
Sunday 2 September 2012

Reaper Civilians - Students

As an accompaniment to my review of the Reaper Geeks (see here) here are another three students from college, high school or university - Reaper set 50090 Townsfolk: Jock, Chick, Nerd, which are part of the 28mm scale Chronoscope range.
At the far left of these two photos is the Nerd, a stereotypical character with glasses and below average looks. He has a couple of text books tucked in his right hand. He has tried to dress casually but his lack of fashion sense shows in the way his jeans have been folded up far too much at the bottom of his legs and his socks are clearly visible.
The chick could be friends with the Nerd, as she is also holding a text book or perhaps its her exercise book. She is very pretty with neatly groomed hair and she is smartly dressed. There is nothing slutty about her. She clearly has brains and beauty - a winning combo. I like how I have captured her smile.
Finally, is the Jock. No, he's not a Scotsman! Sports and outdoors activities are his forte. We can see this by the fact that he is holding a football, i.e. from the sport of American football, not soccer. He is also dressed casually, but this time he has got the look just right. He is blond-haired and good-looking, but what is his attitude like? Arrogant, big-headed and a bully? Or is he sociable and friendly?
These three are a perfect match up to the three Reaper Geeks that I mentioned above. Also, if you are looking for more civilians in your game, these are very well sculpted and would be worthy additions. As I keep saying, you can never have too many civilians. After all, the undead need lots of victims to feed upon!
This set cost me £6.35 when I ordered it from Miniature Heroes, a UK-based company who imports Reaper miniatures from the USA. If you live in the UK, they are worth patronising as they save you on postage and the hassle of having to deal with our Customs and Excise robbers.


  1. I'll be the Jock then!, damn good work as usual Bryan and don't get me started on those feckers from Customs!!!!!

    1. The Angry Lurker lives up to his name! Actually, Fran, I have nothing but contempt for those C and E feckers. Earlier this year they stung me for £12 for a parcel from America. I had to pay £4 excess postage and, get this, an £8 administration fee! Eight fecking quid! Welcome to Rip Off Britain!!!!!

  2. Carrying books they are surely not students! The only time I ever saw students carrying books was either in thier 1 year or when parents were visiting! Nice paint job though. You can almost guess thier courses by looing at them. (Computer Science, Teacher training and either Media studdies or sports science!)

    1. ** opps LOOKING at them... sorry I can't spell!

    2. Don't worry about it, Clint, I got your meaning. By the way, should I point out that you spelt "Oops" wrong in your second comment? No! Okay, I won't!

  3. Once again, a fine set of minis there. Also, I love the “tar man” mini in your previous post. Now that I’m working zed project again, I’ll have to check out that site, as I to, am a bit dubious about ordering overseas. Speaking of Civic minis and overseas, last night I noticed that Flying Frog Productions are separately selling their LNOE heroes again. At about £16 (once converted) for the 12 minis + postage from the US seemed a fair deal as long as the customs gimps leave well alone. Safe to say I couldn’t resist them.

    1. That's a good deal, Dave, if you just want the figures. I already have the game and its supplements but I haven't got round to painting any of the figures. Too much to do and too little time, sigh!

    2. I did look into Lnoe as a simple game to play with some friends who aren’t into war gamming, but as I had bought the dreaded bag ‘o’ zombies as a cheap option to try out some different rule sets, I opted for that instead. Most of my effort had been going into painting and collecting my survivor minis, and I’ve been after these for a while now! For now though, while I’m waiting to see what FFO brings instead of my mod of Akula’s rules, I will be looking at my options for replacing the bag ‘o’ zeds with a real hoard.

    3. I wish you all the best with your figure collecting and painting.

  4. They look great Bryan your collection of Civilians is steadily growing. Nice work on the chick the flesh is really good

    1. Thanks, Simon. You wouldn't believe how many civilians I have! I've only shown a fraction of them.

  5. They are great Bryan. I must say I really like the face of the girl. Her smile looks so natural, it easily makes one's day! :)

    1. Yes, I'm really happy with how her smile turned out. It took two attempts to get right, but it was worth it.

  6. Nice ones mate. I have the same set...Only not painted, or based....Or prepped.... Well I have them in a box!! I will get to them eventually!!

    1. What you need, Johnny, is a round tuit. Because when you get a round tuit, you'll paint them.

  7. It's a great set and you've done them proud.
    I hope we get to see a lot of your civilians in your new camoaign.

    1. I'm sure you'll see a lot more civilians during the first few months of the campaign and especially so during the first month.

  8. Nice minis Brian and painted very well aswell.

  9. The unarmed civilians are always a hit with me, and these ones are top notch. You've painted them all very well.
