
Friday 29 March 2019

Resident Evil 2 Lickers & Zombie Dogs

After painting the four heroes for the basic game of Resident Evil 2 by Steam Forged Games, I turned my attention to some of the enemies they would encounter. Strictly speaking, I should have started with the Zombies as they are the common enemy who appear in every scenario, but instead I opted to paint some of the uncommon and rare foes. In this post I'm reviewing two of the uncommon foes - Lickers and Zombie Dogs. Note that in each photo, I have included my 28mm scale figure of Vampifan to give you an idea of the scale of the enemies.
Lickers are skinless mutants with long prehensile tongues and claws. They are very adept at climbing walls and ceilings, not unlike a spider. In the game, they have a movement rate of 1 and 3 wounds, making them tough opponents. Their special ability is Scuttler. A licker makes a move reaction every time a character on the same tile or a linked tile performs a move action, unless the character began the move in the same square as the Licker.
The two Lickers to the left of the photos are normal Lickers. The two to the right are slightly different with a much longer central claw on their hands. These are Evolved Lickers. In game terms, Evolved Lickers move 2 squares and cause 2 points of damage as opposed to 1 by a normal Licker. Both types of Licker may attack a character who is one square away from them or in their same square. Lickers are nasty!
Next up are the Zombie Dogs. They only have 1 wound but can move 2 squares and they have the Pack Mentality special ability. Before resolving a Rabid Chase attack, all Zombie Dogs on the same and any linked tiles as the active character perform a move reaction.

Although Zombie Dogs are just as easy to kill as human Zombies, they are much faster and close in on you in no time at all.
These are great figures and they were very easy to paint. I do like the fact that they are all unique sculpts. The Zombie Dogs are sculpted on 20mm diameter bases and the Lickers are on bases measuring 20mm by 40mm.


  1. Those dogs are sweet. I'm going to have to put those on my want list.

    1. Thanks, Tom. I'm not sure I'd describe Zombie Dogs as being "sweet", but I do get your drift.

  2. Having not seen the films I have no idea about "Lickers" (but just the figures and the painting does give me in idea! As for the Zombie dogs... well I think we all need more of them.

    1. Much appreciated, Clint. More Zombie Dogs? I do have a few others in my collection, certainly enough to make a terrifying pack of them.

  3. Great looking lickers and dog's Bryan, the lickers were most imposing in the movies as I recall, and the dogs made quick work of a lot of would be surrvivors

    1. Many thanks, Dave. Both the Lickers and the Zombie Dogs from the movies made an impression on me. Scary beasts!

  4. Sweet Bryan they capture the real things from the movie's very well, of coarse when I say the real things its only a figure of speech as there's no such thing as Lickers & Zombie dogs, or is there ? what that noise coming from the back yard ? :)

    1. Greatly appreciate your comment, Frank. I certainly hope there are no such things as Lickers and Zombie Dogs in real life... but what if there were? Welcome to the apocalypse!

  5. I really like the paint job on those lickers B, the was you’ve made them glisten is excellent

    1. Thank you kindly, Andy. They were painted with Tamiya Clear Red, which is superb for painting blood effects.

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