
Saturday 24 November 2018

Firefly Adventures - Goons

It's my birthday today and this afternoon I'll be playing my first game of Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats, which I'm very much looking forward to. In my last post I showed you the Heroes of the game and this time I want to turn my attention to the bad guys, collectively known as the Goons. There are two types of Goons - Cowboys, who are ranged combat specialists, and Thugs, who are melee combat specialists.
The Cowboys are made of brown plastic, so I have stuck with shades of brown for my colour scheme for them. The Cowboys can be played in easy mode or hard mode. In easy mode, they all have identical stats and just 1 Fight and 2 Wounds.
However, in hard mode, shown on the reverse of their stat cards, each one is an individual with unique abilities and variable Wounds. From left to right, they are identified as Duellist, Grizzled Gunman, Roper, Sharpshooter and Tracker. I have to say that I really like these figures and they wouldn't look out of place in a Wild West setting or the Strontium Dogs game or as Cursed Earth bandits in Judge Dredd. I particularly like the Sharpshooter with his incredibly long-barrelled pistol.
Moving on, we have the Thugs. Just like the Cowboys, these can be played in easy mode, where they all have identical stats or in hard mode. These were moulded in grey plastic, so I have given them all dark grey clothing to unify them.
From left to right are the Bodyguard, the Bruiser, the Butcher, the Martial Artist and the Punk. These would make fine scum and villainy in any sci-fi game.
By the way, yesterday I received these two Crew Expansion Sets from Amazon UK, which add the four passenger figures from the Serenity into the mix. As with the five Heroes from the starter boxed set, they come in Casual and Heroic modes. I plan on getting them painted real soon. All is shiny!


  1. Great painting on the goons Bryan, and the new additions look good, do they do a set of reavers as well ?

    1. Thanks, Dave. The new expansion sets are excellent. No Reavers yet. Hopefully, they'll turn up in a future expansion set.

  2. hmmm not heard of those rules so I shall tune in with great interest.
    Th figures look good and with luck will get much use.

    1. Cheers, Clint. As a huge fan of the TV series I have been patiently waiting for someone to produce a range of 28mm scale for this franchise and Gale ForCe Nine have more than succeeded. Cool figures matched with a great game that can be played solo or with others - a massive thumbs up from me.

  3. Many Happy Returns Bryan, and I hope you've had a great day :-)

    You've done a cracking job on all these minis, and as a Firefly / Serenity fan, I'm loving the review of the game so far - really looking forward to hearing your thoughts after a play through!
    Our nearest game store had a copy of Firefly but I didn't have time to have a good look - I'd only popped in for some brushes and paint while Mrs G ordered lunch in the Thai restaurant next door. I'll have to go for another massaman and drop hints about Christmas presents if you give the game play a thumbs up ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Greg. I have just finished my first play through of the rules and I have to say, the game far exceeded my expectations. I'll give a more detailed review of how the game plays in my next post but I will say this to you - if you're a fan of the TV series then you'll love this game! It was so much fun that I immediately wanted to play it again!

  4. The figures look great Bryan! Hope your day was a happy one :-)

    1. Thank you, Major. The figures are really good and I had a great day. It certainly was a happy birthday.

    2. Good. Glad to hear that you had a great day. I'm looking forward to your next post about Firefly Adventures.

    3. You shouldn't have too long to wait for it as I'll be posting it in a couple of days time.

  5. Shiny! Nice paint work! I will definitely be ordering the expansions myself!

    Happy birthday!

    1. Shiny indeed, FB! the expansion sets are excellent value, giving you three more missions per set plus extra equipment cards as well as the figures. The new missions are especially welcome.

  6. Excellent Bryan & Happy belated Birthday wises I hope you enjoyed the game & look forward to reading all about it :)

    1. Many thanks, Frank. I'll be reporting how I got on my next post. Suffice to say, the game played really well.

  7. These look great. Dang that is a huge pistol on that one cowboy. Looks cool though!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Simon. I love that humongous pistol as well!

    2. The pistol reminds me of For a few Dollars more, I think Lee Van Cleef had one like it in the roll with all the guns in it on his horse :)

    3. Good spot, Frank. I showed a photo of Lee Van Cleef with the very pistol you're talking about in this post here -
      However, the barrel of this Sharpshooter's pistol is even longer than that!

    4. No he has a longer one then that Bryan, he never use's it in movie its the top one on the gun-roll when he gets the rifle near the start of the movie, if you watch the link you'll see it :)

    5. I'd totally forgotten that scene, Frank. Many thanks for the reminder and the YouTube clip!

  8. Nice one Bryan, sorry to be late with the Happy Birthday but HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    1. Many thanks, John, and don't worry about being late. As far as I'm concerned everyone is welcome.

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