
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Foundry Vampire Hunters

Vampire slayers must have the lowest life expectancy of any profession. But despite this obvious drawback, there are still brave and hardy folk willing to step up to the mark to rid the world of evil bloodsuckers everywhere. Wargames Foundry make a range of four 28mm scale vampire slayers and I'm going to review them here.
At the far left of the group is VIN061 Father Eamon McSweeney. He looks like a grizzled veteran who has been in many a fight. Note how the right sleeve of his long coat has been ripped off. This guy is just armed to the teeth. His primary weapon is a 5.56mm Minimi Squad Automatic Weapon held in his right hand. In his left hand is a 9mm Machine Pistol with fitted silencer and scopesight. As back-up he has a small pistol in a holster on his right hip, a dagger in a boot sheath on his right leg, a bottle of holy water on his belt, numerous silver stakes and loads of ammo pouches strewn across his chest. His crucifix is prominently displayed hanging around his neck. To further show off his veteran status, I gave him greying hair with a while streak. He's probably only in his early forties. This is a figure that just screams out "player character" or "Star."
Standing by his side is VIN62 Elizabeth Anne McSweeney, whom I'm assuming is Eamon's daughter. With a blonde hair paint job, she'd make a very passable Buffy the Vampire Slayer. By the way, did you know that Buffy's middle name was Anne? That always amused me because if she dropped the name Buffy she'd be called Anne Summers, which prompts thoughts of the well known lingerie stores of the same name. Anyway, Elizabeth Anne is armed with a wakizashi (Japanese shortsword) and a wooden stake. I think she's a beautifully sculpted figure and like her father, just oozes character.
Next in line is VIN025 Sister Wendy. I wish Foundry had chosen a better name for her than that, because whenever I hear the words "Sister Wendy" I think of the old nun who is an art expert on various TV programmes. She appears to be some kind of elite killer working for the Vatican or some secret religious order. Her most obvious weapon is her 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 machine pistol with fitted silencer and scopesight. Her back-up weapons are very similar to Eamon's - pistol, dagger, wooden stake, bottle of holy water and a grenade. I very much doubt it's the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Monty Python fans! Her left hand is adjusting a microphone from a headset hidden by her hood. At first I thought she was pulling the pin out of a grenade with her teeth but closer inspection revealed that was not the case. Shame!
Finally is the vampire slayer who is best equipped to deal with any undead menace - VIN022 Hot Wax the Flamebabe. I have renamed my figure Marie Saint-Juste because I didn't like Hot Wax as a name or a nickname. Her flamethrower is perfect for incinerating vampires, zombies or any other kind of threat. The question is, is she fast enough to use it? Her back-up is minimal - nothing more than a small flask of holy water, which she is brandishing in her right hand.
Collectively, they make a great team of vampire slayers. They would also work extremely well as zombie hunters. You could just as easily split them up as the figures are sold separately. Knowing how tough most vampires are, I'd recommend keeping them together. I'd like to see how they fare when THW releases its After The Horsemen supplement, due out soon. Rules for vampires will be included in the supplement.
The figures are sold for £3.50 each. But buy them now and you'll get 20% of the RRP whilst Foundry's current sale lasts.


  1. Nice figures, and a great paintjob to boot vampifan! Top notch as always

  2. Good looking figures. They could easily fit in as zombie hunters I'm sure, but a drift into vampire hunting scenarios would be cool too.

    Thanks for posting.

  3. They're good figures, McSweeney and Hot Wax are my favourites but you're right Sister Wendy reminds me of that one on TV with the mouth of Shergar. Well painted as usual my friend.

  4. I like them. Just the nun, I feel her out of contest, but it's me :D

    Father Eamon look ready to kick some vamp-ass...

    By the way, are you serious? In the Four Horsemen supplement there will be vampire?

    Don't know if this is a good news... but, let see. :D

  5. They look great! I really like these....

    Hmmm...There went the SMS alarm again......

  6. @Brummie. Many thanks, my friend!

    @Adam. They'll work equally well as vampire slayers or zombie hunters or as a special force fighting any kind of supernatural foe.

    @Fran. Ha ha, you're so right about the mouth like Shergar! Cruel, but true!

    @Zerloon. ATH will cover all kinds of supernatural opponents - ghouls, vampires, were-creatures, shapechangers and demons are all supposed to be covered. The setting is supposed to take place long after the zombie apocalypse, so you'll be able to throw everything into the mix.

    @Johnny. Apparently the Foundry sale will last until 11th October. Still plenty of time to place an order.

