
Sunday 19 December 2010

Eolith Miniatures Zombies 01

This is my first review of anything produced by Eolith Miniatures. They are a small UK-based company run by Steve Buddle. Steve's motto would seem to be quality rather than quantity as the output of his company is quite meagre. Eolith Miniatures are one of four companies who make up the Forum of Doom, along with Hasslefree, Heresy and Black Scorpion. Eolith currently sells only one pack of three 28mm scale zombies, who are described as measuring 31mm from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads. Although designed with the fantasy gamer in mind, I found that these will work just as well in a contemporary setting.
At the far left of the photos is the only female of the group. She wears a long dress, which has been torn at the left side to reveal most of her leg. The lady has a long cut to her right thigh in addition to the cuts and bites on her left leg. The left arm of her dress has also been ripped apart, revealing another cut to her lower arm.
Next up is a shirtless male zombie, who could have been a drifter before he was infected. He wears sturdy shoes, trousers and a ragged jacket. He has a wound to his forehead, along with minor wounds to his chest and limbs.
The third figure from this set is armed with a small hand axe. He wears a waistcoat, trousers and one sock and one shoe on his left foot. He suffers from numerous small bites, cuts and stab wounds but from a distance looks almost normal.
The fourth figure in these two photos is Ugh the Zombie (dreadful name, Steve!) whom Steve sculpted and sold when his company was called Spyglass Miniatures. It is only recently that Spyglass has evolved into Eolith. Sadly, nearly all of the figures produced by Spyglass are now out of production. I include this figure purely for completeness and also because it's another Steve Buddle sculpt. Ugh is dressed in jacket, trousers and one shoe. Apart from a few cuts to his jacket he appears to unwounded. He isn't badly sculpted but is of a lower standard than the other three zombies shown here.
The pack of three Eolith Miniatures zombies costs £8.00 from their website. I like them a lot as they are beautifully sculpted figures. There was talk on the Forum of Doom about Steve sculpting contemporary versions of these three but I don't know if that'll happen. As I said, I have no problem with using these as part of my horde of contemporary zombies.


  1. Oh, I like the female zed. What a nice miniature. Or do I just like red-haired women in green dresses?

    Is the one with the small axe supposed to be a smart zed?

    BTW, you've made it! More than 100 followers, even when you dicount my strange double account. Congratulations!

    Whiteface / Oliver

  2. Nice work again VtG! and well done on making the century! Keep up the good work!

  3. @ Captain Richard and the Angry Lurker. Thanks, guys!

    @Oliver. Redheads in green dresses is a good combination. The zombie with the axe could be a smart zombie but seeing as he's not wielding it aggressively, he could just be a normal zed who has no idea why he's holding it.

    I was going to comment on my passing the 100 mark for followers in my next post. I was hoping to reach 100 by the end of this year and I've not only achieved it but surpassed it. I'm delighted! Clearly, I'm doing something right!

    @Colin. Many thanks for your enthusiastic support. It's greatly appreciated.

  4. Congrat's on having 100+ followers
    and these Zeds look great i especially like the redhead in the green dress, when i look at the third and fourth ones it looks like there looking down at somthing upleasent.
    your paintjob realiy brings them to life!

  5. Thanks, Zombie Hunter. I got a very complimentary thank you from Steve Buddle (the sculptor of these figures) on the Forum of Doom for my paintjobs. It made my day!

  6. Hi Bryan,
    Stopping by to catch up after our big 4 day gaming spree. My favorite in this batch is the female. Her dress is not too revealing, just enough leg showing to get the Zed boys interested and hopefully delay their assault on any nearby players.

  7. Hi, Willy. A four day gaming spree? Once again I'm green with envy. You lucky man! No doubt about it, The female zombie is the most popular out of this bunch. She is a very nice figure.
