever do a "Harlem Heroes" game or better yet a "Flesh" game count me in BIG TIME.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I haven't seen any advanced news about Zomtober so I don't know if it's still going ahead or not, but either way, I fancy the challenge.

      "Harlem Heroes" seems unlikely, but who knows? "Flesh" on the other hand, is a distinct possibility for a supplement. We'll just have to wait and see.

  7. Lots going on in this month's Musings Bryan, plenty to look forward to and your enthusiasm sounds sky high which is good news. I'm pleased to hear about the St Trinian's campaign and I'm looking forward to seeing that develop, also it'll be interesting to see how you develop your vampifan figure. Good luck with all this.

    1. You know me, John - I love to keep busy. I wouldn't want it any other way. I must admit that I am having so much fun designing the back stories and stats for the cast of my "St. Trinian's" campaign, so many thanks for suggesting I do it. I need to have a long hard think about what I want to do with Vampifan.... but he will get done.

  8. Well I was wondering about Zomtober but The Wargaming Addict blog hasn't mentioned it so I assumed it was on hiatus

    Orctober / Rangers of Shadow Deep is lurking large on the pile of shame with a human, Arabic and Orc warband waiting for the glue and brush. Some last century paintjobs have been paint stripped and treated for lead rot. See how things go.

    1. Thanks, Phil. If you check out Simon Quinton's blog, you'll see that Zomtober is indeed going ahead. Good news for those wishing to take part.

    2. The best of luck to you, Phil.

  9. Sounds a solid plan Bryan. No matter how you plan to take part I shall still include your blog on the roll if that is ok?

    1. Thanks, Simon. Please do so. Having just read your latest blog post I'd now like to be included as an official participant.

  10. Thanks for the head up Bryan. Can you email me, I have a questions. Thanks,

  11. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on
