
Sunday 9 October 2011

Eolith Zombies 2 and Heresy Zombies 2

The three zombies I'm going to review today are from the second half of the Eolith range of 28mm scale fantasy zombies sculpted by Steve Buddle. Even though Steve's zombies are designed primarily with the fantasy gamer in mind, these work just as well in a contemporary setting, as I shall show you. Shortly after I bought these, Steve closed down the Eolith website as he was going off to sculpt figures for the evil empire known as Games Workshop. Fortunately he had the good grace to sell most of his 28mm scale moulds to Andy Foster at Heresy Miniatures. So now Heresy are making these figures and that ought to explain why I have titled this post the way I have. Enough waffle, let's look at the figures.
There is something about grossly fat and obese zombies that I like. I just can't get enough of them. So hats off to Steve for sculpting this magnificent specimen at the far left of my two photos. His trousers were meant to be tied up by a piece of cord, but I've painted the two ends of the cord that hang down as a small piece of chain and painted the rest of the cord as a black leather belt. A simple paint job was all it took to transform him from a fantasy zombie into a contemporary zombie. Also, by painting his trousers denim blue was another way of "modernising" him. He has a mass of wounds all over his bloated body, the biggest of which is to the left side of his face and neck.
In the centre of the group is a very dainty sculpt of a small girl zombie. This cute little critter still keeps a tight hold of her dolly. I painted her with her throat ripped open and so blood has soaked down the front of her dress. From behind she looks just like any other normal human little girl. From the front she's the stuff of nightmares.
Finally, we come to my hoodie zombie. Once again, it is the paintwork that has transformed him into a contemporary zombie. He only has one shoe but I have painted it as a trainer, even though it looks like his foot is bandaged from the front. I should have taken a sideways photo to better show it off. I deliberately chose drab grey colours for his clothing to reinforce the drab existance of his prior human life. His life as a zombie is probably not much different to his life as a human. He'll still hang around on street corners with his undead mates offering nothing positive or productive to human society. Yet another waste of skin!
I am a big fan of Steve's work and I'm sorry he's no longer working on his own but I understand that bills have to be paid and even though I'm no fan of GW, he'll certainly earn more with them than if he'd carried on with Eolith. I wish him well for the future. He will be missed.
As for these figures, I think they are delightful. There is a lot of fine craftsmanship in the sculpts of them and they will grace anyone's zombie horde. You can now purchase them from Heresy's website for the very reasonable price of £5.00 for the set of three. At less than £2.00 per figure that is a good price to pay.


  1. More great Zombies Vampifan and I like how you've made them modern day Zeds. Steve did a really nice job on these sculpts, shame he didn't expand on the range before going over to GW.

  2. I agree, Phil. I'd have loved to have seen this range greatly expanded. Still, let's be grateful for the six figures that Steve did make and also, let's be grateful that Andy is now selling them on his site.

  3. You did a great job modernising these. It's amazing what color choice and knowing what to emphasize on a model can do. Very nice. Once again, the first thing I see when I look at your zombies is the eyes. So perfectly creepy and menacing. Nice.

  4. Great sculpts and with an excellent paintjob.
    Its amazing how a paintjob can change the appearance or even the era its from

  5. @Luckyjoe. What you say is so true. When you look at my fat zombie you'd just think he was sculpted as a contemporary zombie. The white dot in the sunken black eye sockets works extremely well for creepy zombie eyes.

    @Brummie. Thanks, mate. The simplest conversion to do is a different paint job from what's expected.

  6. I love the girl! There is just something really spooky about her.

  7. Three great figures, amazing what a paint-job can do, as Lucky Joe says, the eyes are really what you notice first and they shout at you "Zombie".

  8. Yeah I also concur! Great modernising, they wouldnt look out of place in any post apoc horde. The little girl IS brilliant. I always like to see kid zeds.

  9. @Johnny. The little girl IS spooky! As I said, she's the stuff of nightmares!

    @Joe. Painting zombie eyes my method is very simple and very effective. When I say simple, I mean it is if you have a steady hand and a very fine tipped brush to dot the eyes!

    @JP. I wish more figure companies made zombie children. There are still far too few being made. Studio Miniatures and Mega Miniatures would seem to be your best bet for zombie kids.

  10. Compare it to children being absent in almost every violent video game (infamous being Jagged Alliance 2 and Fallout 2)... Even wargames are still too PC to show kids being killed in combat, Zombie or not ;-)

  11. Coincidentally, the capcha for the above post was "irozeds" O_o

  12. @Cherno. You make a good point! Perhaps, instead of bemoaning the lack of zombie children we should be grateful for the ones that have been made. Although that still doesn't stop us from making wish lists!

  13. These are uber cool and I'm glad they are available again. Was the little girl one of the ones you sent me? I have to have her. I just read a great short story about a little zombie girl and it was absolutely vile. I just cant remembver things and everything is packed for the crossing!

  14. Totally usable for any period of zombie gaming, you did a good job there.

  15. Yukky creepy girl, good work vampifan, shes my fav of this lot.

  16. Creeeeeepy!!! Really like the fat one and the girl... a must have!

    If you haven't see drop a watch at this:

    Really scary child ;)

  17. @Roger. You don't have the little girl. The first set contained two male adults and a female adult. I'll drop you an e-mail about getting this new set.

    @Fran. Yep, versatile zombies, usable in any period!

    @The Extraordinarii. That little girl has a lot of fans!

    @Zerloon. Another vote for the little girl! I'm going to check out your You Tube link right now.

  18. I wonder if one of the Zombie children available is modeled after the zombified daughter from the Dawn of the Dead remake.

  19. I very much doubt it, Cherno, but I like your thinking!

  20. These look superb and you've made the zombie girl ulta-creepy too!

  21. I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
