
Wednesday 22 December 2010

Vampifan's Views 07 Festive Greetings

As we approach Christmas and the New Year I thought I'd do an editorial to look back on 2010 and let you know what to expect next year. This past year has seen my blog go from strength to strength. As I type this I have 105 followers and my hit counter is just shy of 70,000, both of which are fantastic achievements. For me, one of the best things to happen to my blog is that I started my All Things Zombie campaign with my alter ego, Vampifan, taking centre stage. I deliberately set out to make my batreps as instructional as possible to help newcomers come to grips with the rules of the game. From the feedback I've received I certainly succeeded in that goal. I would like to do some purely narrative batreps and I have a scenario in mind for one. Before I can run it I need to get more scenery made, specifically a headquarters for Team Vampifan. One of their first goals next year will be to find somewhere in Mayhem City that they can call home. It also needs to be big enough to accommodate newcomers to the group. That is Vampifan's second objective - to recruit more survivors. For the HQ, I'm thinking of basing it on the Mayhem Junkyard. With its perimeter wall, it should make a good defensive outpost. I've been making a few Ebbles prefabricated buildings, which come in four sizes. They'll do fine for barracks, store-rooms and garages. So, lots to look forward to folks. Also, bear in mind, my last scenario took place on the night of Project Lazarus. So in future, expect to see Ragers and Smart Zombies joining in (yikes!).
Moving on to books, films and TV, 2010 turned out to be a poor year for horror films at the cinema but much better for DVD buying. My favourite undead related film that I saw at the cinema this year was Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D. Alice sure knows how to kick zombie butt. All hail St. Milla! Best DVD went to True Blood series 2. I don't have satellite TV so I missed The Walking Dead TV series, but I am so looking forward to buying it on DVD when it's released next year. It'll be a tough call to decide which is best - True Blood series 3 or The Walking Dead series 1. I also enjoyed the zombie movies of Doghouse, Survival of the Dead, Zombieland and The Horde that I'd bought on DVD earlier this year.
As for books, I probably read more zombie novels in 2010 than I have in any other year. I have a huge collection of vampire novels but not many zombie novels. I made a deliberate effort to change that at the start of the year. I have no hesitation in choosing Feed by Mira Grant as the best novel I read this year. It is set 20 years after a zombie apocalypse and the world has changed forever. It follows the fortunes of a group of very successful bloggers who are chosen to record the campaign of a presidential nominee during election year. With bloggers as the heroes I was immediately drawn to them. The book starts off slowly, with zombies being almost incidental to the plot, but  once the heroes get the campaign gig, it really kicks off and by the end I literally couldn't put it down. I read the last 150 pages in one sitting as I was so caught up in the story. Oh, and it has one hell of a surprise ending that I just never saw coming. An outstanding novel. In fact, it was so good both my parents read it and enjoyed it as much as I did and they have never read a zombie novel in their lives!
Looking to the future, there won't be any major changes to how I run my blog. Figure reviews will continue to dominate most posts. Expect to see more size comparison photos in 2011. The zombie one proved very popular and I'll probably do a follow up to it later in the year as I add to my horde. Also, I'll continue with my scenery reviews and ATZ batreps. For January, I have something new planned. I plan on showcasing some of my undead related artwork. It says in my profile that I'm a graphic designer. One of my most pleasing assignments was to illustrate an anthology of short stories about vampires. I'll do a post to let you see my illustrations. I have a secret project that I'd love to share with you but I'm keeping it under wraps until it's finalised. For the moment, let's just call it "the Italian Job."
For me, one of the most pleasing aspects of 2010 was seeing the launch of so many new blog sites dedicated to zombie gaming. You guys know who you are and I'm proud to call you all friends. What I love about this blogging lark is we are a community. There is no rivalry or oneupmanship. I go out of my way to help others whenever I can and the positive feedback I get is more than enough reward. To everyone who runs a blog I salute you and I wish you every success. To those who just follow or lurk, my sincere thanks to you as well. Feedback is the lifeblood of any blog and I feel blessed to have so many enthusiastic followers willing to share their views.
The picture that I chose to illustrate this post is of course, Vampirella, in a festive mood. It is by comic artist Kevin Lau, who illustrated many of the Vampi comics.
So all that remains is for me to wish you a very happy Christmas and a joyous New Year. Peace and goodwill to you all.


  1. Happy Holidays Vampifan! btw..Mel Ebbles just put up a vehicle called the JeepVee that you might be interested in. It comes in black. 8)

  2. Yeah great post mate, you sure have been busy this year, I look forward to what Vampifan will get upto in the new year and to all the surprises that go with that, Happy Holidays and keep safe, well blog more in the new year.

  3. Happy Cristmas and New Year to you and keep up the good work.

  4. @Werewolf8. Many thanks for the heads up. I've just downloaded them now. Proper Humvees - Woot!

    @ArmChairGeneral, The Extraordinarii and The Angry Lurker. Many thanks to you all for your best wishes. I appreciate the sentiments.

  5. merry christmass Vampifan
    cant wait for your blog to continue
    i will post a batrep soon i just need to do the terrain. good luck for all of next year.

  6. Thanks for all your help and support this year VtG, and now I'm going to have to get Feed!

  7. @Zombie Hunter. Thanks, mate. Best of luck with your first batrep. I hope it all goes well for you!

