
Wednesday 19 September 2012

RAFM Terrorist Cell

Today, I'm going to review three sets of 28mm scale figures from the RAFM USX Modern Day Heroes range - set RAF02809 Decius the Terrorist Cell leader, RAF02810 Terrorist Cell (4 figures) and RAF02811 Karl H. Unger the Terrorist Cell Enforcer.
At the far left of my two photos is Karl H. Unger, the terrorist cell enforcer. He is the only terrorist not to be wearing a balaclava, a jacket and body armour. So, he stands out from the rest of the team as either a hardass or as someone with a deathwish. Or, perhaps both! He is armed with the ubiquitous terrorist weapon of choice - the 7.62mm AK47 Assault Rifle. He also has a BA Pistol holstered on his left hip, a couple of grenades hooked onto his shoulder straps and he wields a vicious-looking Bowie Knife in his left hand. He is not a man to be messed with!
Next in line is the cell leader known as Decius. Is that his real name or an alias? Who knows? He holds a 12 gauge Franchi SPAS12 Automatic Shotgun aloft and has a BA Pistol in a holster on his left hip. The mouth of his balaclava has been left open, so he can shout out orders without sounding muffled. I decided to paint this group in an urban camouflage pattern made up of a mid grey background with black and white streaks on top. It has come out very well in my opinion.
The next four figures are unnamed mooks from the Terrorist Cell set. The one standing next to Decius is a one-piece casting armed with a 7.62mm AK47 Assault Rifle and a BA Pistol. I have added one of the spare rocket clusters for the RPG7 rocket launcher to him. This set comes with two lots of spare rocket clusters and it's up to you who gets them.
The next two figures in line are identical sculpts but come with their arms and rifle as a separate piece. By gluing the arms on in different positions they look slightly different. One appears to be firing his AK47 and the other is holding his rifle in a more relaxed pose.
The final figure in the group is the heavy weapon member of the group. His arms and RPG7 Rocket Launcher were a separate piece, as were the spare rockets hanging from his belt. He also has a BA Pistol in a holster as a back-up weapon.
As a terrorist cell, these fall under the category of Gangers if used in ATZ, although you could get away with using them as a militia Survivor group. The inclusion of the RPG7 gives them some real punch in a firefight but if you were going to use them in ATZ you'd need to come up with your own stats for it.
As ever with RAFM figures I must give a word of warning about their size. These are closer to 35mm in height than 28mm, which makes a mockery of RAFM's assertion that they are 28mm scale figures. I'll still use them in my games but for some of you they may be too large. Karl and Decius cost $5.95 each, whilst the set of four terrorists costs $12.95. Pricey, I know, but they are a nicely sculpted group of figures and they fill a niche that few other companies cover.


  1. Nicely done Bryan, they could even be Corporate mercs as well. I know what you mean about the height. I was considering getting some Fenryll Post Apoc Bikers as they look quite mean. However I saw them in the flesh yesterday and they are very tall as well as having integrated square bases. Shame they would of gone well with my growing biker gang.

    1. Corporate mercs is a good idea, Simon. They do have that look about them.

      Sorry to hear about the Fenryll bikers. I haven't actually seen them but there are a lot of alternatives when it comes to bikers.

  2. Great paintjob! Camouflage isn't easy to do.

    These guys look like trouble. A lot of stealing a blimp and terrorizing Wasteland-Z from above.

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. Thanks, Oliver. Painting camouflage can be a reight bitch but I'm happy with how these guys came out.

  3. That's a very interesting and highly usable set in many contexts, it's a set I can't remember coming across before;they look very tall too, but how do they compare with others ?

    1. They are highly usable in a number of contexts, Joe, but they are at least a head taller than most 28mm scale figures. They'd fit in well with the Foundry Street Violence range and Horrorclix figures. They don't look too bad when stood alongside Studio Minis' figures but they do dwarf the likes of Hasslefree and Mega Minis.

  4. Well....Now that the police have taken a pounding.... Maybe these guys move in to take a bite of the city?

    Looking really good mate

  5. Nice job on the camo. Really like this!

  6. These look real nice Bryan, and I especially apreciate the job on the camo, I have painted some in my time and know what a challange this is, you have pulled it off well.

    1. Many thanks, TE. I appreciate the compliments on the camo pattern.

  7. I'd liked these sculpts for a while, but the 35mm does seema bit too much for me. I may grab one of them at some point and treat him as a huge man. But a whole team of huge freaks? I'm not so sure.
    Regardless, you've painted up some impressive camo.

    1. Perhaps they masquerade as a team of basketball players when they aren't involved in their terrorist activities, Adam. Seriously though, I don't know how RAFM can get away with calling them 28mm scale!
