
Tuesday 2 July 2019

Core Space - Criminals

In Core Space the prominent criminal gang is Zed's Crew. Self-styled as a "crew" it is true that occasionally they will hijack a ship and indulge in piracy. However, they don't have the cohesiveness to work as Traders due to their leader's uncaring nature and the subsequent high turnover of gang members.
First in line is Zed, the gang leader. Charismatic and dangerous, Zed spends his time controlling, cajoling and bullying his "family" to do his bidding. Although superficially charming he is an extremely dangerous man with a hair trigger temper and no regard for life at all. He is an endless font of risky get-rich-quick schemes that often end badly for his "crew"; hapless beings conned into an endless cycle of easily replaced hired muscle.
Evangeline is a hired killer with a talent for violence. Once only interested in profit she has been drawn to the chaos of Zed's crew, fascinated and disgusted by Zed's machinations and the unknown folly of his crew. She is a skilled and merciless fighter masking her fury with grace. Emanating a hard exterior she is no longer interested in money, sex or power, only the cold oblivion she finds when killing.
Whatever Chunk started life as he is now just a huge, drug fuelled meat-puppet who does what Zed tells him and questions nothing but his next fix. This unhappy creature is the fusion of both technology and medication at the far end of "experimental". A pet project of Zed's, Chunk is never far from his side and will fly into a berserker rage at the merest nod from his master.
Collectively, the three gangers to the right of the two photos are known by the charming term slumscum - someone who has grown up in a poor neighbourhood, with no education, poor nutrition and dogged by a lifetime of bad decisions. With no real choices left to them they easily fall into the roles of lowlifes and thugs for hire.
From left to right are Hobb, Razor and Milly. Hobb has tried to live a normal life but his anger and selfishness has pushed him further and further away from normal society. Razor is a collection of impulses and drives that seem to bypass the smartest parts of the human brain - he takes what he wants and cares nothing for consequences. Milly has a lifetime of regrets made worse by bitterness and a blind hatred of everyone.

These are a great set of figures, making excellent starport scum or perps. They would fit in well in Mega City One as a perp gang and I have already used some of them in my The Ace of Spades Campaign. Regarding Evangeline, she very much reminds me of Battle Angel Alita as played by Rosa Salazar in the 2017 film of the same name. Definitely a cool character.


  1. Mean and moody I wouldn't like to meet them in a dark alley.

  2. Great looking band of scum and villainy Bryan, they would look right at home in any sci-fi setting

    1. Thank you, Dave, and I totally agree with you.

  3. A very interesting crew you have there Bryan, I hope the rules in someway do them justice :)

    1. Much appreciated, Frank. I think the rules do do them justice. I'll know better when I play a game with them.

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