
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Vampifans Views 112 - Monthly Musings 82

Halloween greetings to you all. I start with yet another beautiful Vampirella painting by the talented Sanjulian, whom I've been featuring all of this year. It is unusual to see Vampi wearing robes but I do like her look.

So what have I been up to this past month? For the first time ever I entered the Zomtober challenge and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Initially, I decided to paint the 38 figures from the top layer of the Mantic Games Kickstarter wave 1 boxed set of The Walking Dead. Having completed that task in just three weeks I then decided to carry on and finish painting all of the figures from wave 1, which included 8 more zombie figures in the above boxed set, booster packs featuring, Rick on horseback, Morgan and his son Duane, more zombies and the 6 figures from the Prelude to Woodbury starter set, which consisted of Brian "The Governor" Blake and 5 more zombies. I know I should be calling the zombies, "walkers" when referring to The Walking Dead but I much prefer to call them zombies. So far, I have shown 34 of the 38 figures I've finished painting so far. The remaining four will be featured in my next post, followed by all the rest of the wave 1 figures. Zomtober morphs into Zomvember! I'm having so much fun painting these figures that I want to carry on. I have all of the wave 2, 3, 4 and 5 figures and I have pre-ordered the Here's Negan stand alone boxed game, which goes on sale on 19th of November. Just to prove that I have painted all of the figures from the top layer of the Kickstarter wave 1 boxed set, here's a photo of them all. Impressive, huh?
In other news, the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD Kickstarter came to a close a few days ago and was phenomenally successful. 2,004 backers pledged £148,802 of the £7,500 needed to fund it. Within a few hours of the project closing I had received PDF copies of the rulebook, The Robot Wars supplement, the Games Master's screen and the counter tokens to use in place of miniature figures. Physical copies of these products are due to be shipped in January 2019, which isn't too long to wait. I'll do a full review of them after I receive them. I must admit that after browsing through the PDFs I am extremely impressed by the high quality and production values of these items. I have read the character generation rules for creating Judges and I have just finished designing my own character record sheet to use for the many Judges, Perps and Citizens I'll be creating. This was based on my own designs for my N.E.W. and N.O.W. character record sheets with just a bit of tweaking. I am in the process of transferring the stats of the four pre-generated Judges found at the back of the rulebook to my CRS's. Then I'll start work on creating my own Judge characters to use in the campaign that I'll start playing early next year.
EN Publishing have announced plans for some of the next products that will be appearing from this range next year. These include two supplements for Judge Dredd - Luna-1 and The Cursed Earth. Rogue Trooper and Strontium Dogs will be the next two rulebooks but note that these will only cover the characters, careers, equipment and settings for these stories. For the basic gameplay rules you will need the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD rulebook. Morrus, the head honcho of EN Publishing, has announced that he already has a full manuscript for one more product and is half way through another, both of which should be released in 2019, so exciting times!
Comparing this version of the Judge Dredd role-playing game to others from the past I can definitely say that it beats all others hands down. It is just a brilliant product and I am mega excited about getting back to playing Judge Dredd again.

For my WOIN blog, I have been busy painting more sci-fi figures and I have increased my cast of St. Trinian's staff and schoolgirls. I am still working on creating Character Record Sheets for them all - there are about 40 in total, so it's a big cast and each one is unique. I have also been painting scenery items and furniture to use in my next The Ace of Spades Campaign scenario and my first St. Trinian's Campaign scenario, which will be my first game using the N.O.W. rules.

It's Halloween night tonight and I love Halloween. I'm stocked up on treats for the kids and I'm looking forward to seeing their costumes. Last year I had 15 trick or treaters and they all put a lot of effort into their costumes. I'm hoping this year will be just as good. Happy Halloween everyone.
The trick or treater I most want to meet tonight! It looks like she's trying to smuggle a couple of pumpkins out under her dress!


  1. Great work on your walking dead Bryan, lots of cool stuff in the pipeline for 2000 ad fans.
    I think she needs a thick jumper in this weather

    1. Many thanks, Dave. I'm looking forward to gaming lots of 2000AD stuff next year. If she was a Geordie lass she wouldn't feel the cold! ;-)

  2. Great post Bryan & your right to carry on doing The Walking Dead stuff while in the mood, Judge Dread will I guest one of your Newyear protects but I think the one I'm most looking forward to is your St Trinian's one :)

    I hope you get to meet the trick or treater above but as its Halloween don't be surprised if shes transforms as the night wears on, but that for you would probably just make it even batter :) enjoy your Halloween Bryan Mahaha

    1. Hi Frank. It does make sense to carry on painting my TWD figures whilst I'm still in the mood.

      You can blame our good friend John for the St. Trinian's campaign. It was he who asked me to start it. It should be ready to go real soon.

      Some say that Halloween is a magical time of the year, so who knows what may happen. I can but dream!

  3. Fascinating post Bryan, although, I don't remember the first part, but the example of perfect geometry and symmetry is WOW, just WOW!

  4. Great post Bryan, really looking forward to your return to St Trinians!

    I refuse to add some smutty joke about that poor lady in the last photo, I above that sort of thing, she might have her "knockers" but I'm sure she is a lovely person and we should all just "nip" it in the bud!! (oh bum!! now I'm as bad as the rest of you!).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. LOL, Roger! :-) I'll make sure I keep you "abreast" of what I'm getting up to, mate!

  5. I hate Halloween. I have had NO trick or treaters. And that is just the way I like it!

    The Walking dead all look good in their boxes.
    A St Trinians Campaign, now that sounds good as well.

    Some things to look forward to.

    1. Hi, Clint. I guess Halloween is like Marmite - some people love it, some people hate it.

  6. You're a bad man Bryan, I guess if you get trick or treaters like your young lady we would all move to the north east. :) She does have a lot of pumpkins though.

    We're all as childish as each other ;)

    As you know I'm looking forward to your St Trinian's campaign, so it's good to know I won't have long to wait, I've been enjoying Brummies figures recently, great minds etc.

    Can't tell you how impressed I am with the quantity and quality of your out put, well done and another entertaining musings.

    1. John, your comments always cheer me up! Sadly, she never turned up last night and I only had six kids calling on me, trick or treating. I wonder if the bitterly cold weather kept more folk indoors?

      I, too, have been impressed by Brummie's St. Searle's/ St. Trinian's figures he posted this past month.

      Best wishes, my friend.

    2. I'm sorry pumpkin girl didn't turn up maybe next year ;)

      I live on the edge a small village and we don't get trick or treaters because we usually give them a trick and if they come back we eat them.
      Saves a lot of trouble at this time of the year and helps keep the larder filled for the cold days ahead.

    3. Attaboy! Laughing my ass off, John!

  7. It was good to see you involved with Zomtober this year. I've always found it to be very helpful in motivating me to get stuff done :-) !

    1. Thanks, Hugh. That was certainly the case with me. Zomtober gave me the perfect excuse to start work on my TWD figures... and I'm glad it did!

  8. You were on fire this month Bryan. Well done accomplishing so much on your TWD project. They look sharp! So do those pumpkins.

    1. Many thanks, HP. As you can probably tell, I thoroughly enjoyed the Zomtober challenge. There are two pumpkins in particular that I admire! ;-)

  9. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on
