
Saturday 17 November 2018

Zomvember 2018 part 4 - Zombies

This is my final post for my Zomvember challenge and I'm showcasing the last 8 zombies from the wave 1 releases of The Walking Dead skirmish game by Mantic Games.
These four zombies are to be found in the Prelude to Woodbury Solo Starter Set and are all unique sculpts. The female at the far left appears to have been a corporate suit from her attire. She has been bitten in the neck and her right leg is broken. There is a splinter of bone protruding from the wound in her leg.
The male next to her is dressed in casual clothing and has suffered numerous bites all over his body and limbs.
The female in the ochre top has suffered a massive wound to the centre of her torso as well as bites to her legs.
Finally, is a topless male who is feasting on a someone's intestines, which he holds in both hands. I do like to see feasting zombies but they are very rare.
The female at the far left also came from the Prelude to Woodbury Solo Starter Set. Her lower jaw has been removed so that is going to make it impossible for her to bite a victim. However, she can still make claw attacks with her hands.
The female in the pale blue night dress is the zombie figure you get with the Morgan Booster Set. She has been bitten in her neck.
The male zombie wearing the jeans and white vest is from the Rick on Horse Booster Set. He has suffered numerous cuts and bites.
Last of all is a swap of the zombie crawler from the starter boxed set. I repositioned his left arm and gave him black hair to make him look slightly different to the original figure who had brown hair. His wounds are truly horrific and disgusting.
Once again, these were an absolute pleasure to paint. I haven't played many games of The Walking Dead seeing as I don't really like playing with unpainted figures, but now that I have all of the wave 1 figures painted I can see me playing this game more often. I would like to play all of the campaign scenarios in chronological order. Whether I chronicle them on my blog remains to be seen.


  1. Bryan I think you are having altogether too much fun with painting these guys and your descriptions are getting more and more gruesome. Keep it up :)

    1. John, I can't deny it! I had forgotten just how much fun it is to paint contemporary zombie miniatures, especially ones as well sculpted as these.

  2. No cuties here Bryan but some cracking painting all the same, perhaps the zom four in the first picture is snacking on zom threes intestines?

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Much appreciated, Roger. You make a good point about the feasting zombie and could well be right.

  3. Gruesome Bryan & I mean that in the nice's possible way :)

    1. Thanks, Frank, and I know exactly what you mean. ;-)

  4. Delectably gory bunch you have there Bryan! Great work as usual.

    1. Many thanks, Major. Delectably gory is a very apt description.

  5. What a great and varied group of walkers Bryan, your right about not many zombies feasting being available.

    1. Thank you kindly, Dave. It is a shame there aren't more feasting zombies available.

  6. Nice additions mate! I am going to be prepping the Prelude to Woodbury set in the next few weeks. Looking forward to doing these.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I hope you enjoy painting them as much as I did.

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