    @Colin. It's been a pleasure knowing you, Colin. I wish you every success for the future and hopefully 2011 will be an even better year than 2010!

  8. Merry Christmas to you too, Bryan! I just bought Feed, and was happy to read this post of yours, as I have high hopes for it :)

  9. Bryan- Merry Christmas and hope New Year brings you Hordes of Undead (miniatures that is not the real deal, LOL). I noticed the new Meebles offerings too, just with they would have been out before he released the Archive DVD, really like that Onager for use as a Tracked Snow Vehicle and/or another vehicle for Castle Pharmaceuticals to use (an APC for the Black Knights???), a "medical" response vehicle???) along with the Jeepvees. I might spring for the downloads of one or two of their schemes.

    Looking forward to seeing more of Vampi and gangs adventures, and finding out if Rhinna (or however you spell her name) is interested in Vampi, LOL.

    BTW my Ebbles archive DVD just arrived today, already looking through it.

  10. @Mikko. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts (or anyone else's for that matter) on Feed. It certainly impressed the hell out of me. I ought to do a much longer review of as it deserves a post of its own.

    @Doug. I can assure you that 2011 will be bringing me hordes of undead miniatures. I've recently sent an order to the USA for the Recreational Conflict zombies. I also need to stock up on Mantic ghouls and zombies, so that's another 100 to boost my horde!

    I'm grateful to Werewolf8 for alerting me to the new vehicles from Mel Ebbles. I ordered three of each in blsck, grey and olive drab. I'm undecided about buying the CDRom with all of his old stuff on as I have a lot of his stuff already and the stuff I don't have doesn't really interest me. Still, with a 90% discount it sure is a bargain!

    Vampifan and Rhiannon? Hmmm, watch this space! I'm saying nothing on this matter!

  11. Just as a bit of info Vampifan, I purchased the S.P.R.U. agents from Rec Conflict miniatures, and unfortunately I couldn't use them they were massively undersized and the body proportions were too thin, of the five agents one measured 23mm (foot to eye) another 25mm, body proportions and heights were all over the place, perhaps with zombies it wont matter that much ? Aw well just a heads up for you, let me know what you think of them when you get them, I would be interested.

  12. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you (and every other Zedhead) as well!

    Thank you for lots of reviews, pictures and very entertaining batreps.

    Whiteface / Oliver

  13. @The Extraordinarii. Thanks for that info. I almost purchased the SPRU Agents at the same time but decided to hold back until I saw what the zombies looked like. I'm glad I did now. I'll put up a review as soon as I get the figures painted. Height variations of figures don't bother me too much so I may still end up buying them.

    @Oliver. Many thanks. I hope you get your computer fixed very soon and I look forward to more of your own batreps.

  14. A great Christmas to you Bryan and we are looking forward to another great year of Vampifans world.
    LTL Mom is up and running again and I think we will get in an ATZ Christmas special this weekend. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  15. Right back at you, Willy! I'm glad to hear that LTL Mom is on the mend. Give her and your family my kind regards and all the best to you too.
    I always enjoy reading your batreps, but especially love the ATZ games you guys play. You've entertained a lot of people this past year with your off the wall approach to gaming. Long may it continue in 2011!

  16. No problem for the heads up. I'm grateful to you for you dedication to the zombie arts. 8)

  17. Many thanks, Werewolf8. The Jeepvee and the Onager are both excellent vehicles and I'm looking forward to building them.

  18. Mel's working on a BSG Cylon troop transport now. I have some photoshop ideas for making it a Damnation alley style survival truck.

  19. Merry Christmas Vampifan ! I just bought myself "I, Zombie" and it's your fault. :D
    Now, I have the trilogy and no reason to not set up my own ATZ campaign.
    Moreover I have a 1/64 remote controlled chopper (gendarmerie Eurocopter EC 145) to escape and some Fenris Humvees to bring zombie killers on my newly Ziterdes/Armorcast buildings.
    Yes, Santa Klaus (in others words I) was very kind with me !!!! ;-)

  20. @Werewolf8. That's great news. I remember seeing Damnation Alley when it was first released at the cinema many years ago. Posy apocalypse vehicles get a big thumbs up from me.

    @Ulu. I'm glad to hear you've had a great Christmas with lots of zombie-themed goodies coming your way. I wish you all the best with your ATZ campaign and if you do decide to chronicle it in a blog you're guaranteed a number of followers! Let me know how you get on once you get going.

  21. Posy apocalypse vehicles? Oooops! I pressed y instead of t. That should, of course, have read post apocalypse vehicles.

  22. Thanks for all that you do Bryan. What you do has been inspirational for gamers, painters and manufacturers of zombie related stuff. I really appreciate it and although times have kept me from my fav hobby you keep me interested. Hope to talk to you more in the new year and try to get back into painting my horde. Happy new year Bryan!


  23. Thanks ever so much, Roger. I hope all is well with you and that 2011 turns out to be a better year for you than 2010. I'd like to see more of your zombie horde as you're a very talented painter. I wish you good health and happiness for the new year. Take care, my friend!

  24. Thanks Bryan, sorry I've let my blog go to rot but my customers are keeping me busy.
