
Sunday 16 September 2012

Foundry Hardwire Troupe

The five figures that I'm reviewing today come from Foundry Miniatures' set SV017 - The Hardwire Troupe, which are part of the Street Violence range. This team of hardasses are heavily armed, well armoured and ready to take on any challenge. My first impression when I saw them was "Black Ops." Interestingly enough, there is a supplement for GURPS 3rd Edition called Black Ops, in which players are part of a five man team made up of specialist characters from the following five departments - Combat, Intelligence, Science, Security and Technology. A typical Black Op agent is built on 700 points, meaning they are very high-powered characters. Below, I describe my own GURPS Black Ops team.
I have given them all names, some of which are based on the Christian names given to them by the Foundry folk, whilst the rest are my own inventions. At the far left is Penelope Meilinger and she is from the Technology Department. Note that all agents wear flak vests, black coveralls, black leather dusters (long coats) and mirrorshade sunglasses. Penelope carries a 5.56mm Steyr AUG Assault rifle with a modified scopesight and folding bipod. She is also armed with a pistol in a holster on her left hip and who knows what is in her reinforced briefcase?
Next up is Miranda Ramirez, who has dyed her normally black hair bright orange! Don't be fooled by her quirky look - she is a member of the Intelligence Department. She is armed with a pair of 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A2 Sub-Machine Guns. Note that with both guns she has taped two ammo clips back to back to facilitate a faster reload time. She also has a pair of pistols in holsters on both hips. She is unique in wearing thigh-length boots. These aid her in stealthy movement.
In the centre of the group is Curtis Quint, the Combat specialist of the team. He carries a 5.56mm M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). On his belt are two holstered pistols, a Flash-Bang grenade and a High Explosive Grenade. Curtis is slightly taller than the rest of the team and I painted him as an African/American. All Black Ops agents are black belt martial artists, but Curtis really excels in melee combat.
Fourth in line is Fabian Tancredi, the Science Department agent. He has very long, natural blond hair, which makes him stand out as much as Miranda. He is holding a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A3 Sub-Machine Gun in his hands. He has a Pistol in a holster on his left thigh, and possibly one on his right thigh. If so, it is hidden by his long coat. He wears a back pack, which like Penelope's briefcase, could hold just about anything.
The fifth and final member of the team is Sean DeSanto, the Security Department agent. He is armed with the very rare 5.56mm ATK-Heckler and Koch M29 Individual Combat Weapon - a combination Assault Rifle and Grenade Launcher. He also has at least one BA Pistol in a holster and a Flash-Bang grenade. Security agents are meant to be a jack-of-all-trades and are expected to know a little bit about everything. This probably explains why he is carrying such a large flight bag across his back.

I have described these as part of my GURPS Black Ops team, simply because they are such a perfect fit, but they need not be. These could be any group of professional monster hunters or just a group of mercenaries, working together to survive a zombie apocalypse. If you are looking for something more cinematic in scope, like a team of vampire slayers or werewolf hunters, then look no further. Any one of these figures would make a great player character in the likes of ATZ. However, put them together and you have a formidable team of fighters, capable of taking on the toughest of foes, be they human or supernatural.
Foundry Miniatures sell this set of five figures for £10.00 on their webstore. Incredibly, I wrote this review without once mentioning The Matrix. D'oh!


  1. Lovely work Bryan, great Matrix type figures as well!

    1. I so nearly got away without mentioning the Matrix!

  2. Nicely done Bryan, I really like this set and its on the list to get (someday)

    1. Just one of many sets to get, eh, Simon? I know the feeling very well!

  3. That's a pretty sweet line up!

    I didn't once think The Matrix until you said something about it, I guess it's slipping from group conscience finally.

    1. Hmm, I still think there's quite a way to go lose the Matrix connection just yey, Mr. V. Black leather dusters, guns and mirrorshades - it must be the Matrix! Not always!

  4. These guys...Looks to be suited up for vamppire tracking/killing!

    Damn they are nice!!! And a pretty good paint job yet again Mr. B.

    1. Many thanks, Johnny. They look ready to kick anyone's butt!

  5. Great set and you've really built them up nicely both with paintjobs and your descriptions of them. I really like how you broke them down by position and assignment.

    1. Adam, it was almost as if this set had been designed with GURPS Black Ops in mind.

  6. Very very nice looking clandestine miniatures, would be sweet in a zombie apoc situation.

    1. I have no doubt at all that this team could handle a horde of zombies.

  7. They look "Kickass" and I think they're an improvement on how Foundry display the same set, but will we ever see them in action swooping down in a blck chopper ?

    1. I can't answer your question, Joe, but it is a terrific idea. I'll see if I can make it happen.

  8. I was hoping that you would someday review the Hardwire Troue, and now you did it! Great :) Love those figures, they have a nice near future vibe to them, if only for the name ;)

    1. Thanks, Robert. Given time I will review every one of the Foundry sets from the Street Violence. I have them all and more importantly, they are all painted. The Hardwire Troupe wouldn't look out of place in a cyberpunk or near future setting.
