
Tuesday 4 December 2018

Battle Systems Red Rocket Garage Set

A couple of months ago in my Monthly Musings I mentioned that I had bought the Red Rocket Garage set from Modiphius for their Fallout game. Although sold by Modiphius Entertainment, the set was actually designed by Battle Systems, one of my favourite producers of 3D card scenery. It did not take me long to make the building and other items from this set and to paint the edges of them to give the set a more realistic look. I've been waiting a while to showcase this set and so here it is.
The set consists of the Red Rocket Garage, 2 petrol pumps, 2 power loaders, 2 crates, 1 sign, 1 short corrugated iron wall, 3 pieces of scatter debris and a 3' square neoprene gaming mat. For me, and many others, the best thing about the set is the gaming mat. It is compatible with Battle Systems' Wasteland terrain mats and is usable for so many games. I know I'll be getting a lot of use out of it in various post-apocalypse and sci-fi games.
The garage itself and most of the other items are made of thick card. The actual Red Rocket and the two petrol pumps are made out of resin and come unpainted. I have glued the rocket and its support struts in place. The walls of the garage have been glued to the floor.
 This set fits in perfectly with my background picture boards.
This being designed for a post-apocalyptic game, everything looks dirty and abandoned. Note how the Red Rocket sign is hanging askew - a clever touch.
 As with all Battle Systems sets, the texturing is just amazing and very highly detailed.
This photo above shows the front of the garage with the forecourt canopy removed. Here, you can see the two petrol pumps much more clearly. To the right, you can see one of the two power loaders, which my brother, who has played the Fallout games, tells me are used for carrying suits of powered armour. Suffice to say, he was able to tell me a lot about the garage. I should just mention that I do not play computer games at all, so my knowledge of them is very limited.
The canopy and the roof of the garage are both detachable. The interior of the garage consists of an L-shaped room and a square workshop. It does not include any furniture. Presumably, they were looted. Various posters adorn the interior walls.
I think this is a great set, even though I am not a Fallout fan. I won't be playing the computer game or the miniatures game. When I bought this set a couple of months ago it cost me £60.00. Checking in on the Modiphius webstore today, I see that they have increased its price to £75.00 and it is currently out of stock. I'm mighty glad I bought my copy when I did.


  1. Nice looking piece Bryan, I know your a fan of these card system so you got it at the right time

    1. Thanks, Dave. Yes, I am a huge fan of the Battle Systems scenery sets. They really set the bar high.

  2. Great looking set Bryan & looks like you got in before the rush :)

    1. Cheers, Frank. I've learned from bitter experience in the past that if you want something badly it is best to get it asap.

  3. Hi Bryan, this is an excellent looking piece which as you said blends in perfectly with your backdrop, and mat. A big plus all round.

    1. Indeed it does, John. A marriage made in heaven you could say.

  4. Great looking terrain piece Bryan! Battle Systems terrain sets are awesome!

  5. I didn't know about these fine pieces of terrain. Good looking stuff. I am now waiting for them to be in full play.

    1. I'm glad to enlighten you, Cedric. I do have examples of them in play. If you check out my WOIN blog and click on my "The Ace of Spades Campaign Scenarios" at the top of the blog you'll see them being used extensively.

  6. That truly is a thing of beauty Bryan!

    Dirty, rusty, beauty, but beauty all the same!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. I totally agree with you, Roger. It is exactly what you'd expect from a post-apocalyptic building. Also, it is very cleverly designed. I doff my hat to the guys at Battle Systems.

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