
Monday 4 March 2019

Firefly Adventures - Heroes 02

Last month I finished painting the figures from the two expansion sets for Firefly Adventures by Gale Force Nine, Respectable Folk and Wanted Fugitives. These two sets include the four passengers of the Serenity captained by Mal Reynolds. Respectable Folk contains Inara Serra and Derrial Book, whilst Wanted Fugitives contains siblings River and Simon Tam. Once again, the figures come in two sculpts for each character - Casual and Heroic.
A member in good standing of the Companion's Guild, Inara Serra brings a level of refinement to any system, city or room she enters. Out on the fringes of the 'Verse. Companions are the stuff of stories and fantasies. Inara is uniquely capable of negotiating with friend or enemy. If your crew needs to talk their way out of a situation, Inara is the person most likely to succeed.
With a love for spaceships with character, Shepherd Derrial Book is travelling in search of his place in the 'Verse. While not all of Serenity's crew welcomes the message of the Good Book, his past connections with the Alliance can pull some useful strings. A man of God can provide a certain amount of cover in heroic situations. Even violent thugs pause before doing harm to those in the company of a preacher.
Simon Tam's skill as a doctor is only matched by his awkwardness outside the medical bay. Given how common bullets and blood seem to be, putting up with him is worth it to have a real doctor around to patch the Crew back up. Simon's ability to heal two Wounds with one Action can be crucial in tough jobs. River is not able to Act Casual without Simon's trusted presence. If you need River to keep calm and quiet, you'll need to have Simon nearby.
Calling River Tam a prodigy is a vast understatement. Taken by the Alliance at a young age, military scientists subjected River to experiments that enhanced her prodigious abilities and shattered her grip on reality. Now, only her connection with her brother, Simon, and the rest of the Crew anchors her enough to not destroy everything around her.
For the most part these figures are nicely sculpted and posed. What does let them down is their facial detail, which is very soft. In the case of River, it is virtually non-existent. These four figures complete the crew of the Serenity, so are useful additions to the game.
The two boxed sets each contains 2 Casual plastic figures, 2 Heroic plastic figures, 1 building (the bottom of the box), 11 tokens, 10 equipment cards, 2 Crew character cards, 2 Downed cards and 3 Job Briefings (scenarios). I bought my two boxed sets from Amazon UK for £15.00 each.


  1. Great work on these additions to the Firefly collection Bryan, especially the patterning on Inara Serra - I've just bottled out of even attempting something similar (in the very same colour scheme) on a kimono, so I'm highly envious! :-)
    Despite your reservations on her facial detail, River Tam is VERY evocative - your rendition of her instantly conjured up memories from the movie!!

    1. Greatly appreciated, Greg. Patience and a steady hand was the secret to painting the flower patterns on Inara's dress.
      River Tam is my favourite character from the series and film so I was disappointed at her lack of facial detail but I'm happy enough with how she turned out.

  2. I may have to dust off the DVD's !!!!

  3. These are fantastic Bryan! Love the design work on the red dress, and the purple and brown suit looks great too.

  4. They look great Bryan. Nice work on them all. The dress is brilliant.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I did enjoy painting them all.

  5. I like the contrast in the poses for each figure. I am almost tempted to get some seeing these

    1. Thanks, Clint. They are certainly nicely posed and I very much love the game.

  6. Great completion of the crew Bryan, are they doing a reavers expansion ?

    1. Cheers, Dave. No announcements yet for a Reavers expansion set. I would hope they do one.

  7. A wonderful paint job Bryan you really captured the characters & now you've the full crew ready to go, but where is their ship ? it was as much apart of the show as the crew :)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank. I think a 28mm scale "Serenity" would take up a huge amount of table space. I am not aware of anyone who has made one in this scale. That said, I do agree, it was very much a character in its own right.

  8. My name is Olisa Blessing, I am so happy. I never believe I will be this happy again in life. I have worked as an air hostess ( cabin crew ) for 3years but early this year, I lost my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV).
    I never felt sick or notice any symptoms. Not until the day all workers were asked to bring their current doctor's report card, that was how I got tested and I found out that I'm HSV positive and that made me lose my job because it was considered as an STD and is an incurable disease.
    I was so depressed to the extent that I started thinking of suicide. I explained my problem to an older friend of mine, who repeatedly proclaimed to me 'a problem shared is a problem half solved.
    She felt so pity for me that she referred me to Dr. Utu Herbal Cure, that was how I contacted Dr. Utu and got the medication from him and was cured for real.
    I went back to my work a month later with a HERPES NEGATIVE test result. They were astonished and curious when they saw my HSV NEGATIVE result so they carried out another test on me in the company lab to be very sure and they found out I am indeed a HERPES VIRUS FREED PERSON.
    Finally, the initial HERPES POSITIVE result was replaced with a new HERPES NEGATIVE test result, and my position was given back to me with an apology letter and a salary increase.
    Beware of impersonators,
    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