  7. they look great, the nun and priest look cool,but as roman chatolic i could never own such figs;-)

  8. @Shintokamikaze. I never knew that. What strange rules you have:)

  9. These are some excellent minis, and as always, very nicely painted. I really like this theme. I like vampires much more than zombies. I didn't know THW was doing a supernatural supplement. That is going on the buy list.

  10. Good solid review and top-notch paint job to boot.
    I really like the detail you can spot and point out, I thiink I 's miss a lot of it otherwise - eg. the mike adjustment !

    I also think that "Hot wax" wass advertised at £1, before the sale, so should be 80p now !

  11. Very nice figures! I like McSweeney, the gal in the red coat!!

  12. I agree with Ray - Anne looks the best.

    I am amazed they are being sold as single figures and not in a pack! What will Foundry think of next? Cheap postage?

  13. @Luckyjoe. The THW supplement After The Horsemen was originally going to be called All Things Horror, as a somewhat obvious nod to ATZ. It still retains the same initials but has undergone quite a few changes these past few years. It's been in development for a long time but it shouldn't be too long before it's released.

    @Joe. The figures of Father Eamon and Sister Wendy have loads of detail on them. I've just checked on the Foundry website and you're right, Hot wax is advertised for just £1.00 or 80p if you get her whilst the sale still lasts. I've no idea why there is such a huge price decrease on her.

    @Ray. I quite agree, Elizabeth Anne is a lovely figure. Nice cleavage and backside, huh?

  14. @Shelldrake. Oops, just missed your post. Cheap postage? C'mon, this is Foundry we're talking about! Mind you, if you buy one of their books, postage is free. Hmm, on reflection that's not much of an incentive, is it?

  15. its not a real rule, but it might be disrespectful, after all murder is the biggest sin, and people of the cloth dont carry guns, but the pope was a hitler youth AA guner in WW2,;-) i remember as kids me and my friends got in big trouble for reading fighting fantasy game books in our chatolic school lol.

  16. Nice paint jobs Bryan. I remember whebn you couldn't buy Elizabeth Anne with your soul, lol.
    Dying to paint something like this, lol. At least I
    can live vicariously thru your great posts Bryan, thanks!

  17. @Shintokamikaze. I knew it wasn't a real rule, which is why I put a smiley sign after my comment!

    @Roger. Most of these figures were originally offered as freebies if you bought certain sets of figures. It's great to see them being sold separately nowadays and respect to Foundry for doing the right thing. I bet you can't wait to get back to painting stuff that you want to paint. It must be so frustrating for you. (For those wondering what we're on about, Roger is in the process of moving house.)

  18. The priest miniature very closely resembles one guy from another Foundry set "Outlaw Trash".

  19. @Cherno. You're right, he does. I dunno which one came first, but it would seem that one is a conversion of the other. If I had to guess, I'd say it's Father McSweeney who's the conversion.

  20. Anyway, I'd love to see a character like THIS in a zombie movie. The Kung-Fu priest from Brain Dead was funny enough, but a muscular one with ammo pouches strapped to his chest and a huge machine gun in one hand is just ridiculous... I hope some director will have the balls to include him :)

  21. @Cherno. Hell, yes! I'm with you on this one.

  22. Nice my friend very nice, I like the nun with a gun ! I've always thought that a vampire hunting game would be fun...

  23. I'm sure that Cherno was refering to the kung fu priest from Peter Jackson's "Brain Dead" film. Here's a link to a You Tube clip showing him in action

  24. What a great catch-phrase! It would make a worthy slogan for a T-shirt or car bumper sticker.

  25. Frankly speaking I'm not very excited about a mix of other supernatural treath. I like Darkstalker like everybody, but this is just another kind of game. :D

    BUT I dislike BA Worms and Psi powers, so it's me .D

  26. @Zerloon. Actually, I'm very excited about seeing new rules for other supernatural creatures. Whether or not I'd incorporate them all (or just some) into my ATZ campaign is another matter entirely. I think ATH would have to be a separate campaign.

    For what it's worth I don't like BA Worms or Psykers either, or Ragers if I'm being perfectly honest!

  27. These rock! I am going to have to get some and base a pulp game around them.

  28. Lookin' class as ever my man.
    My only concern is...who wil kick ass for agnostics?
    Where oh where is the .45 cal 1911 armed Peter Hitchens figure?

  29. I think I know who you mean, JP.

  30. Hey Vampifan!

    Do you have the "Old West" version of Father Angus McSweeney? IMHO, he's PERFECT for DRACULA'S AMERICA!


    1. Many thanks for pointing him out to me, Edu. Sadly, I don't own this figure. I do agree that he wouldn't look out of place in the Old West.

  31. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
